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"I am not going to stay with these two!"

"He is not staying with us!"

". . . what they said."

Kiba, Naruto, and Sai all disagreed on Kakashi's alternative to being suspended.

"Now, now, its a choice." Kakashi said calmly, Gai standing behind him with his arms crossed. "I could always come up with something different."

"I want no part in it, I rather take suspension." Kiba said, his face almost a tint of red with anger.

"Be careful choosing your paths, Kiba. I prefer you choose my option than skip out on a few days of school." Kakashi said, his face now turning towards the door as Sasuke walked in.

"Sasuke, perfect timing." Kakashi sighed.

"Shizune wanted me to deliver these to you." Sasuke said, looking somewhat awkward around the three others in the room as he handed a couple of binders to Kakashi.

"Stay for a bit, sit down, I'll give you a pass later." Kakashi motioned Sasuke to sit.

Sighing, Sasuke mumbled a "Sure," before sitting down to witness the talk the three others were getting.

"Weren't you part of it?" Gai's voice startled Sasuke, was he there the whole time?

"I- I stopped it before Lady Tsunade showed up." Sasuke explained, his attention shifting to Naruto.

"So, in the end, it's better. Come on, Kiba." Kakashi had finished explaining to Kiba why he should chose to stay after school and help Naruto and Sasuke. Though Kiba was persistent, knowing Sasuke was watching and nodding towards him, he finally gave in.

Sasuke only nodded so Kiba could join, not because they were 'best buds', but because Sasuke figured more people meant less awkwardness and less time with Naruto.

Naruto, on the other hand, had difficulty saying anything to prevent Kiba's addition. He really didn't want Kiba to join.

"Aren't you afraid he'll start another fight?" Sai asked, finally.

Gai only frowned. "He knows if he starts another fight again, he'll be expelled. Not to mention, he'll have to take another year to graduate since he's already built up so many troubles."

"Okay, but what about outside school?" Sai asked again.

Gai only stood in silence, contemplating an answer. "He can't get in trouble with the police, if that's what you're asking. He has eyes all over him."
Sai looked towards Kiba with raised eyebrows, "Really, now?"

Kiba shot him a glare.

Kakashi sighed.

Naruto pouted.

Sasuke stared. No, no he didn't. He didn't care, so he looked away.

After handling the problem and finally coming to a solution, Kakashi dismissed Kiba and Sai, sending them with Gai to prevent any other problems.

Having Naruto and Sasuke left, Kakashi sighed longingly as he stretched his arms. Still in the huge meeting room, they all sat towards the end of the table.

"Naruto, before I dismiss you, I want to talk to you. I'll send Sasuke off in a bit so we can talk." Kakashi said, his eyes glowering so Naruto didn't have a choice to deny.

Simply nodding, Naruto slumped a little in his seat, Sasuke was now sitting next to him as Kakashi sat on the other side facing them.

"I hope you two can keep an eye on them," he began. "I want no repeat if what happened today, Lady Tsunade was at least kind enough to give them a choice. Naruto, this goes for you too, you could've been suspended."

"Suspended? Why me? I barely did anything." Naruto argued. "The one who started it was Kiba."

"Kiba doesn't start fights, Naruto." Sasuke said so matter of factly.

"Oh, right, he finishes them, like last time, right?"


"Yeah, Sasuke, tell Kakashi about last time. Tell him why Kiba never starts fights."

"That's enough, Naruto!"

Kakashi could only be more surprised. "What are you talking about,  Naruto?"

"Ask Sasuke. He knows everything." Naruto said, abruptly standing up, pushing his chair back as he pulled and shut the door closed.

A silence was shared between the two left, until Kakashi snapped out of what just happened. "Sasuke," he said. "What happened?"

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