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"So you're the wimps Sakura wants us to take care of?" The brown haired girl asked, her face in disbelief. "This is insulting."

"By all means, you can escape now that you have the chance." Sai snorted, earning a jab from Ino on the side.

"Dude, keep your mouth shut." Kiba sighed hard, smacking himself hard at what Sai just said.

"Think you're tough, huh?" The girl smiled, "I like that. Gives me more satisfaction seeing your face when you're on the ground."

"Oh, those words send shivers down my spine." Sai said in a really weird voice, weird enough that Kiba and Naruto laughed even though they didn't want to.

"I like this kid. He's interesting." The girl too, laughed. "But oh, well. Too bad. Come on, boys." She ordered the boys on her left to move, and they did. Slowly they neared the four.

"Sai!" Ino shouted, angry that they were now dealing with more.

"Calm down, they won't do anything." Sai assured.

"Wanna bet?" The girl asked. A boy from her right walked to Sai, grabbing him by the collar and pulled him into a standing position.

"They're bluffing." Sai laughed, clearly convinced they won't do anything. Well, needless to say he was proven wrong and he was punched hard in the face, knocking him down next to Ino.

"Sai!" Ino worried as Sai's head sat upon her legs, unresponsive.

"Listen, sunshine, we're not here to play. You're friend Sakura is super pissed at whatever you guys did. So shut up and deal with it." The girl said with a smile on her face, looking down as Ino tried to wake Sai up, Naruto and Kiba looking worried as well.

"It's an act!" Sai suddenly sat up, scaring Ino and earning a hard slap on the shoulder from her. "I told you, they're not here to mess with us."

The brown haired girl sighed, "You know what? I give up. Yeah, actually, Gaara sent us."

"What?" Both Kiba and Naruto asked.

"I told you." Sai beamed, still rubbing on his shoulder. "What took you guys? We got beat up either way!"

"What took us? You didn't say where this guy lived and Gaara was 'busy' with some weird dude." The girl said, crossing her arms while the boys disbanded and sat down to stare at the other knocked out kids.

"You could've just called, you know."

"Sai, who is this?" Ino asked, suspiciously eyeing the girl.

"Don't worry, sunshine, Sai and I are old friends. Helped me get a girl back in middle school." The girl laughed as she recalled the memory.

"Anyways. Where's Gaara? And how's the search going?"

"Again, with some weird dude and-"

"If you're still looking for Sakura, stop wasting your time." Suddenly Hinata appeared, Neji opening the door for her as she stepped out of the sleek black car.

"Hinata?" Kiba jumped at the sound of her voice.

Greeting Hinata, they all wondered why Hinata said to stop wasting their time with her.

Sasuke finally appeared, shocked at the mess but seeming relieved as Naruto was okay.

"I'm glad you're fine." Sasuke walked to Naruto, hugging him tightly and laughing when Naruto started pushing him off.

"Anyways," Hinata continued. "Bitch has been caught. Neji found her and now she's dealing with Tsunade and Kakashi."

"Did she just. ." Naruto tried pointing out at the fact that Hinata cussed once again, but nobody listened.

"Are you serious?" Kiba asked, now standing next to Hinata and Neji looking bothered at the closeness.

"I'm a Hyuuga. Of course I'm serious." Hinata answered.

"Neji, you have no idea how glad I am." Naruto said, hugging his old best friend and smiling when he hugged back.

"Well aren't you guys a bit. . . early?" Gaara walked up to the huge group outside Naruto's apartment. "So I'm guessing nothing happened?"

"They got here late." Sai said before the girl could speak.

"Late?" Gaara asked, if he had any eyebrows, he'd raise them but, you know.

"Actually, nobody told us where this Naruto kid lived so- And! These guys don't know either." She said, pointing to the boys in the Konoha uniform.

"We told you we didn't even know who he was!" One of the boys exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The other boys agreed.

"Okay, I get it. Take them away." Gaara ordered them to clean up everything before Iruka or Kakashi arrived.

In a few minutes, the girl and the boys left, carrying with them the other group and left, leaving only the small group to discuss what they were going to do now.

"So I guess this is it?" Naruto asked, now sitting on top of Sasuke as the others sat around the table.

"I guess so." Hinata answered. "How do you feel?"

"To be honest, I guess I feel good now. I have more friends than last time so. . " Naruto shyly put his head down and everyone smiled.

A knock was heard on the door, and answering it, it was revealed to be Kakashi, Iruka and Tsunade, all carrying soft drinks and food, not to mention huge smiles on their faces as they entered and saw everyone.

"Okay, Naruto." Iruka started, walking towards him and hugging him, "this is just for you."


A few weeks passed in peace. Sakura was sent to KonRec, though she had special treatment for being the cause of everything. Her group was disbanded as was every other group that brought harm. Those involved were given consequences such as suspension bit nevertheless, it was enough that Sakura had been caught.

Naruto and his friends enjoyed staying after now, even if they didn't have clean up duty anymore. Of course, Kiba always complained about their show of public affection and ranted about everything. Ino and Sai were always fun to be around and Sasuke was finally able to be a lot more happier with Naruto at his side.

Kakashi and Iruka had been creepy annoying but hey, who's who to tell who, right?

It was a week before the end of first semester and everyone in the school was given half the day to spend outside to shake off the nerves of the oncoming test.

Sasuke, Naruto, Kiba, Sai and Ino all sat on the school roof, enjoying the breeze and the great sunny weather.

It had been a few peaceful weeks. It was bound something was going to happen, Naruto though. Surely enough, something did happen.

Kakashi had found them and walked up to them, his face showing barely any expression as Iruka walked behind him, scratching the back of his head.

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked as they approached. Everyone turned their heads as Kakashi stood in silence.

"Uh, how do I tell you guys." Kakashi sighed.

"Sakura escaped." Iruka blurted out, nervously smiling as the group took in the information.

"Sakura's. . . what?"

//I think its hilarious how these last few chapters sound like a part of some school gang movie lmao

Omg guys, ONE CHAPTER LEFT ;-;

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