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"Glad you could make it, Sasuke, Naruto." Kakashi said as he turned around to face the two kids. "Why were both of you absent yesterday? You missed important news."

The two faced away from each other, but listened as Kakashi talked.

"I've received a suggestion from Principal Tsunade. She wants to know if other teachers can ask favors from us. Being the nice person that I am, I gladly accepted." Kakashi seemed delighted.

"The hell does that mean?" Naruto asked.

"It means, you retard, that other teachers beside Kakashi are going to ask favors from us, meaning we'll be here all night." Sasuke harshly explained, finding it hard to stand upright as he swayed back and forth from the sleepiness.

"Now, now, Sasuke. No need to insult Naruto. But yes, you'll be here for a while. I wouldn't worry though, you'll have breaks and lunch will be provided by Tsunade's orders. She's having the restaurant across the street provide free meals. She seems delighted that you two would volunteer to stay after, so it's her way of saying thanks." Kakashi explained.

"You mean you lied to Tsunade and told her we volunteered?" Sasuke was amused. "Nice." He turned towards Naruto, happy that they were going to get free meals but then remembered he was mad.

"Yes, so I'd keep quiet about this if I were you, otherwise I'd have to switch to plan B, the lock in, no food included." Kakashi warned, still joking.

Naruto and Sasuke shook off the lock in idea and agreed not to tell.

"Good, now on to our first task. We have at least four things to do today. Tsunade wants the cafeteria cleaned, apparently we were short on custodians today, you'll have to sweep and mop the floor. Second task, make copies for all the literature teachers of this document here," He held out a portfolio of the sheet. "and then, distribute them to the literature classes. Stay away from the library, there's a teacher meeting going on till six. Third task, we need to rake the leaves outside and put them in garbage bags. Fourth task, you have until eight to at least talk to each other. I will be here till nine, report to me after finishing up with the leaves so I know when to dismiss you." Kakashi placed the portfolio on the counter. "I'll be in my office. The keys to the copy room will be on here." He placed the keys on top of the portfolio. "It's barely two fourty. You should be done by four, meaning you'll have enough time to talk."

"You know, this seems more like labor work than some recreational thing. Are you sure this is legal?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, since when can you keep us till eight? You do know we have classes tomorrow, right?" Sasuke agreed. "Where exactly did it say on the sheet we had to stay till eight? I have a life, you know."

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Weren't you reading it? You hesitated before signing so I thought you'd read it. And yes, it is legal. We're not making you do anything bad, you're of age, you can handle work. Do a good job and you might get paid, too." Kakashi scratched his ear. "Well, I'll be going then, I'll be in my office like I said. No fighting, breaks are after you've finished a task. Ten minutes only. I'll come get you for lunch." Kakashi waved as he left the classroom.

"Think he's trying to work us to death?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah." Naruto scoffed.

The two awkwardly smiled at each other, realizing they had agreed to something. Said smiles were gone as soon as they both remembered being mad.

"Here." Sasuke practically pushed the portfolio onto Naruto. "Take this and stay out of my way." He said, walking out of the science lab to make a left towards the cafeteria.

Naruto stood in the science lab, scoffing at himself for thinking Sasuke would actually try to re buil their friendship. It seems he was wrong.

'That doesn't mean I still can't give him hell.' He thought. 'Now I'm acting like my own stupid thoughts.' He rolled his eyes.

'Yes, Naruto. That's how its supposed to be. The only reason you get hurt is because of that stupid way you act.'

'There you are. Fine then, if Sasuke wants to keep hurting me I guess I have to hurt him back twice as hard.'

'That's the spirit.' Naruto could've sworn he heard his own thought laugh.

Well then, if that's the conclusion he had come to, then he was sure he was going to act on it. Naruto was determined now, to make Sasuke pay.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now