[37] double date

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[ cw: mentions of seizure, brief drug use ]

Marlee's POV

"Oh my god, why did I agree to this?" I groaned as I ran around my dormitory, getting ready for my date.

I threw on a pair of black jeans and a tan, v-neck long sleeve that had straps crossing just below my breasts. I curled my hair and tied half of it up into a bun.

I was supposed to meet George, Miles and Janessa in our common room in two minutes but I was barely ready. However, I did wait until the last minute to start getting ready so I had no one to blame.

I quickly tossed on a necklace and my Mum's ring as well as shoes, then I ran out of my dormitory, quickly bidding my friends goodbye as they wished me good luck. I was in such a rush that I didn't even see Janessa and completely rammed into her.

"Oh my god! Janessa, I'm so sorry, I-I was just running late and I'm so frazzled and—"

"Marlee, calm down it's okay. Why don't we just walk down together, the boys can't leave without us." She linked her arm around mine and dragged me down the stairs.

"You know I'm surprised you both said yes, you and George. I really thought you guys had something but I'm excited to see how tonight will go. George was always so nice to me in Charms class plus he is hot." Janessa continued to ramble but I decided it was best to not listen as I started to feel a pang of jealousy hit me in the chest. She looked beautiful, as always, in white trousers and a pink cropped top.

As we approached the common room, I saw Miles and George chatting on the couches. They immediately stood up when they saw us and I nervously switched my eye contact between the two boys. Merlin, George looked absolutely handsome in his gray trousers and brown turtleneck. But I also always had a soft spot for Miles. He was the quieter and more shy one of Adrian's friends. He looked adorable in his red shirt and blue jean jacket on top.

"Marlee—you guys look..." Miles couldn't seem to find the words.

"Stunning," George finished it for him. I watched as he gazed at Janessa, speechless. He quickly turned his attention to me, giving me the same look, and we stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Janessa suggested that we best be going.

George led us to a one-eyed witch statue, the statue of Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, and tapped his wand to the hump whilst saying, "Dissendium". The hump opened to reveal a small passageway with a slide leading to darkness.

"Ladies first," George said and held out his hands, invitingly.

Without hesitation, Janessa slid down and I followed. I landed with a thud on the dirt and dust flew into the air. I coughed as Janessa helped me up and swiped my butt a couple of times to get the dirt off. Miles came down soon after and then George, executing his landing, perfectly.

Show off.

In front of us was a long, pitch black tunnel. George said the walk would be almost an hour so we quickly casted Lumos and began our trek. It started off with friendly conversation, mainly Janessa talking and Miles was pretty quiet. I think he was sort of thankful that this ended up being a double date.

At one point, Janessa was showing Miles how to charm his shoelaces so they'd never come undone, leaving George and I behind them.

"Miles isn't as talkative as I thought he'd be," George said in a hushed tone so they wouldn't hear.

"I think he's just blown away by my beauty," I joked and batted my eyelashes, dramatically.

George rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek as he replied, "Right."

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