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The blonde boy walked into the wooded area, his heart aching as it brought back memories and feelings all at once.

"Come on, Naruto. Stop playing around." Oh, what great timing to bring memories back.

Sasuke's words played in his head, bringing back the memory he wished had long ago dissapeared.

He remembered it, that day.

He remembered everything about it.

He remembered the weather, the sweet crisp smell of the nearing fall.

"Hey, Naruto?"

He remembered, worst of all, Sasuke's face.

"What? Look, dude. Stop. I'm not into that, Naruto!"

And it all started with a stupid game.

"Your turn, Naruto. Truth, or dare?" Sakura asked, once again blowing a bubble with her strawberry flavored gum.

"Um. Truth."

"Come on, Naruto, stop being scared and choose 'dare' already!" Choji said, pulling the gum out with his finger. Choji was sitting on top of the table, observing the others play and was getting tired of Naruto always choosing truth.

"Ok, fine, dare." Naruto frowned, he really had no intention on ever choosing dare, he knew the consequences that choice would bring and with Sakura, there was always something sexual to be asked.

"Hmm." Sakura thought. She had looked over at Hinata, and immediately, she knew what to dare the boy.

"I dare you," she started, her smirk gaining length, "to tell us who your crush is." Sakura had never smiled so big and evil.

"Sakura! That's personal! You can't ask him that!" Hinata quickly turned red and shoved Sakura back and forth lightly.

"No, he chose 'dare', he has to answer it. So, Naruto, tell us; who do you like?" Sakura twisted her pink hair on her index finger ignoring the glare Sasuke threw her.

Hinata quietly looked towards Naruto, expecting a hopeful answer.

Choji, too, stared intently, even from atop the table where he sat on his phone.

Sasuke remained mad at the fact Sakura was embarrassing, if not pressuring his friend into a question he felt uncomfortable to answer.

Naruto looked over at Sasuke, the Uchiha was giving him an apologetic look.

"Um.. I don't really.. like anybody right now." Naruto was not enjoying this game anymore.

"Fine, lame." Sakura frowned, rolling her eyes as she spun the bottle.

Naruto wondered more into the small woods, getting further away from school grounds. It was cold now, the wind was crisp as was the rain that gave no notice and decided to fall from the dulling skies.

He was shivering, but kept walking up until the soles of his feet were too cold from the cold wet leaves on the ground.

He sat down, leaning against a random tree. He didn't mind the cold, he was cold, really cold, but he really didn't mind. Not that there was a choice since the warm drink on his hand gave but a small warm feeling only on his fingers, his thin jacket providing little warmth.

He sighed, seeing his breath dissapear into the frozen air. Feeling nosalgic, his eyes dared to water but he whiped it off deciding he wasn't going to cry about it.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now