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"What do you mean we can't speak with him?" Naruto raged at the counselor, "he hasn't done anything!"

Gai stood, appearing to not be bothered at all but inside feeling guilty and conflicted. He knew Kiba wasn't capable of this, but the evidence was perfectly clear. Students passed him as they entered the school, whispering and staring wide eyed as Naruto threw fists at Gai's chest.

"Calm down, Naruto, you'll only make things worse." Neji appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Naruto's fist before it made contact.

"So you're in on it too, huh?"

"No, but I like walking around not hearing rumors or gossip that another student's in serious trouble." Neji said, dropping Naruto's hand.

"Neji!" Tenten ran up the stairs, huffing for air. "Hinata's here!" She said between breaths. Neji dismissed himself, warning Naruto again to calm himself.

"What's all this about?" She asked, leaning her head to the side as Gai walked away.

"Haven't you heard? Kiba's been arrested for something he didn't do." Naruto growled.

"Eh? So that's what the commotion is all about?" Tenten asked, "Wait, so what happened?" Tenten had this thing where she was able to make people cheer up around her, however, Naruto was too furious to be affected by it.

"Okay, tough guy," she started, her hand on Naruto's back as they started walking, "start talking."

As their figures faded into the morning crowd of students, Sakura waited from behind one of the trees, Shikamaru and Temari behind her. "Looks like part of the plan worked." Temari said proudly, "I told you it'd be perfect."

"Yes, but now it only leaves for Ino and Naruto. Sasuke would have to deal with me." Sakura smirked menacingly, turning around to lean back on the tree and face the couple. "I assume you're taking care of Naruto."

"Yeah," Shikamaru scratched his neck, "its such a drag though, that guy he hangs around with is up to something."

"Is it beyond your control?" Sakura asked.

"What are you implying? You think he can't handle it?" Temari asked, getting a bit defensive.

"I'm asking because there's a risk if Sai finds us, we're in deep trouble. May I remind you, this is against every law made in school." Sakura scolded.


"So troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.

"Get ready for the second part, Naruto's going to have to experience a little more suffering." Sakura started walking out of the school gates, her group waiting for her just around the corner. "Remember the plan, don't get found out and lay low. The plan is to make him the lowest and that's it. If any of you fail, you'll deal with me."

The group agreed, hurrying past her and running towards the school gate, entering just in time as the closing bell rang. One student was left behind, a wicked smirk placed on his face.

"Go easy on him." Sakura whispered, "Or actually, don't hold back. After all, you worship him, don't you?" The boy emitted some type of wicked, sadistical laugh. Sakura smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You never had an order from me. You don't even know me, got it? If you expose me, you're done for."

The boy nodded, his body trembling with wicked thoughts.

"Go get 'im, tiger." She whispered.

Without any other order, the boy smirked, and began walking away towards the entrance.

"Creepy." Temari joined Sakura by her side, Shikamaru behind her, "What about that pig, Ino?" Temari asked.

Sakura thought a little, "She's powerless. Do what you want, making her pay would be pathetic, even for me."

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now