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"Out with it, shortie. Spill everything you got." Her breath smelled of mint.

"Fuck you."

The growing anger in her angelic blue eyes deceived her smiling face.

"Hand it over, I said."

"How long does it take for you to process the word 'no'?"

If Ino Yamanaka was seen loosing her patience, it would be a sight. The girl had the patience of a saint when it came to anything, except for this new addition to the school.

"What did you say your name was?" He asked, completely unfazed by the death glare she was subtly aiming.

"Ino. Yamanaka." She spat. "It'd do you good to remember the name, Seth."

"Its Sai. And no thanks, I don't like holding useless information." Oh but the kid was about to receive Ino's wrath. Just when she thought she couldn't take it any longer, another, easier target caught her eye. It was all she could do to keep herself from smiling like a maniac.

"Naruto." She called out, "come 'ere for a sec'."

The blond really didn't want any trouble, running into Yamanaka wasn't too bad, she thought she had the power but in the end, she wagged her tail for just about anybody above her.

Doing as told, Naruto walked over towards the girl and the familiar looking male in front of her.

"Naruto, sweetie." She smiled. " If I recall, you owe me a favor."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I don't recall." He said, eyeing the slim figure he stood next to.

"Yes, you do." She said, glaring down at him. "And if I remember correctly, there's that issue with Sasuke you have, you know, the one that involves your phone?"

Naruto blushed, but for the most part, he was irritated.

"Using blackmail? How clever." Sai said, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "What are you going to make him do? Steal my lunch money? News flash, if you haven't noticed, the food here sucks, no way I'm bringing money for the food you shit."

A smile was threatening on Naruto's lips.

"Watch your mouth, Seth."


"Whatever! Get out of my face, both of you!" She snarled. She just couldn't stand this guy, she was going to get back at him somehow.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." Sai started, "but this is my locker, I see no reason to move. Perhaps you could leave, the air is a bit musty around you for my taste."

That's it. Naruto was laughing now.

Ino's face was red, never in her life had she been spoken to this way. Finding no more reaosn to stay and be insulted, she stormed off into the hallway, leaving Sai with an amused Naruto.

"I take it she likes me, what do you think?"

Naruto rubbed his stomach, with the other hand wiping the tears off his eyes. "That's the farthest I've seen anybody make her mad."

"Really? I'm honored." Sai said, opening his locker to push his book bag in. "I'm Sai." He offered his hand.

"Naruto." He said, shaking it.

"So tell me, Naruto, my friend, who's the angel I upset?"

Walking along Sai, Naruto felt happy. The new kid was great. "Ino, she thinks she's all that but apparently she's got nothing."

"Are there more people like her? I'd like to invite them over for brunch, you know? Get to know each other." Sai smiled.

"Hn, yeah, there are a bunch of 'em." Naruto said. "Though some actually have enough power to make you suffer."

"I take it you're suffering?"

"I guess you could say, but I don't mind. You get used to it."

Now that sent a frown to Sai's lips. "How sad."

"Yeah." Naruto whispered, but wasn't hurt by it at all.

"Well fear no more, Na-ru-to. I, Sai, have come from hell to defend you." He said, placing a hand on Naruto's back.

"Really now? Thanks, but I don't need saving." He said, smiling at the comfort Sai brought.

"Nope, I'm here to save you. Its decided. Besides, I kinda took a liking to that blonde chick, she seems easy to beat."

"Woah there, handle the mini boss with care, she's still a girl."

"Mini boss, huh? Who would the boss be?"

Naruto thought about it. Ranks were given to level of popularity. So if he had to guess, the top would be either Sasuke or Sakura. But Sakura was only tough because she was smart, she had the brains to make your life miserable, while Sasuke, well, the bastard had power in spades.

"Who knows, Sasuke?" Naruto took a guess.

"What about me?" Came a voice from the door of the classroom Sai and Naruto had stopped at.

"Is this your class?" Sai asked Naruto, completely ignoring the Uchiha.

Naruto nodded, "Yours, too?" Sai smiled as he nodded.

"Hey, asswhipe, I asked a question." Sasuke said, crossing his arms as he inspected Sai. "And who the fuck are you?"

Sai only smiled as he neared the Uchiha with and outstretched hand. "Sai, and who might you be?"

"What's it matter to you?" Sasuke said, looking down at Sai's hand.

"Just asking, now, I'm Sai. Who might you be?" Sai asked once more, this time, a tone in his voice that seemed almost too cold for Sasuke's liking.

"Sasuke." He said, uncrossing his hands to shake Sai's.

"So you're the boss, huh?" Sai said, retracting his hand before Sasuke could shake it. "Sorry, then, boss, but my services are with the prince here."

Confused, Sasuke looked towards Naruto, seeing him smile at the pale stick before him.

"Whatever. Naruto, you better not skip today." He warned.

"Like I care." Naruto shrugged, walking into the classroom after Sai.

// I think you guys are going to like Sai. He's the geeky nerd type of fellow, adorable huh, but he's fiesty. I just love him! In the original, Sai didn't really have much of a part except for in the beginning but that was about it. Not anymore, wa ha ha!

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now