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// when you wake up from a small nap and find this (picture above) I love you guys this made my day, and yes I know my app is hella outdated, I know, I'm working on it lol anyways, enjoy! - dylan


"Sai, for the third time today, no video games in the classroom." Shizune repeated for what was really the fifth time. Already the new kid was taking a toll on her.

"I know I said I'll put it away, but this time, I just need a little bit more time. Five minutes if you will." Sai spoke, his fingers repeating the motion of pressing the buttons on his handheld gaming device.

"No, Sai. We're in class, play your games during free time." A vein was almost viable on her forehead.

The class giggled as Sai continued playing. "Sai." Shizune said.

"I have your attention." Sai spoke, completely focused on the screen.

"No, you do not. You're too busy on the game, I bet you're not even aware of what were reviewing."

"Of course I am aware, you went over it three times already. At first I was concentrated on what you were saying, but after the second time, I could probably recite all of Konoha's history in less than five minutes."

Seeing the fumes coming out from Shizune's head, Sai finally set his game down, picking up his pencil and dramatically opening his notebook. "If you're ready." He said.

Whatever Shizune was about to say, she didn't have the chance to because she was interrupted by the blonde Sai took so much interest in. She threw the door open, walking in with the most irritated look on her face as she saw the boy sitting between Naruto and her desk.

"You're kidding me." She said.

"Ino, what sort of timing is this? You're late." Shizune scolded. Ino threw her a glance. She wasnt on the greatest terms with Shizune and she didn't really care if Shizune got on her case about everything she did.

"Take you seat, uh. . Sapphire." Sai said, standing up as Ino walked up to her desk.

"It's Ino."

"I thought I made myself clear on holding useless information." Giving her a smile, he completely ignored the glare she gave him.

Sitting down, Ino put her head down on her desk, facing away from the new student.

Naruto was amazed at Ino's silence, usually she'd fight tooth and nail to have the last word. This new kid was sure interesting.

All the way in front of the classroom, Sasuke sat scribbling on his notebook, rolling his eyes at every comment Sai made to Shizune. All class long, Sai and Naruto sat in the back bickering and laughing at whatever Ino and Sai said to each other. And even though Shizune gave up on lecturing them, Sasuke was far from being over their noise.

Sai, Sai, Sai. Naruto was all over him and Sasuke didn't care if he was, or did he? No, no he didn't. He didn't care, he decided he didn't care but all that noise was getting to him. How could Naruto be gloomy and moody all day yesterday and today he acts like a kid around this new kid? Sasuke roles his eyes again, his hand proped up as he placed his chin on it. He decided to forget about it as this class was almost over and surely the next teacher did a better job at handling those kids.

Imagine his surprise to find Gai enter the room.

"Hello, everyone." Gai greeted as he walked up to Shizune, who after a brief conversation left for her next class.

"Well isn't he the looker?" Sai asked, referring to Gai's thick eyebrows.

"Aren't I? I always thought so, its nice to have someone appreciate such beauty." Gai said, running his hand through his short hair.

Sai only chuckled as Naruto quietly laughed.

If Sasuke could only get up and shout for them to be quiet, he would. But doing so would anger Gai and everyone knew not to make him mad, for the consequences would end up having to stay in his office and getting lectured on focusing on being young and well, it was always a drag.

Whatever Gai had come in to talk about, he soon forgot as he was now engaging in having a conversation with Sai and Naruto. The whole class was having side conversations and nothing was getting done.

So Sasuke did what he did most days anyways, he slept.

//this may sound like a pointless chapter but trust me, I'm on to something.

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