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Temari jumped into her car, starting the engine and pulling on her seat belt. She was just out of the drive way when Kankuro decided to run for it and get in.

"What's the plan?" He asked, praying they get there safely as Temari broke the speed limit.

"Sai's the only one who could have discovered the evidence. Ino opened her mouth. Both of them need a little reminder." Temari grunted, speeding down the empty road.

Kankuro smiled, he always loved getting involved with his sisters antics, it gave him a reason to fight against people without getting in trouble. Of course, due to the fact that their father seemed to favor Temari because she was the only girl in the family, so he would always cover up for her. If it had been Kankuro, let's just say he'd be left to take care of things on his own.

"Call Sakura," Temari ordered, digging her phone out of her pocket, "she's going to help if she doesn't want me blurting out her plans."


That same day, Sasuke was having trouble speaking to Naruto. It had been three days since the little incident and even though Naruto was in his class, the blond either skipped, slept, or simply ignored him.

Kakashi didn't know about it, neither did Iruka. Sasuke kept the secret to himself.

He waited for the bell to ring. He decided he was going to talk to Naruto about it, about how he thought about what Naruto said and how he'd come to realize his heart didn't beat just because he wanted to protect him. He loved Naruto. He was convinced of it.

"Remember, you have to turn in the sheet by tomorrow!" Shizune called out as the students ran out of the classroom.

Slowly, Sasuke nervously walked back towards Ino, Sai and Naruto. "Naruto, can I talk you you? Please?"

Naruto looked up at him, then at Sai and Ino who nodded their heads.

"We'll go on ahead." Ino said, grabbing her bag and pulling Sai out along with her.

"Naruto." Sasuke started once Shizune walked out. Naruto raised his head, his eyes staring down at the floor.

"I don't know if I'll make sense but I just want to come out and say I'm sorry." Sasuke grabbed a chair and turned it around to face Naruto. "What you said to me, I thought it over and I guess I realized, that it was my fault you felt this way. I'm sorry for rejecting you the way I did. I'm sorry for ignoring you, and I'm sorry I didn't do anything about it."

Naruto slowly raised his eyes.

"When you said you hated being by my side as a friend, I—" Sasuke let out a breath. "Listen, I get nervous around you. Lately I find myself thinking about you and stuff."

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is-" Sasuke scratched the back of his neck. "This isn't really the right time to say it, but. . "

Naruto waited, his heart rate increasing as he anticipated the next words from Sasuke's mouth.

Sasuke sighed, looking anywhere but Naruto's eyes. "I uh. . ."

"Say it." Naruto whispered, his voice dry.

Sasuke looked him in the eye and smiled. "I love you."

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now