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Sasuke rolled Naruto into the science lab where the group was to meet. Seeing as nobody had shown up yet, he tried to get Naruto to wake up.

"Naruto, are you okay?" He asked as Naruto was showing signs of waking up.


"Does it hurt anywhere? Tell me, are you okay? Can you stand?"

"Who are you, ugh!" Naruto raised his hand and rubbed the top of his head.

"It's Sasuke, you dummy. Are you okay, does your head hurt?"

"Why are you here? Why are you being nice?" Naruto asked.

'He's trying to trick you, Naruto. Don't fall for his traps, look at what happened to you. This is what happens when you let your guard down.' The voice was back.

"Naruto, don't move, I'll be right back." Sasuke stood up and headed to grab some paper towels and wet them with water from the sink. Sai and Ino walked in just as Sasuke was about to apply the wet towel on Naruto's forehead.

"You and I have to talk." Sasuke glared at the blonde.

"No need to scare her, we already talked. She had nothing to do with it." Sai spoke, his hand settled on Ino's back.

Ino nodded, "Its okay, I'll talk if you want me to. Whether you believe me is up to you. . I - I guess."

"Sai?" Naruto asked, "I want to go home."

Sasuke looked over at Sai. "I can take you." He said instead.

'Say no, Naruto. That sounds too suspicious, he could be planning something.'

"I want Sai." Naruto mumbled.

Kakashi walked in with Kiba as Sasuke was about to interject. "How are you feeling, Naruto?" He asked. Kakashi walked over to Naruto, squatting down to get on his level as Kiba stood confused as to what happened.

As Kakashi looked over the blond's injuries and bandages, Ino and Kiba silently talked to each other while Sasuke and Sai stood debating on who would take him home.

"The prince wants me to take him home, not you." Sai whispered.

"You don't even know where he lives, what makes you think he's going to have enough energy to tell you directions?" Sasuke whispered back, rolling his eyes at Naruto's nickname.

"I have a car." Sai countered. "All I need is his address and that's easy to get from him or the school files."

Sasuke blinked, "Are you crazy? You could get caught! If you get caught, Naruto's going to be blamed, too!"

As Sai and Sasuke continued bickering, Ino and Kiba did just the same.

"So you're saying Sakura did this?" Kiba asked, his voice low enough for only her to hear.

Ino nodded, "One of the guys blamed it on me, but I swear it was Sakura, I was there." She whispered back. Throwing a look of concern towards Kiba, she started, "Kiba we have to stop hanging around her, she's doing things she didn't used to do."

Kiba looked at her, "You're asking me to leave? Hell no! How easy do you think it is to go up to her and tell her you're leaving? She'll probably let you go but trust me when I say you'll become a target for her." Kiba hush- whispered.

Ino stared at Naruto, feeling guilty and thinking about how Naruto looked at her before the boy threw the first punch. She sighed, "this is wrong."

Finally, after having enough of the bickering, Kakashi stood. "I'm taking Naruto home." He said, looking at the shocked faces of Sai and Sasuke as they were playing rock, paper, scissors to determine who'd take him home.

"And if you're having trouble with your 'friends' come speak to me, you know what I'm here for." He said, now looking over to Ino and Kiba.

The two looked at each other, surprised.

"I'll be taking Naruto home, in the meantime, I'll leave this checklist here and you can get to work. I'll be back after getting Naruto to bed to talk to all of you.". He began pushing the chair out of the classroom, when Naruto decided he'd walk instead, the moving chair making him sick.

As Kakashi helped Naruto stumble out towards the parking lot, the three left behind stood in silence until Sai ushered Ino to a seat.

"So, tell me exactly what happened." Sasuke asked Ino as Kiba sat next to her and Sai stood behind her.

"Sakura was pissed because she thought you were in trouble with Kakashi because of Naruto. She said he was the reason you couldn't go out with her anymore and she got really mad." Ino explained. "As soon as Lady Tsunade showed up in front of the cafeteria, Sakura began to plan something."

"What about Naruto's phone?" Sai asked.

"How do you know about that?" Ino asked, looking back at Sai.

"I heard the conversation, you were trying to unlock his phone, something about someone."

Ino looked down at her hands. "I once saw Naruto taking screenshots of Sasuke's pictures of off the app."

Sasuke blinked, his cheeks turning a bit red but he didn't know if for being angry or embarrassed.

"I told Sakura one day and I guess she kept it for blackmail. Today after lunch she said she had to get Naruto to understand he had to get away from Sasuke. She told one of the guys to look out for Naruto once he came out of Kakashi's office and to lead him where we were, in the abandoned building."

"So Sakura threatened Naruto to stay away from me?" Sasuke asked.

"Y- yeah, but then she got mad at me because I couldn't find the files on Naruto's phone and then she left me and the guys to take care of Naruto."

"Why didn't you stop them?" Sasuke asked once again.

"I did! I tried! But, but they only listen to Sakura! I don't have much power over them!" Ino was almost in tears as she remembered the boys ignoring her and kicking. "They blamed me so Sakura wouldn't get in trouble with you, I was supposed to take the blame." She explained, her heart beating faster as now tears began falling.

Sasuke sighed, thinking about what to do next.

"But, I have something to ask. Its selfish but I need help." Ino said after Sai calmed her down, "Leaving Sakura's group is easy, but. . . but I don't want to be in it anymore! I don't care what happens next, if she decides to come after me, I don't care. I don't want to see anything else like that happen to anybody else. I promise I can be good, so please, please let me make it up to you."

"You have nothing to offer." Sasuke said.

"Sasuke, she's trying. If Sakura decides Ino might tell us everything she knows, she'll come after her." Sai spoke, "She tried to stop them, Sasuke, that's enough to convince you she's not the bad person here." Sai said, his hand on Ino's shoulder.

Sasuke stood silent, thinking about what to say to Sakura next time he saw her. "I'll think about it."

"What about you, Kiba?" Sai asked.

Kiba still sat back in his chair, "I don't want a target on my back." He said, "I'm staying with Sakura. Sasuke may be creepy powerful but Sakura's smart. I don't want to get on the bad side of anyone like that."

"I don't think it'll take long before you quit. She didn't seem so happy seeing you get beat up by me." Sai said, smiling as Kiba frowned.

"That's your opinion." Kiba said, unbelieving.

"A fact." Sai grinned.

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