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"They deserved it. Plus, I was defending Naruto." Sasuke calmly stated before an angered Tsunade.

"Sasuke," she sighed, "I get you were defending him, but by doing that you got yourself in trouble. I can't ignore the fact that used violence."

"And the others?"

"They've been sent to KonRec, its the closest thing to jail for attempted rape and he will be charged for it once he's out. Ibiki's in charge of him, the others have been expelled. Sasuke, I'm afraid I have to suspend you for a few weeks as well. It starts tomorrow."

"I'm fine with that, but who's going to stand up for Naruto?" Sasuke glared.

"Kakashi and Iruka seem to be taking care of that." She studied the bothered features of the Uchiha and sighed. "Sasuke, I get this is hard, trust me, I want nothing more than to put an end to this but violence won't solve anything. At least, not in school."

"Are you suggesting I'm free to use it outside of school?" Sasuke scoffed.

"Its not like I can stop you." Tsunade smiled, inside laughing at how bad of an influence she was being. "Naruto, Sai and Ino still have after school cleaning. You're welcome to come by during those hours if you like."

Sasuke nodded, standing up to leave to his next class.

Tsunade sighed, her shoulders slumping as Uchiha shut the door behind him.

"Ahh, these kids." She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Maybe a bottle of sake after school will do."


"Are you sure you want to go through this? You do know one of the guys Sakura sent is being held at KonRec." Shikamaru asked, lighting a cigarette as Temari waited impatiently for her brother's arrival.

"Relax, I'm not from here. The least they could do is suspend me, its not like I give a shit anyways." Temari said, tying her hair up. "And I'm only going to scare her. Nothing big."

Shikamaru said nothing, only exhaling the smoke as he observed his crazy girlfriend. They were currently meeting at an old closed down library. People from Shikamaru and Sakura's group hung out here, usually to talk, fight or just skip school. Since the library was isolated from the small village, nobody ever bothered to go there. Nobody probably suspected that it was full of high school delinquents.

Sakura walked in, sporting her athletic uniform: a grey sweatshirt that exposed part of her shoulders, grey sweatpants with the Konoha High emblem, and her pink sneakers, a sure sign she had sneaked out of school during Gai's p.e. class.

"Are we ready?" She asked Temari, walking towards the couple as she tied strands of her pink hair into a loose bun above her head.

"Kankuro is taking a while to get here. Do you know where Ino is?" Temari asked, secretly eyeing Sakura and feeling a bit jealous that she could pull off such a dull looking uniform.

"She's skipping school with Shino today. How are the posts, Shika?" Sakura asked, crossing her arms.

"They're still going, I got my guys over there adding more." Shikamaru said, pointing to a group of other teenagers sitting on their phones, all connected to some type of machine. Eyeing Sakura's eye, Shikamaru explained that the machine would cover their tracks, that way Sai would find it hard to trace them.

"Finally!" Temari threw her hands up, walking towards her taller brother. "What took you?"

"Life." Kankuro answered as he walked in, "do you want me to go now?"

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now