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*plays sad music because this is the ending*


"Say what again?" Kiba asked, "Tell me you did not just say Sasuke's crazy ex girlfriend escaped from KonRec."


"Isn't that supposed to be a security tight school?" Ino asked.

"It is but-"

"Wait, but do you know where she is?" Sai interrupted.

"Guys, no. No, we actually have no clue." Kakashi finally spoke. "I literally just got an email, this morning they checked in her room and she pulled the pillow under sheets trick. She escaped through the vents apparently."

"Dude, that's straight out from a movie. She's crazy!" Kiba said, now looking around.

"Calm down, Kiba. Tsunade's been alerted and she knows what she has to do. I'm just telling you guys just so you can look out." Kakashi said, taking Iruka's hand in his as some type of support. "I'll be going now. Remember to get back to class once the bell rings." He reminded, walking back to the door and shutting it.

"Glad to know we have something else to worry about." Kiba snorted. "Yeah, tests are going to be real easy now that I know I got some crazy bitch probably looking out for us."

"I'll say." Ino added.


Though it wasn't time to go in, everyone but Sasuke and Naruto went inside to grab something from the vending machines.

Naruto didn't go because he was asleep. Apparently the roof was to calming for him and he drifted off, leaving Sasuke to observe how adorable he looked in his sleep.

He heard someone open the door, but he was too busy admiring Naruto to look back who it was.

"Did you guys bring what I asked?" He called out, figuring it was one of them.

"Not really, Sasuke. But I think you'll like it just as much." Sasuke leapt up, facing Sakura as she stood just a few yards away from him.

Sakura had a smile on her face, a sweet one as if nothing's ever happened and this was just another date with Sasuke. "You have Naruto with you. How sweet, are you guys friends again?" She asked.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked back, noticing Sakura stating at Naruto.

"Sasuke, you know I love you, right? Come back with me, I promise this time I'll invite Naruto over so he can hang out with us."

"Sakura, you and I are over. Been over for a long time. Now leave us."

Sakura frowned as Sasuke said that. "You really hate me? You hate me that much?!" She yelled, startling a sleeping Naruto.

"Shut up!" Sasuke yelled back.

"No! How could you defend him like this?! He broke us up! It's his fault for tearing us apart and now he's fooled you into loving him!" Sakura shouted.

Naruto was now awake, fully alert and shocked as Sakura was standing on the very same roof as him.

"What do you have to say now, Naruto? You stole my boyfriend!"

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now