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"Hey Kiba, tell Sasuke why the printer he supposedly try to fix doesn't work." Naruto nudged the boy silently sitting next to him as he stuffed food in his mouth.

"Just looking at you eat is making me loose my appetite, shut up and eat will you?" Sasuke scoffed, Naruto ready to throw a piece of meat towards the Uchiha when Kakashi appeared behind him.

"So this is what you do with free food?" Kakashi asked, leaning down to eat what was in between Naruto's chopsticks before he could throw it. While the blond shrieked at how gross that was, the counselor looked over towards Kiba, what Gai told him still on his mind.

"Don't you look deep in thought." Iruka walked up next to him, holding his plastic plate on his hand.

"It's one problem after another." Kakashi sighed. Iruka gave him a confused look, but shrugged it off and continued eating, walking over to sit on the other side of Naruto.

As the blond and his room mate bickered about said blond's eating habits, Kakashi noticed the rest of the group silently eating. Considering the last couple of days were full of petty arguments while eating, this was unusual. Walking over to where they sat, he grabbed the last plastic plate and served himself, his eyes set on the nervous, pensive faces the three had. "Something is wrong?" He asked, sitting down next to Kiba.

Ino looked down at her plate, her chopsticks picking at everything, Kiba looked away, silently chewing and Sai was the only one who looked up.

"What?" Kakashi asked, now a bit curious if the situation was bad or not.

"Gah! Sasuke, you dumbass!" Naruto cried out, standing up to rub his knee, which apparently Sasuke kicked from under the table. Iruka laughed along with Sasuke as the loud blond sat himself back down and tried to kick his friend back.

"It's better if we speak about this in your office." Sai suggested, getting up to throw his plate away.

Now that was something, what was so bad that Sai himself suggested they speak at his office? He hated that room. Seeing the two others get up along with Sai, Kakashi nodded and stood as well, advising Iruka and the rest they'll be in his office for a bit. Ignoring the weird looks from them, Kakashi walked with his plate all the way to his office, where Sai and Ino silently sat while Kiba stood, leaning against a wall.

"I take it its very bad, then." Kakashi spoke, now setting his plate aside since he knew this was serious.

Ino nodded, but Kiba spoke.

"Naruto's getting attacked." He informed the counselor, "Sakura's and someone else's groups are all posting shit about 'im."

Ignoring the boys language, Kakashi was surprised. "Posting? As in, online?"

"Where else, the bulletin board?"

Kakashi chose to ignore Kiba and sat back in his chair. It's been days since Naruto's encounter with Sakura, and now this. No doubt, he had to get Tsunade involved.

"I can't trace them either, whoever's behind this knows what they're doing." Sai added, looking down at the phone Ino passed towards him, then showing Kakashi what exactly the posts read.

"Trace?" Kakashi asked, now holding the phone in his hand, shocked to see all the hate posts concerning Naruto. Some a bit harsh than others.

"What are we going to do?" Ino asked, "the only reason I know it's Sakura is because who else hates Naruto this much? But to do something like this isn't her as well. Someone else has to be helping her."

Kakashi, now very alarmed upon seeing a very negative post, picked up his phone and dialed Tsunade, whom at the first ring, picked up.

"I need you at my office, this is an emergency." Kakashi spoke, ending the call as he prepared to dial Iruka.

"Don't say anything to Naruto, wait until he gets here, okay?" The trio nodded, "Iruka? Bring those two over to my office will you? They know where it is." After a few seconds, the call ended and the four waited for their arrival.

* * *

"What could he need us for?" Naruto asked Iruka once again as they led the way. The man shrugged, but looked serious since Kakashi sounded serious himself.

"Its probably-" a notification ring came from Sasuke's phone. Then another one. And another. After a few confused looks from Naruto and Sasuke, a bunch of them came in almost at once.

"Well aren't you popular." Iruka laughed as Sasuke picked his phone out of his pocket. While he was busy on unlocking his phone, Naruto's began to ring as well. "That's kind of creepy." Iruka said, now confused but still smiling.

"Sasuke. ." Naruto said, looking up to see a shocked face on his friend.

"What is this?" Sasuke asked, scrolling down further on his phone.

"What?" Iruka asked, now scared to know what was on their screens that got them shocked. Just as he was about to lean in and look over Sasuke's shoulder, Tsunade walked in from the staircase room and asked what they were doing.

While Naruto and Sasuke stayed silent about what was going on, Iruka and Tsunade made conversation as they headed towards the same destination.

"Calm down, Sasuke," Naruto said, his hand finding his friends and tightening it as the Uchiha's face grew red with anger. "It doesn't bother me, come on, let's go."

"It doesn't bother you? Naruto, this is about you! How can this not bother you?!" Sasuke almost growled. Feeling the tightness in his hand, Sasuke looked down to see his friends hand on his, then back up to see the worry in his friend's features. "Its Sakura, isn't it?" He asked.

"Sasuke, I don't kno-"

"Who else could do this to you?"

"Guys!" Iruka yelled from atop the stairs, "Kakashi's waiting."

Both continued walking as Iruka ran back to the office. Sasuke's hand shook with anger while Naruto shook from the nervousness he felt towards Sasuke.

Finally, they were met by a large group, led by Kakashi as he informed they were moving to a larger room.

"What's. . . going on?" Naruto asked, trying to shake off whatever feeling he had as he walked close to Sai.

Sai looked down at Naruto, only a sad smile on his face.

//figured I'd update this in case I feel more sick and decide not to later. Sorry guys, just feeling like shit right now. In case I do, though, I'll let my editor update the chapters she's edited which I guess are only two. Bye for now ~alex

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