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"What are you going to do?!" Shikamaru shouted, "Temari's been captured, and now this little plan of yours is crumbling!"

"Calm down!" Sakura shouted back, "it hasn't crumbled yet."

"No? What about Ino? You said she'd be too much of a wuss to say anything, look what she's done now!"

Sakura thought about her next move. "No, there's a way." Sakura laughed. "Temari can still get out. Her dad's got power over the police. He can pull some strings and-"

"Are you listening to yourself?!" Shikamaru shouted, his hand on top of his head, furiously messing up the tied hair. "There's no way that'll happen!"

"You were saying?" Sakura and Shikamaru's faces turned towards the door, where Kankuro stood next to Temari. "I need some payback." Temari started, "That bitch is gonna pay."


"How's that?" The kid laughed, kicking into Naruto's stomach as he laid on his back.

"Oi, we should leave, anybody could show up." One of the boys said, cautiously looking around as the other boys kicked and tormented Naruto.

"Shut up, if you're too scared go ahead and leave. Sakura won't be too happy with you and we won't cover for you." One of the boys said.

It was Saturday night, after leaving the classroom, Naruto had walked with Sasuke and Sai back to his house. They stopped at the store first, and Naruto decided he'd wait outside.

Taking the chance, the group of five boys under Sakura's orders swiftly took Naruto somewhere away from Sasuke and began throwing punches.

At first, Naruto fought back. However, a sixth boy came out of nowhere and soon Naruto found himself at a disadvantage, since the sixth buy managed to trip him. Now he tried fighting against the kicks, but that was hard with six against one.

He felt tired, mostly in pain.

"Someone's coming!" The boy shouted, and quickly, they all scurried away. "Don't think this is the last time, Uzumaki!"

Naruto lay on the ground before getting up slowly. He looked around for his phone, not surprised when he found it shattered a few feet away from him.

Physically hurt and bleeding here and there, he walked slowly towards his house. He stopped, thinking about how much he hated this.

'You're tired.' The voice from long ago came back.

'Its good to hear you again.'

'I told you being around Sasuke would bring pain.' The voice scolded.

'I don't care. He's my friend again, I don't care what comes my way, I won't loose him again.' Naruto struggled to stand upright, so he sat down on a near bench. He wiped the small stream if blood trailing down his lip.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now