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//this story was supposed to be only twenty chapters but ha, guess not. Anyways double update because why not
"Sasuke, I'm being very serious right now." Kakashi walked around his office, his arms crossed as Sasuke sat quietly in his chair. "Why did Sakura do this? What did Kiba do last time? Why does Naruto say this isn't the first time its happened?" He interrogated, each time his voice more concerned.

Sasuke sighed, "nothing happened last time."

"Sasuke, it would help if you just told me everything now. Stop hiding these things from me, Naruto's health is on the line for the gods sake!" He yelled, slamming his fist down on his desk as he passed it. "If this keeps happening to Naruto, you'll be the one to blame since you're hiding all these details from me. Now either you tell me everything, or else!" Kakashi raised his voice once again, his anger rising with every moment Sasuke stayed silent.

Finally, Sasuke shuffled on his seat, letting out a deep breath before muttering a low "fine" as he sat up.

"Now tell me, from the beginning, why everything is happening." Kakashi demanded, his voice much lower as he sat down.

"We got mad at each other for something he said. Or at least, I did. Then-"

"What did you get mad about?" Kakashi asked, his eyes staring deep into Sasuke's as he awaited his answer.

"Something." Sasuke said, unable to actually say the reason. Kakashi continued staring at him until finally, "Okay, fine, he confessed to me and I didn't like it. There. That's what started it all."

He expected Kakashi to react some way, but instead, "And how is that related to what's happening to him? Did you send Kiba after him?"

"No! I'd never do that, I never did anything. I told him to stay away from me but that was it. We stopped talking."

"And you went as far as to pretend you didn't know him?" Kakashi asked, recalling the time Naruto stated this in front of him.

"We stopped talking. Sure I talked to him a few times, but it was awkward so I stopped. It was better to ignore him."

Kakashi gave a long sigh, rubbing his temples as Sasuke continued talking.

"Okay, and what about Kiba, what did he do?"

"Ino told us a while ago Sakura liked sending Kiba to bother Naruto. Just like today, but last time Naruto thought I sent Kiba after him because Kiba told him I was the one that sent him." Sasuke rolled his eyes, not because he was confessing everything, but because of all the times he realized Naruto was hurt and he never bothered to ask why.

"And Sakura went after him, why?"

"She's my girlfriend, was, I don't know, she hated that I spent too much time thinking about Naruto, or according to Ino, she thought Naruto was the reason I was getting on trouble with you lately. Apparently I don't go out with her as much because of him." Sasuke explained, his mind thinking of all the things she could've done behind his back and Naruto had stayed silent about. The idiot.

Kakashi sighed. A silence overtook them as one thought of what to do next and the other planning out some type of vengeance.

Finally, "I'll have to speak to Sakura." Kakashi sighed.

//it's so hard, so hard. kpop is growing on me and I just onfg

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