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Naruto felt sick. Everyone was sitting in the meeting room, all giving him looks of concern as the grown ups talked about what actions were to be taken.

Ino and Kiba's attention then were directed to Sai, who was sitting between them scrolling and typing away on his phone. He had Sasuke and Naruto's phone, too, checking for something he said would help him in catching who was behind it.

Sasuke, still mad, sat slumped in the chair next to Naruto's. He was silent, too silent and concentrated while Naruto sat wishing he could get up and leave.

". . .only evidence will convince them." Tsunade's voice was growing louder as was her anger.
Kakashi had nothing to say to that.

"Naruto, I think its best if we hang on to your phone." Iruka spoke, distracting himself from the tense discussion between Kakashi and Tsunade.

"Iruka, I want to leave." Naruto responded. Iruka looked back to the two other grown ups, seeing they were still in a heated discussion, then looked back.

"Sure." He said, "I'll take you guys home." He reached into Kakashi's pockets; he was too distracted to even notice the keys being fished out. Iruka led them out, on their way bumping into a certain someone.

"What are you doing here, Iruka? You're not a teacher anymore." Sakura said in a way that angered Iruka only a little.

"Sakura, what do-" Sasuke was held back by an arm Iruka placed on his chest, a reminder to not loose it and give Sakura the pleasure of seeing him affected.

"Same goes to you, its after school hours." Iruka stepped in front on Naruto now.

"I've come to gather a few things I've left." She answered, crossing her arms and looking smug. "Oh? Ino, I didn't see you there. How are you?" Her voice was as fake as her smile. "Kiba, I haven't seen you around, you haven't left us, have you?"

"Eh? Uh-" He looked over at Ino, "N-no, no I haven't. I was going to hang with you guys but-"

"No need, the group and I aren't interested in you anymore." She quieted Kiba with a wave of the hand, and then, "How's your police record going?"

"What?" Kiba asked, a bit startled. As if on cue, Gai stepped out from around the corner, looking conflicted and startled when he almost bumped into the group.

"Iruka, what are you doing here?" He asked, looking around and stopping on Kiba, "Kiba, I need to speak with you."

Kiba suddenly felt nervous, looking towards Sai and Ino, he knew they also suspected something. Looking at Sakura's smile, he also knew this had to do with something she did. Slowly, he walked back up to Gai's office, Gai behind on his heels.

"I'll be going now." Sakura interrupted, "see you all tomorrow." And with that, she walked away.

"I don't like this one bit." Sai said, Ino agreeing while Iruka and Sasuke's eyes trailed behind Sakura.


"What do you mean? I haven't even done anything!" Kiba slammed his fist down on Gai's desk. "You can ask Sai and Kakashi! I'm always around them!"

"Kiba, there's evidence. At this point there's nothing I can do." Gai shook his head sadly, leaning back on his chair. "I don't know what to believe at this point."

"Listen, Gai, I'm being framed! There's no way I would do something stupid like that! Sure I go around picking fights, but to mess with students from Suna!? How crazy do you think I am?!" Kiba fumed. "They're practically invincible, there's no way I can beat one of them bad enough to have them unconscious! The one ending up like that would be me, or worse!"

Gai tried to believe him, he really did. But there was evidence and all of it pointed to Kiba. There was nothing he really could do, besides, the boy didn't have the best record of staying out of trouble. "Kiba, there's evidence." Gai repeated.

"I call bullshit! Its all fake!"

"Kiba," Gai sighed, "just don't fight this, the report's already been filed. There are witnesses and physical evidence. Kiba, the kid's in the hospital, for fuc- for the god's sake."

"Hospital? Gai, when have I ever sent anybody to the hospital? Can't you see this is some type of set up?!" Before Gai could speak, someone knocked on the door and walked in. What appeared to be professional businessmen turned out to be Suna's police.

"Is this Inuzuka Kiba?" One of the men asked as Gai stood up from his chair.

"I'm sorry, Kiba. These are from Suna, they're here to arrest you until..." Gai looked away, "Until they clear this up." The two men nodded, and Kiba tensed as they got closer, handcuffs in one of their hands.

"Inuzuka Kiba, you're being arrested for violence towards a Suna Academy student and possession of illegal drugs. Come quietly." One of the men said as Kiba struggled.

"I'm being framed! Gai, you know this! Let go!" Kiba argued, now bent over the table as one of the men adjusted the handcuffs on him.

"Trust me, I'll do what I can, Kiba, but this time, I think you've gone too far." Gai sighed sadly, sitting back down as the men walked Kiba out of the office. The last he saw was Kiba's face as he was being pushed forward, disbelief and a torn look on his face.


// I apologize for being so late. It has nothing to do with school anymore, but more of family matters. But I'm back, and there will probably be at least three new updates today. I just have to write them on here since they're on paper, who does that anymore right? Happy reading :)


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