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Naruto didn't feel like getting out of bed. He had the strangest dream the night before. What it was, he didn't know, he didn't quite remember the details, but it was certainly disturbing.

Feeling the anxiety of the day, he weighed his options of either staying or going to school. One one hand, he felt a bit releived at the fact that if Kakashi's plan worked, then he and Sasuke would be friends again, and on the other, he thought about the oncoming pain Sasuke would bring along. No doubt the Uchiha would talk to him willingly.

'You should go, this could be the chance to start over!' His mind this morning stayed positive, the demon who was always negative was still asleep somewhere.

'Yeah, I guess I should go.' Naruto thought, smiling to himself as his eyes still remained closed as he still laid in bed.

The positive voice was cheering him on, telling him to get up and ready. 'Today I'll talk to him, and then we'll be back as if nothing ever happened' Naruto was in disbelief at how positive he was being as well.

But he still wasn't getting out of bed.

Trying so desperately to get up, he couldn't. The bed was much to comfortable and the slightest movement made him move back to his original position, back to warmness and warm covers.

He remained in his loose sweatpants, after a while finaly getting up only to grab a shirt to put on before cuddling back in his covers.

On the other side of the village, Sasuke struggled to get out of bed as well. He hadn't slept a wink the night before and he was surely grumpy about it.

He lay in bed, throwing his cover on the ground. He thought about getting up and going to school but, he was sleepy, grouchy, hungry, and he didn't feel like getting up at all.

After giving it some more thought, he looked over at his phone, looking at the time. It was only thirty minutes before school even began, so Sasuke decided he'd think some more about it until it was time.

About twenty minutes later, he got up once again to get the cover from the ground and jumped back into his bed. He searched for his phone, knowing he placed it under his pillow. Frustrated that he couldn't find it, he groaned as he got up once again and threw his pillows on the ground, still not finding his phone.

He stood almost half asleep for a while before giving up and walking towards the kitchen where stared at the fridge, not finding nothing to eat, even though the fridge was full. Frowning, he closed the fridge door.

Hearing his phone ring, he dashed to his room, almost stubbing his toe on the small table in the living room. He searched where the sound was coming from and found that the phone was inside one of his pillows.

He reached inside the pillow case and pulled out his phone, barely answering the call from Shino.

"'Sup?" Sasuke answered the phone.

"Sasuke? Why aren't you here?" Shino asked, clearly surrounded by people from the noise in the background. "Skipping today? Where at?" He asked.

"Actually, I'm staying home, coming over?" Sasuke asked, looking for the charger as his phone beeped the 5% warning.

"Sure. Want me to bring anything?" Shino asked.

" Anything, who else is coming?"

"I could get the group to get together. Sakura's here with me, Ino hasn't showed up yet, Neji and Tenten don't seem interested. Want me to get Shikamaru?" Shino asked, someone talking to him on the background. "Hold on." He said.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now