[09] honey

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Marlee's POV

Although I knew Aries was upset that I couldn't come to her game, she understood since she saw how I was at the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor game. I felt really bad and wanted to support her but I also didn't want to end up making a scene.

I was turning a corner of a corridor when I saw a flash of red zoom past me.

"Marlee! Marlee! Marlee!" George shuffled his feet in order to stop his full force running and come back to me.

He was in his Quidditch uniform and his hair was all messed up. His game was about to start which probably explained why he looked so frazzled and spoke quickly, "Marlee I know you're not coming to the game—your friends said so cause I ran into them—but I have to go grab my gloves really quick and please just come you won't regret it!" He said in one breath.

"What?" I could barely make out any of his words.

He was panting heavily and groaned in frustration. Behind him, I spotted Serena. She was looking for George, I assumed since her eyes lit up when she saw him. She called his name and when George opened up his body to look at her, her eyes laid on me and gave me a small glare but quickly smiled afterwards as if to cover it up. She walked over to him and linked her arm around his. George looked as shocked as me by her unexpected affection.

"Georgie, the game's starting. Oliver said you would dwindle c'mon," she spoke softly.

"Yeah, yeah, I have to run to my room still but Marlee please just come," George pleaded. I looked at Serena who was looking at George who was looking at me.

"...Fine," I sighed.

George quickly ran off satisfied, leaving me and Serena. Neither of us said a word before she trotted off back to the game. I hurried to my dorm to grab my jacket and I noticed George's robe was still sitting in my closet then made a mental note to give it to him soon. On my way to the game, I gave myself a pep talk, trying to prepare myself to stay calm.

When I got there, it was already 30-10 with Gryffindor leading. I spotted Harlow and Fabienne cheering loudly and walked over to them.

"Marlee?! What are you doing here?" Fab asked.

"George wanted me to come and wouldn't shut up until I said yes," I realized how weird that sounded.

Why did he want me to come today?

Harlow smirked, "Sounds like he's been giving you a lot of trouble recently."

"It's not like that," I rolled my eyes, "we're just friends."

Harlow and Fab exchanged suspicious looks before returning their focus to the game. Everything was fine and I felt normal. The loud cheering of all of the students drowned out my worries of a panic attack.

Even when Harry and Draco fought for the Snitch towards the last minutes of the game I was able to compose myself.

Despite Crabbe's illegal hit and Draco's attempt to push Harry off of his broom, Slytherin lost once more. Next to us, all of the Gryffindor students cheered loudly as us Slytherins groaned.

Out on the field, I saw Aries hop off of her broom looking rather disappointed. I knew how much she loved the sport and it hurt me to see her like this. My eyes shifted to see a heated conversation between Harry and Draco.

"Hey what's going on there?" Harlow noticed as well.

Suddenly I saw Fred lunge his body towards Draco only to be held back by the powerful Chaser trio of Angelina, Katie and Alicia. Next to him was a very angry George who was trying to squirm out of Harry's grasp. I'd never seen George show this much emotion, normally it was more annoyance than anger. I wondered what would have set him off to be this furious.

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