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When Kakashi arrived at Naruto's home, Naruto tried to convince his counselor that he was fine enough to walk on his own. However, due to Kakashi's observations, he didn't let Naruto take one step out of the car without his support.

"I should be taking you to a hospital." Kakashi huffed as they struggled to climb the stairs to Naruto's small apartment. "I'd feel better if you got your wounds treated."

Naruto struggled enough to breathe, but he managed out a small "its fine," before he almost stumbled over. "Its not the first time it's. . . happened." He said, almost out of air.

"Naruto!" Kakashi held on to the boys body as he almost fell. "One more step, come on." They were now in front of Naruto's door, however, Naruto didn't seem we'll enough to produce the key from his pocket, so Kakashi did the next best thing; he kicked the door open.

Carefully laying Naruto on the sofa amongst the wall, Kakashi noted old scars on Naruto's abdomen. Disliking what he saw, he decided he was going to have a long conversation with the Uchiha, whom Naruto seemed to blame everything on. He walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and filling it with warm water as he dialed his phone.

"Iruka, I need you over at Naruto's, now." He spoke, receiving an immediate response and ending the call.

After a few minutes, a car screech was heard outside and Iruka walked in to the apartment, dismissing the half open door. "What happened?" He asked, as soon as he set his eyes upon Naruto.

"Something I have to get to the bottom of. Can I ask you to drive him to the hospital once he's good enough to stand? I have to talk to someone." Kakashi said, now disposing of the dirty towels he used to clean around the boy's smallest wounds.

Iruka agreed, heading over to help his roommate clean up before he left.

"So, I heard the cops have all eyes on you." Sai had carefully made his way over to where Kiba was, sorting the library books on the cart.

"Fuck off, nerd." Kiba scowled, but paid no mind to Sai since he was somewhat calm as he arranged the books in order.

Sai only chuckled before adding more books to Kiba's pile and heading back to the computer lab located inside the library, where Sasuke was switching the ink on the printers. "So about this Sakura," he began, " any way I could know what kind of power she has?"

Sasuke only made a confused face as he carefully set the ink inside the printer, "What are you talking about?"

"You know, is she powerful or not? Does she have magic powers that could end the world or does she have enough power to take over the school with her evil minions?" Sai sat on top of a table, careful to move the keyboard.

"I don't speak geek," Sasuke said, finally done with his work and stretching. "But she's smart, like Kiba said, she knows things that could harm you later on." He explained as he moved on to the next printer.

"Oh? How do you know this?" Sai asked, taking advantage that Sasuke was answering his questions as he was distracted.

"She's my girlfriend. I know what she does."

"Really now?" Sai expected Sakura and Sasuke were friends, but he didn't expect them to actually be more than that. "I thought you were just playing hard to get."

"Hard to get?" Sasuke scoffed, "from who?"

"Naruto, of course. I ship it." Sai declared, laughing as Sasuke bent down, a confused face. "It means I ship it. I- hm."

"I know what it means, I'm not stupid." Sasuke said, standing up to clean his hands. "Just wondering why."

"Isn't it obvious? The kid loves you. Only now he doesn't trust you."

"Hm. Yeah, why are we talking about this again?" Sasuke asked, now bothered that Sai was getting information out of him.

"Just making small talk." Sai shrugged, hopping off the desk to run out as Sasuke threw an inky towel towards him.

He now made his way to the meeting room, where most teacher meetings were held instead of the one Kakashi brought them into.

"Hey," he knocked on the open door, gaining Ino's attention, "how's it going?"

"Fine, I guess." Ino answered, carefully setting down manilla folders in every seat for the meeting later in the day. "Just really uncomfortable."

"How so?"

"I don't know how I'll tell Sakura." She said, stopping on the last seat and setting down the last folder. "What if-"

"Just hang around me. I can always save more than one." Sai leaned against the door, taking in Ino's sad smile.

They shared a small silence until they heard the heavy library doors open along with heavy footsteps. Both stepping out to see who it was, they were surprised to see Kakashi, a not to friendly look on his face.

"Where's Sasuke?" He asked.

Ino and Sai awkwardly pointed to the computer lab, Kakashi following their direction.

"Sasuke," he said, making Sasuke jump a little at the seriousness in his voice, "we need to talk."

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