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"So you see, its the only thing I can give you as a consequence. I'm willing to not get Lady Tsunade involved if you agree to my terms." Kakashi explained to the bored looking girl sitting across from his desk.

"I'm not agreeing to anything, you don't have proof it was me. All you have is verbal evidence and that's not as reliable as physical evidence." She stated, her finger twirling a strand of hair.

"We have an eye witness, and even if your group decided to back you up-"

"So you have a witness, again, is there any evidence other than what came out of her mouth to prove it was me? Kakashi, I don't mean to be rude but this is a waste of my time." Sakura glared. Although Kakashi knew what she was doing, he let it go.

"I'll have my eyes on you." Is all he said before Sakura dismissed herself.

Sighing, he took out his gone, dialing his room mate to check up on Naruto.

"He's fine, 'Kashi, for the tenth time." Iruka answered.

"I just need to make sure."

"Yeah, well, call every two hours or something, not every ten minutes. How'd the meeting go?"

Kakashi had a headache from the talk he and Sakura had, she was persistent and always brought up questions Kakashi couldn't answer. "Painful." He answered, "she's tough to crack."

"Yeah? Well I'd keep an eye on her, now that she knows you're on to her she'll definitely go after Naruto. Anybody else involved?"

"Gai has enough with Kiba. I'm bringing this up to Tsunade if she makes another move. Right now all I can do is give her a small consequence and that's making me even more stressed. She should be getting expelled for this."

"Then why isn't she?"

"I gave her the option to reflect."



"That's stupid as fuck and you know it. She's not going to reflect on anything, if anything you've made things worse."

Kakashi sighed, knowing well his room mate was right. "I'll visit Naruto as soon as I dismiss the others." He said, hanging up before Iruka had the chance to say anything else.

Grabbing his bag and keys, he headed out, locking his office door and walking out towards the library, where the group now sat silently eating. "Guys, you're dismissed, I have something to go check." He announced.

"Are you going to see Naruto? Can I go?" Ino jumped up, "I'd like to apologize." She said quietly, sitting back down. "On sorry, its too early to see him, right?"

Kakashi knew she was feeling guilty, so, "Grab your things."

Happily, Ino smiled and got out of her seat to grab her bag, followed, of course by Sai and Sasuke, Kiba taking his time to eat his last bit and getting up slowly to throw the trash away. But he too, followed. Although Kakashi had only allowed Ino, he smiled and hurried the group to his car.

"So he's okay?" Sasuke asked, sitting in the passenger seat. Kakashi nodded, cursing at some driver who sped up to take the parking space before he did. Sasuke smiled to himself, glad his. . . friend? Yes, friend, was fine. "Wait, why are you guys coming along?" He asked, turning around to face the trio in the backseat.

"I asked." Ino stated.

Sai shrugged, "I'm an adventurer, raven, it's only natural I wander these lands." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"And you?" He asked Kiba.

"I'm just following Ino. Who happens to be following Kakashi." He said with a shrug.

"Face it, you're worried for Naruto too." Ino said, poking Kiba's cheeck as he rolled his eyes.

"Alright guys, we're here." Kakashi interrupted the group's chatter as he began climbing out of the car. Nervously, the group followed, walking behind him as he entered the clinical building.

They waited for a nurse to lead the way, stopping them in front of a door as she informed the doctor the patient had company. "Alright guys, you can go in." She informed.

Kakashi and the group walked in as Naruto was pulling his shirt down, the doctor sanitizing his hands before informing Kakashi on the boys status. "Are you the legal guardian?"

"Student counselor." Kakashi stated, "He lives alone." As the adults walked out to discuss Naruto's diagnosis, Sasuke, Sai, Kiba and Ino stood awkwardly on front of Naruto.

"What are you guys doing here?" Naruto asked, a bit skeptical as to why the three who caused him pain where present. "Need more entertainment? Is that it?"

"Naruto I- I came here to apologize." Ino spoke, her eyes starting into Naruto's. He scoffed, but Ino assured once again she was serious.

"What plan do you and Sakura have this time? Earn my trust so you can fuck me up again? Save your dignity if you have any and leave me alone."

"Naruto," Sasuke began.

"And you." Naruto interrupted. "I don't know you, so why are you here?"

"Naruto, I'm sorry I ignored you but-"

"But nothing, Sasuke. You made it perfectly clear to stay away from you. Why are you coming to me?" Naruto's voice wasn't as loud as it usually was, since his throat hurt, his voice was low and a little scratchy, but that was enough to give off an uncomfortable aura. "And you, Kiba?"

"I'm just here to see. Don't expect shit from me, I'm not apologizing." He leaned along the wall, ignoring the glares Sasuke and Ino sent.

"At least you're honest." Naruto said, a small smile on his lips.

"Fox, I tried to get them to stay but they just wouldn't listen." Sai began as soon as Naruto's eyes landed on him. "Also, I'm sorry I got there late."

Naruto laughed, "its fine. At least this time I'm conscious." That last bit was aimed more towards Kiba and Sasuke, though Sasuke was the only one who felt guilt. Kiba just shrugged it off.

Finally, Kakashi walked in, "Time to go."

"Hold it, they all won't fit in your car. Let me drive Naruto, we have a lot to catch up on." Iruka said, making his entrance with a bunch of sweets from the vending machine in his hands.

Arrangements were made, but at last, Iruka drove Naruto and Sai while Kakashi drove behind them with Ino, Kiba and Sasuke.

"So here's the thing. . " Kakashi began, as he drove down the street to Naruto's house. . .

// ignoring my friends texts so I can finish writing this chapter and upload it and stuff. Oops.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now