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Adrian's POV

I dropped my school bags in my bedroom, the smell of home being familiar once again. I opened the shades, sunlight shining through my room. I tossed my luggage onto my bed to begin unpacking when I noticed something on my desk and so I walked over to get a closer look.

It was an old picture of me and my mates at Hogwarts. Me, Zane, Terrence, Miles, Cassius, Marcus, Aries and Marlee all in our Quidditch uniforms, beaming at the camera. Mum must have found it when she was cleaning.

I hadn't talked to these guys in years. We exchanged letters for a bit after I first left but after a while we all got caught up in our own lives so I had no idea what they were up to these days.

I tossed off my jumper and was about to relax when my mum called me from downstairs.

"Adrian, honey! Don't unpack, we're leaving soon," she yelled.

"What? To where?" I shouted back. Were we going on some sort of vacation?

She appeared behind my door, sticking her head out while she brushed some of her dark hair out of her face.

"We're going back to London..." she sighed.

My jaw dropped, "London?!"

To be continued...

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