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"Speak up, Sapphire, I don't quite get the language you speak." Sai held Ino in his arms as she sobbed into his uniform, mumbling something about orders and Sakura.

When Ino continued sobbing and digging her head deeper into his school blazer, Sai took a deep breath, running his hand on her head as if to pet her. Soon enough, she calmed down.

"It wasn't my idea, Sakura, she just. .she said she didn't want to see him. .and -" although a bit calmer, her sobs remained and she was having trouble explaining.

"Sh, sh, its fine, look, nobody's here. Tell me, why did Sakura bring him up here? What are her intentions?"

Ino sat, her hands clenched on her skirt, remembering the words Sakura said. "Sai, you have to help me." She said, her eyes glancing randomly back towards the door.

Sensing her discomfort, Sai looked over towards the door. "We can talk somewhere more private if you'd like." Ino nodded, and Sai offered his hand to help her up and down the stairs as the last bell of the day rung.

"Would you like to stay after?" He asked her, remembering the agreement he and Kiba made to Kakashi. "Kiba and I got along well and decided we'd stay after and clean just because." He explained, easing Ino's worry as he smiled. 

* * *
After the noisy students in the hallway vanished to their homes, Kakashi was getting ready to go greet the group just when Sasuke walked in, and a little surprise on his hands.

"My gods, what happened?!" Kakashi jumped out of his chair, quick to run towards Sasuke and help him bring Naruto down to a chair.

Not wanting to say anything about Ino or Sakura just yet, Sasuke simply answered, "Someone's out to get him."

"But gods, who? Who did this, Sasuke?" An idea came to mind an Kakashi's eyes opened wider, "was it Kiba? Is this what Naruto was taking about?"

"No, Kiba doesn't start fights. I don't know who it was, but Sai and I are going to get to the bottom of it." Sasuke said, easing Kakashi's thoughts.

"Why didn't you take him to the infirmary? Oh, wait, no that wouldn't be right, Lady Tsunade would get involved and. ." running a hand through his hair, Kakashi stopped mid motion, asking, "nobody saw you, right?"

Sasuke shook his head.

"Oh, gods, the cameras, I'll have to go-"

"They've been taken care of." Sasuke announced. Kakashi looked a bit confused, but his confusion was gone as his eyes traveled back to Naruto, and soon he sprang once again  into action, hurrying to his cabinet and taking out a first aid kit he'd never used.

Attending to Naruto's small injuries, Kakashi managed to stop the bleeding from Naruto's lip, and a few other bandages were added on top of the rosy skin.

As soon as they started applying an ointment to the bruises on his stomach, a knock was heard on the door and both heads turned quickly to it, then back to each other as they contemplated what to do next.

After a quick hushed fight of random noises, Kakashi stood, adjusting his vest as he walked over to the unlocked door, fast, before the person behind it could begin to open it.

"Ah, Kurenai." He stood by the door, not opening it any wider.

"Kakashi, I came to pick up a few copies for . . is everything okay?" She asked, noting how Kakashi was casually leaning between the door and the frame, his hands holding on tightly to the door.

"Peachy." He grinned.

"O. . kay. . um, I needed to come by and pick up a few copies for the meeting this afternoon. Would you mind. . I'm sorry, are you sure you're fine?"  She asked again, feeling weird as Kakashi only grinned happily.

"Uh, yeah, oh! The copies, you came to pick up the copies. Gee, uh, I haven't picked them up front he printer yet, if you could follow me." Kakashi awkwardly closed the door behind him, leaving Sasuke to lock it and attend to Naruto.

"But you have a printer in your. . ."

"Yes, yes, silly me clicked on the copy machine in the freshmen hallway."

"All the way over there?" Kurenai asked, sensing a discomfort within Kakashi.

"Yes, if you would just follow." Kurenai stood, her arms crossed, but began walking anyways.

Sighing of relief, Kakashi left it up to Sasuke to hurry up and finish.

And Sasuke did just that, he finished up just in time to hear footsteps walking back to the office. Kakashi's voice not far off.

"Kurenai, please, maybe they're in the other other hallway." Kakashi pleaded, stopping her on her steps. She turned around, her face a bit annoyed.

"If we walk another other hallway, well be ending up in the abandoned part of the building. There's barely any electricity there, I doubt the copy machines even work."

Kakashi saw Sasuke poke his head out of his office. Giving him a nod, Kakashi knew just what to do to distract Kurenai enough to let Sasuke run out with Naruto.

He sighed, and grabbed Kurenai by the waist. "Kure-chan, have I ever told you your eyes are simply marvelous?" Kurenai was now at a loss for words, but surely his plan was working as Sasuke pushed Naruto out of the room on the wheely chair.

"Or have I ever told you, you're what I think about lately?" He asked, trying to come up with more lines as Sasuke tried slowly to not make the wheels make a sound.

Fortunately, Kurenai provided just the sound as she stomped on Kakashi's foot with her heel, unfortunately for Kakashi, the pain was going to last for probably the rest of the day.

But at least they managed to escape.

"Enough fooling around, Kakashi, I am a married woman and I will not allow you to act this way towards me! Now are you going to get those copies or do I have to march in your office to get them?"

Seeing as there was now no threat of being caught, Kakashi awkwardly walked towards his office. Opening the door, he eyed his desk, seeing the copies laid out where anyone could see them.

"What do you know, they were in my office!"

// this is for uni_15 :D

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