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"Naruto." Gai called the blond's name out from a list of names on his monitor. "Get up here." The man ordered, waving him over towards his desk. At first hesitant to leave Sasuke alone, Naruto then got up after Sai immediately took his seat in case Karin decided to pass by.

"Yeah?" Naruto asked.

Gai leaned in towards the boy, keeping his voice low and his hand holding a folder to speak to Naruto privately. "Do you know anything about this?" He pointed to the class roster on his desktop monitor, pointing at yet another mention of the new girl: Karin. "Kinda odd, isn't it?" He asked. "At first, I paid no mind. Surely there are many out there with the same last name but..." He then threw a gesturing glance towards Karin, Naruto's eyes following.

Naruto quirked an eyebrow, a questioning expression which Gai caught immediately.

"Look, it's probably nothing, but after what happened with your parents and how things went... it's possible, no? What if... what if it's her?"

And suddenly Naruto had a realization as to what Gai was leading on about. Karin. Karin! His parents. The accident. All those years ago that were once buried deep into the depths of his memory began resurfacing and Naruto could not believe what he was thinking, much less the realization that this was all- could be real.

"I need to talk to Kakashi," Naruto said under his breath. "now."

In response, Gai nodded. The man, well acquainted with Naruto's life from what Kakashi told him, understood what this could mean for Naruto and how things could possibly... change. Naruto had gone through a lot, and surely everyone thought that would be the end of it, but apparently no. Quickly, he scribbled on a piece of paper, not that Naruto ever needed it, but just in case he was stopped in the hallways. Handing the makeshift hall pass, Gai then watched as Naruto slowly turned his head towards Karin and frowned. 

With a concerning look thrown over Sasuke's way, Naruto waited for the raven to look his way before gesturing toward the door. Sasuke, confused, nodded and sent the boy a smile, growing concerned when the blond offered none in return before leaving the classroom.

He wasn't sure how he was able to say for sure, but he felt something was wrong and one glance from Sai was all he needed to know that the others were thinking the same thing. 

Naruto, walking frantically towards a certain counselor's office, tried not to think too much of it. His parents' deaths were not his fault. It wasn't. Karin had died, right? She had been strapped onto her own car seat when the collision occurred. So was he. His parents were safe, had been, but some childish dispute between him and the redhead relative had triggered a series of events that Naruto carried as painful memories to this day.

"Naruto," He hadn't noticed when exactly he even entered the man's office, but coming to, Naruto realized he was standing in the open doorway to Kakashi's office. "What's... wrong?" He asked, noticing the stoic, deep-in-thought look on the blond before him. Something was bothering the blond, that was one thing he noticed right away, and he prayed to the gods that it was nothing to do with recent past events. "Naruto?"

"My dad," Naruto spoke, slowly stepping in and closing the door behind him, this was too private a conversation for anyone else to hear. "my... my mom, when they..."

Kakashi's eyebrows rose in subtle shock. This wasn't the conversation he was expecting upon seeing the blond so worried. 

"When they died back then, and my cousin and I... Karin never made it, right?"

Kakashi, growing overly concerned, pushed his chair back and stood up. "We never found her body, the chances of her surviving back then were slim to zero. Naruto, what is this about?"

"There's a new student in our classroom," Naruto's emotions could be deciphered through his speech, and although he didn't show it, it was evident he was getting overwhelmed with raw emotions. "her name is- her name is Karin Uzumaki and she- she-"

"Deep breaths," Kakashi advised, rushing over to help Naruto to a chair. 

"She has long, red hair and her glasses are different," Naruto let out. "I didn't notice before. Not until Gai said something but... she looks like her." 

"Karin." He could hear the voice in his head resurface once again. "What do you know about Karin." It stated more than questioned. "You killed her along with your parents. The whole thing was your fault. You're responsible for their blood on your hands."

"Naruto," Kakashi's heavy-toned voice snapped him out of it. "Calm down. We can't jump into any conclusions. Did she say anything to you?" Naruto shook his head. "Then we can't automatically assume it's her. There are many people out there with same last names, I'm sure Karin is a common name out there in other regions, alright? Let's calm down."

"It was you."


"If only you'd died with them in the end, don't you think?"  The voice taunted.


"It's their blood on your hands." And with that last remark, the voice faded and Naruto erupted in a fountain of tears. He no longer understood what Kakashi was mouthing at him, no longer saw clearly as the world around him became a blur. His heart ached for the memory of that day, for what he felt back then, for the overwhelming sensation that was everything catching up to him.

Karin Uzumaki. The long-thought dead member of his mother's side of the family. Could that Karin be this one that openly declared her feelings for Sasuke in front of an entire classroom? If she was, then did she know? Did she know who he was, what happened, and most importantly, did she hate him?

He wasn't ready to ask himself that many questions, and the deep voice from before had offered no help in making him feel any better. Usually one to either help or make him doubt himself, this time, the voice took a different approach and blamed him for something he wasn't completely sure of. Was the voice right? I mean, not even Naruto remembered the events of that day, who was to say that the voice knew?

"It was all..."

"It wasn't." Kakashi assured.

"If I hadn't..."

"You didn't. Weather conditions had been terrible that day, Naruto. It was late night as well. There are one to many factors that could be taken into account."

And although Kakashi continued talking, Naruto had zoned out and given in to the images he remembered from that day.

It was his fault. Karin had been peacefully trying to sleep throughout the ride back home but Naruto... 

It was their blood on his hands.

[a/n: would you guys prefer this story have its own separate book? kind of feel like it's going to get cluttered soon but... idk. anyways, THE PLOT THICKENS. I really hope you guys like where this is going because i'll be diving into naruto's past. be warned though, things will get kind of heavy from here. i'll finally be explaining the voice, how it'll affect naruto and everyone around him and how karin... well... i can't give too much away lol.

also, a quick thank you to von and writerhylian for the brainstorming we did on this. i was stuck for a good while on how to continue but it seems we're sorting it out. thanks my loves!]

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