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"So she wasn't at home or anything?" Sai asked Sasuke thought the phone.

"Nope, nowhere I would know at least."

"Okay. Well, nothing on my part either. Let's go back. Maybe tomorrow she'll show up?"

"Probably. I'll meet you back at school."

Agreeing, Sai ended the call and sighed. "She's not there either."


"She has to be somewhere." Kiba said, thinking of other possible places she could be at.

After school ended, Kakashi had let them take the day off since the clean up club had stayed after for once, remembering their duties and begging Kakashi to give them a second chance. Doing so, Kakashi let them do their job while his favorite five students were free to go. However, they decided to stay in school grounds, specifically, the picnic table where Naruto used to love sitting at.

Suspecting that Shikamaru had some type of plan, Sasuke and Sai agreed to look for Sakura. It was weird that she'd been absent, since she never was. The fact that she always skipped was known, but she always skipped after second period. They thought she was up to something and thus, decided that looking for her was the best idea.

"Ino, how's your face?" Kiba asked again for the tenth time as Ino, Naruto and him sat around the picnic table waiting for Sai and Sasuke to return.

"Shut up, Kiba you're so annoying." Ino laughed, her hand grabbing at the scar Temari left before the two men got a hold of her.

"Honestly though, I knew she was crazy, but not that crazy." Kiba scoffed.

"You're talking about my sister?" Kankuro walked up to them, his hand in his dark jeans while the other pulled the black hoodie off from his face.

"No, actually I was uh-" Kiba stood up, "Nothing really."

"It's fine." Kankuro smiled, "How's your face?" He asked towards Ino, his hand making a circle around his cheek.

"It's fine, nothing to worry about."


The four stayed silent, until voices were heard and Naruto leapt from atop the picnic table to run toward Sasuke.

"Guys, give it a break." Kiba groaned. Kankuro laughed, sitting next to him as Ino stood up to greet Sai.

"So she's in jail for real now?" Sai asked Kankuro, who only nodded his head.

"No offence but, she was-"

"Crazy, I know." Kankuro smiled.
Sai and Kankuro got along well, even when they first met, Kankuro came off as threatening while Sai looked as if nothing in the world could bother him. Getting along meant Kankuro was able to let go of Ino and thus ordered Tayuya to ignore Temari's orders and help Ino hide instead. Showing up with the police was his plan, since Temari escaped.

"Hey, Naruto, let's go." Sasuke picked up his book bag next to the table and waited as Naruto said good bye to the rest.

Kiba and Kankuro looked at each other, knowing something was up and smiled, "See ya' Naruto." Kankuro waved and he too, walked off.

"Ten bucks something's going on?" Ino asked Kiba, leaning over to his side as Sai walked over to his book bag.

"Deal." Kiba said, slapping his hand on Ino's as they watched Naruto and Sasuke walk off.


"Its fine, I promise, Iruka. We'll clean up and everything." Naruto said, hurrying the man to get out of the house.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now