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Gai sensei's mouth never stopped talking to the two new friends in the back. Naturally, when the teacher was too busy gossiping, other students did nothing productive as they sat and talked to their friends across the classroom.

For Sasuke, he just slept through the whole class until the bell rang for lunch. Almost the last one out, he noticed Sai and Naruto walking together towards the courtyard.

"So is this is where you eat?" Sai asked as Naruto sat down against a tree.

"Pretty much, unless its raining. Its too noisy inside and-"

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're just scared." Sai said, attracting Naruto's eyes to his.

"Am not."

"Come on, show me around." Sai said, trying to get the blond to gather the courage to eat inside. He knew there was someone in the cafeteria that bothered Naruto if he had made it a habit to eat outside.

"Fine, don't expect much though." Naruto got up from the tree, walking inside while Sai followed. When they arrived to the cafeteria, Sai's first observation was the large group all the way in the back where girls sat on the table talking to each other while the guys joked around either joking or showing their strength as they arm wrestled. In the middle of that chaos sat a pretty pink haired girl that caught Sai's eye for a moment, only when the blonde from earlier showed up next to her and whatever he had been thinking of the pink haired girl disappeared as a smile crept to his face.

Catching Sai's eye, Naruto looked towards the table, noticing Ino whispering into Sakura's ear as she looked towards them.

"I think they're gonna come over here." Naruto said, dragging Sai to the lunch line.

"Let them come. I can always use a new friend." He said, his eyes glued to Ino as she stood beside Sakura now, her arms crossed as she stuck her tongue out at him. "How cute." Sai said, throwing a wink to the blonde, receiving a disgusted face.

He chuckled as he waited for Naruto. "You're not getting anything?" Naruto asked.

"School food isn't appealing to me." Sai responded eyeing the choices for once. "Although I'll take this." He said, grabbing a bowl of yougurt and fruits, setting it on Naruto's plate. "I'll pay you for it later."

"Its fine."

Sai and Naruto walked over to an empty table, waiting for Ino to make an appearance. Soon enough, Naruto felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Naruto. Who's your new friend here?" It only took Naruto a moment to process who's voice that belonged to.

"Ask him, Kiba." He answered, feeling a lump on his throat as his heart started feeling tight. Kiba made him feel that way, simply because Kiba was intimidating.

"I'm asking you, dumbass."

"Sai. Who the fuck would you be?" Sai answered, his eyes looking up the the teenager behind Naruto.

"What the fuck kind of name is Sai?" He scoffed. "Whatever, heard you were getting along with Ino over there." He said, throwing a glance at the blonde staring over.

"Yeah, I think she likes me." Sai said, looking over at Ino.

Ino knew they were talking about her, from the glances, of course. "Calm down, Ino." Sakura sang into Ino's ear. "You don't want to let those losers know you're being affected." She said, eyeing Kiba's glances.

Something about the new kid bothered her too. "What did you say his name was?" She asked her friend.

"Sai." Ino answered, glaring at Sai who was now giving her a smug look as Kiba tried desperately for his attention.

"Hey, you bastard, I'm talking to you." Kiba waved his hand in front of Sai.

"Indeed you are, but I'm not gaining anything from anything you're saying." Sai said, his eyes redirecting themselves back into Kiba's. "Just empty threats."

"Listen here, you fuck." Kiba growled, leaning over Naruto to grab Sai's collar.

"Hm?" Sai smirked. "I dare you." He taunted. "Hit me."

Kiba only scowled at Sai. He didn't think the boy would not be scared of him. Instead he was taunting him.

"Come on, beast boy, try it. Punching someone is really easy, you'll feel great." Sai raised his hand to grab Kiba's. "Here, I'll help you." Sai held on to Kiba's hand, placing it on top of his cheek. "All you gotta do now is punch." He whispered.

Kiba felt Sakura's gaze behind his back. He knew others were watching too. The silence in the cafeteria was too much and now he felt pressured. "You're not worth it." He said, letting go of Sai's shirt.

He straightened himself out, looking down at Naruto and whacking him in the head just because. With that he started walking out of the cafeteria.

"You see that, Naruto? I told you he was all bark and no bite." Sai said it out loud, earning a few laughs from some people in the cafeteria, and stopping a now pissed off boy in his tracks.

"What? Did I anger you more?" Sai asked, making Kiba look back at him. "What do you care, you're not going to do anything. You're too chicken." Sai said in a matter of fact way.

"I'd shut my mouth if I were you." Kiba threatened.

"Or you'll what? Glare at me to death? You won't hit, you're too afraid of getting in trouble."

As soon as those words left Sai's mouth, Kiba let go of whatever was holding him back and ran towards Sai, ready to swing while Sai stood his ground.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The cafeteria chanted as Sai stopped Kiba's blow, giving Kiba a right hook to his side. The boy took the hit and tried to swing at Sai's face, but once again, Sai stopped his fist and used his foot to kick him in the groin.

At this point Sakura was pissed. Althought Kiba never started fights, he was a good fighter. The fact that he was losing to a whimp made her rethink Kiba's status in her group.

Ino was worried, though she'll be damned by Sakura if she showed it. Watching as her friend Kiba was getting beaten, she couldn't help but also admire how Sai never took a hit and he stood where he was. Only Naruto was the one trying to back him out of it.

When Kiba struggled to stand straight, Sai decided no more was needed, and thus finally grabbed Naruto's hand and led him out of the cafeteria.

A few footsteps were heard and Sai turned just in time to break Kiba's jump, making Kiba stumble and hit his face against the door. Still, he got up, fists ready once again.

Only when he prepared to swing, his fist was stopped midway as someone grabbed his hand.

"That's enough, Kiba!" Sasuke yelled.

//I suck at writing fight scenes. But tell me howyoh guys are liking the story so far.

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