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"What do you mean you can't do anything, Shikamaru?!" Temari scowled, grabbing her boyfriend by the collar of his sweater. Suddenly Shikamaru wanted to go back to bed. "Well?!"

Kankuro leaned next to a cross armed Sakura, observing from a distance how scary his sister can be and pitying Shikamaru as she shook him and demanded an answer.

Shikamaru's faced clearly begged for help, so Kankuro agreed to help him since Temari was on the verge of going extra crazy.

"Temari, there's another way we could get to Sai, you know?" He questioned, an arm around his sisters as she shut up and waited for what could be good enough to get to Sai. "He has a girlfriend. You remember? The girl who talked?"

Temari scowled. "Call Tayuya."

Shikamaru sighed, finally out his girlfriend's claws as she walked away. "Thanks, owe you one."

Kankuro nodded, "And I know just how you could pay me back." He said, now an arm around Shikamaru's shoulder as they walked towards the game room.


"So you actually want me to beat the girl up?" The red haired girl Tayuya asked as soon as she stepped out of the boy's car. She had agreed to meet Temari outside Ichiraku's once she called.

"Get your boys in on it, too. That bitch asked to get beat up." Temari looked around, noticing two boys missing. "Where are the other two?"

"Arrested and getting laid, probably." Tayuya simply said, "Now let me just make sure I heard right, you actually want me to mess that girl up? You do know how violent these boys here can be, right?" Tayuya questioned.

"You've been trained under that criminal Orochimaru and you're questioning if I'm sure of what I want?" Temari raised an eyebrow.

Tayuya frowned, "Don't bring him into this."

"I'm not, just simply stating that if you were trained under him, you wouldn't be just standing here asking questions. You'd shut up and get right to it, unless you want me to tell my dad exactly where he's hiding." Temari warned, grinning when Tayuya shut her mouth, looked down, and got back in the car, telling the boy on the driver's seat to floor it.

"Wow, you just surpassed dad at giving orders." Kankuro teased.

"Shut up."


"What did I tell you?" Sai bragged, now sitting in front of his laptop next to Shino who had come over to check if he could help. However, Sai's pride didn't let him ask for help, so he decided to push himself and show Shino he too, could do it.

"Not bad, Sai. Now what?" Shino asked, taking an ear bud out from his ear and leaning in to look at the screen.

"We bring Shikamaru over here and make him tell Tsunade everything." Sasuke appeared from the kitchen.

After the attacks started, Sai couldn't do anything at first without his laptop. He decided to run out into Naruto's house where everybody else except Iruka and Kakashi followed and now here they sat, Ino and Hinata playing with Naruto's hair while Kiba laughed at the poor blond. Sai and Shino got to their job at hand, and Sasuke occupied himself with warming up food Iruka had left, even if they had just eaten.

"Maybe sending the information over to Tsunade is better?" Shino suggested.

Sai shook his head, thinking the exact same thing Sasuke was thinking. "If we do, well still have nothing to link Sakura to. If Shikamaru confesses that Sakura was also behind this, at least then Tsunade will be able to do something, even if it's small."

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now