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"That's enough, Kiba!" Sasuke yelled, stopping the teenager mid-action.

Though they were just outside the cafeteria, people were still gathering, chanting fighting words and yelling at Sasuke to let the keep going. Only when Sasuke glared at them did the crowd quiet down and diminish.

Before words were spoken, a woman appeared, her hands on her sides as she stood only a few feet away. "And what is the meaning of this?" She asked.

"Hey, who's the old hag?" Sai whispered towards Naruto.

"The old hag you speak of us this schools principle. Now unless you all want to be dragged down to my office, I suggest you tell me what is going on here." She warned.

"In the clearest of terms, my Lady," Sai started, "self defense."

"Self defense? You fucking bit-"

"Kiba! I prohibit such words in my presence." Tsunade warned, Gai stepping out from behind her, Kakashi following behind him.

"Naruto, Sasuke?" He asked. "What's going on?"

"Back out of this Kakashi, I'll be dealing with this." Tsunade said, redirecting her gaze towards Kiba. "Follow me to my office."

"Can we just cut it short and skip to the part where he gets punished? Clearly we did nothing wrong." Sai spoke, standing in front of Naruto in what he believed was a protecting stance.

"Quiet nerd, I doubt this was all Kiba's fault. He doesn't fight so easily." Sasuke said, letting go off Kiba's wrist.

"It doesn't matter who started it, you all are getting a suspension. Fighting in my school is not so easily ignored nor will it ever be. Follow me to my office." Tsunade said, her eyes showing the stress she already carried.

"Principle Tsunade, let me handle this, I believe you're making decisions on a whim, here." Kakashi looked worried, mostly for Naruto.

"Yes, Tsunade. Let Kakashi handle this, you already have to much on your hands." Gai said, his hand on Tsunade's shoulder.

Giving a small sigh, Tsunade looked at the four kids before her. "Fine. I expect this to be solved by tomorrow. This doesn't mean they're escaping consequences." She said, letting Gai guide her back to her office.

Sighing of relief, Naruto's shoulders dropped. Sai also sighed, but smiled towards Kakashi, knowing well they still had one more lecture to go through.

* * *

"What were you thinking?" Gai slammed his fist down in front of Kiba. "Do you know these types of actions are not tolerated here? Do you know the consequences? And in front of Lady Tsunade of all people!"

Kiba slumped in his seat, angry at both Gau and himself. "That bastard started it."

"What are you, a little kid now? Stop blaming others when you know it's your fault for giving in." Gai sighed into his palms, taking a moment to cool his head as he reclined back in his chair.

"Only because Tsunade is busy," he said. ". . that's why you're not getting expelled. The only consequence I can give you now is two weeks of suspension."

"Two weeks?! What about them?"

"They are Kakashi's responsibility. They aren't under my watch. I'm assuming they'll also receive suspension though the time would differ." Gai said, looking Kiba in the eye. "I thought we talked about letting yourself get carried away."

"Tch. Like I said, that bastard started it."

* * *

"So you mean to tell me, correct me if I'm wrong, that Kiba was sent to bother you?" Kakashi was having trouble listening to the two.

"I only said we were expecting Sakura to come. I only knew it was Kiba because of his voice." Naruto said, feeling uncomfortable about talking about his "bullies" in front of Sai.
"I only saw the pup walk over to say hello." Sai said smiling as if nothing just happened and he wasn't about to receive punishment.

"Okay, but what started the fight?"

"He got mad at me and my creative and inspiring words of wisdom." Sai confessed, "he lost it at some point."

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "So you taubted him."

"Eh. I wouldn't say taunt. I just said he didn't have the guts to act on his threats." Sai shrugged. "Subliminally." He added.

"So it was your fault he decided to throw a punch." Kakashi gave a long sigh. A knock was made on the door and in walked Gai, Kiba behind him.

"If you two will join us." Kakashi said, getting up and ready to lead the way to a different room. The room they stopped before was the room used for teacher meetings, it was similar to the other room at the library, only this one was bigger.

"Sit down, and don't fight." Kakashi said, pointing to the end of the long table as he and Gai discussed the issue up in the front.

After a few death glares and snickers all from both Sai and Kiba, Gai finally cleared his throat, announcing he had something to say.

All three looked at Gai expectantly.

"Suspension. All of you!"

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now