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Unaware of the creeping figure behind him, Naruto sat in complete silence as the only sounds reaching his ears were that of classrooms nearby and the birds atop the tree in the center of the courtyard.

"Naruto, snap out of it!" Whoever yelled in his ear got his attention. "To my office, now." Kakashi's tired voice brought Naruto to stand on his feet, realizing that, once again, the stubborn counselor had caught him skipping.

"Okay, okay. I'm following." Naruto stood up from the bench. "How'd you find me anyways?" He kicked a twig as he walked behind Kakashi.

"Beleive it or not, Naruto, I know everything, I know all." Naruto rolled his eyes. "Just follow." Kakashi warmly smiled at the gloomy kid behind him. The walk to Kakashi's office was silent. Naruto hid his hands in his pockets and looked at the back of Kakashi's feet the whole time. Finally, they arrived after crossing what seemed the half the diameter of the huge school. Which would be a lot, if you ever saw how big the school was. The field outside had nothing on how wide the school was.

"Come in, take a seat." Kakashi unlocked his office door and invited the blond in. Naruto threw himself upong the chair, releived that he didn't have to walk any longer..

"What do you want again?" Naruto asked, itching his arm.

Kakashi looked at Naruto before turning to his desktop screen and typing something. He clicked on the mouse twice and turned towards Naruto, his hands clasped together. "I heard of the little event that happened a while ago." Kakashi used his serious voice. Naruto slumped in his seat and crossed his arms.

"So that's what you want, huh?" He pouted, looking down towards the carpet.

"Naruto, I know you and Sasuke from elementary school. You two are inseperable. What I don't understand is, what happened between you two? How long has this been going?" He asked.

Naruto slumped even lower on his chair. "Months. You want to be specific? Four months." Naruto mumbled.

Kakashi raise his eyebrows. "And if something happened between you two, why did neither of you come to me for help? You know I'll always be here." Kakashi calmly spoke. He pushed himself from his desk on his chair and slid towards the file cabinet that stood against a heavily decorated wall. He pulled out his bag from the last cabinet and took out his phone.

"Look, Naruto, I'm giving you my number." He said.

"What are you, a perv? Why would I want your phone number?" Naruto asked, eyeing the silver haired man grab a sticky note.

"So when something like this happens again, you'll be calling me instead of going to the court yard to hide yourself." Kakashi said, proceeding to write his number on a sticky note. At the same time, the door behind Naruto's chair opened and whoever opened it, stepped in. Naruto sat straight in his chair, thinking it was Gai, the counselor for the freshmen. "Ah, Sasuke, come in. You're on time." Kakashi stood and offered Sasuke the seat next to Naruto's.

Naruto's eyes widened. He slumped back down, and if he could slump on his chair even lower, he would but unfortunatley, any more and he would fall on the floor. Instead, he sat back up and looked back towards Sasuke, who had noticed Naruto and frowned down at him.

"If you're busy, maybe I should come back la-" Sasuke started.

"Sasuke, I called both of you to my office, get in here." He said towards Sasuke, gesturing him towards the empty seat next to the blond. Sasuke sighed and took the seat next to Naruto. He didn't look so happy. "So, Sasuke, Naruto. What's this about?" Kakashi asked, finishing his phone number on the sticky note. He put down the pen and reached his arm towards Naruto, offering him the note.

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