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A/N: I'd like to thank von and link for helping me out with this story for the past years. I know how annoying I got, always asking for help and later on dropping the story with no intentions of picking it back up, but I believe you guys were really helpful and overly patient with me. Thanks for sticking with me and for encouraging me with this. 


"The name's Karin, and you in the back." She pointed towards Sasuke. "I hope we become really good friends."

The class erupted in a hushed laughter, their hands over their mouths as everyone turned to look at the obvious couple in the back of the room. "You're kidding, right?" Neji taunted, making the redhead frown. "Sorry Miss, but that one's taken."

"Alright, alright." Gai clapped his hands. "I expect everyone to get along and be nice to each other. Karin," He turned towards her. "We can find a seat for you later, but for now, why don't you leave your stuff on that desk over there and join Kiba's group?"

Karin nodded, smiling despite everyone throwing her a curious glance as she made her way to Kiba. Eyeing Sasuke, the girl smiled and winked before turning away.

"I don't like her." Naruto whispered, looking from Karin to Sasuke. "Sasuke, I don't like her." He repeated, staring the raven in the eye.

"I don't either." Sasuke said, assuring his boyfriend everything was fine as he grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him closer. The two sat side by side, passing what was left of their five-minute break leaning onto each other and their eyes closed.

Even still, Naruto felt uncomfortable about Karin glancing over their way every time he opened his eyes to see.

"Looks like you've got competition, my Prince." Sai stood beside Naruto, eyeing the way Karin acted with Kiba. Noticing Hinata's bothered look, Sai smiled. "And it looks like Hinata doesn't like her either."

Naruto picked his head up, sneaking a glance at Kiba's group. He really didn't like her. Anyone confident enough to say what she said out loud meant they were confident in anything.

Naruto was scared, sort of. Karin was bold and confident, something he wasn't due to all those months spent being an outcast because of Sakura.

Sakura. Something about Karin reminded him of Sakura and this concerned him.

"Sasuke, I don't like this one bit." He said, and while not receiving a response from the raven sat next to him, he knew that Sasuke thought the same thing and that wasn't all too reassuring.

Happy days are over, He thought, and held on to Sasuke's hand for reassurance. Something in him didn't feel right.

Something in him felt as though it was resurfacing from the depths of his mind, whispers that were more ominous than reassuring.

Happy days are over, Naruto. Are you ready?

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now