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//oops, noticed I updated chapter 23and not this one sorry guys I'm so distracted today

"N-no, way! Let me out this car right now!" Kiba shouted, his hand grabbing on to the door handle, about to throw himself out of the car some way or another before Kakashi activated the child lock. "You gotta be kidding me! I'm not doing that shit, no!"

As Iruka was driving the two friends back to Naruto's house, Kakashi had been following him until he made a left turn to have some time to talk to the group before they arrived. At the moment, Kakashi's sleek black car was driving through a barely used road, surrounded by miles and miles of the green giants that made up Konoha's forest.

"You can't be serious?!" He cried, slamming his fist on the window as Kakashi ignored his yelling and kept driving forth.

Finally, as Kakashi's car made another turn into a forgotten dirt road, he sighed, looking back towards Kiba, "You really have no choice. It's either you all fix this or I'll keep bugging you about it until you graduate." By now, no one said anything, except for Ino, who covered her eyes and demanded Kakashi turn around to look at the road. It wasn't until Kiba finally realized that the car was speeding up and the driver was about to crash them did he agree and beg for his eyes to stay on the road.

Silently, the car came to a stop. "Good, that takes care of one, what about the two of you?"

* * *

"Get me Shikamaru." Sakura ordered as she stepped into Shikamaru's quiet hangout. A couple of girls looked awkwardly at each other until the two of them scurried off to find their friend.

"What are you doing here?" It wasn't Shikamaru's voice, but it still made Sakura roll her eyes as she stared the girl up and down.


"Good, you remembered my name." Temari beamed, but then her smile fading as she walked forwards, "though I can't seem to put a name to your annoying face. Not that it matters." She grinned, seeing the girl's face become a deeper shade of red with anger.

"I'm not here to waste time, Temari. What are you even doing here?" Sakura asked, taking in the rebellious uniform Temari wore, the Suna Academy crest on the open blazer, her white undershirt open to reveal part of her chest and her skirt a few inches shorter than what it should be. Everyone knew Suna was a strict school, going as far as to even wear the blazer unbuttoned was against the school rules and you could get in trouble for it. But just like her brothers, Temari rebelled against those rules and even kept her ashy blonde hair down, her face decorated with a bit of cosmetics, something the school was also against.

"I believe I asked you first." Temari said, her face turning to see the two girls come back, followed by a sleepy Shikamaru.

"What's going on?" He asked, standing side by side by Temari.

"I need to talk to you." Sakura began, adding a "in private." at the end as she glared towards one of Suna's problem students.

"Tch. What a drag." Shikamaru complained, "wait for me outside," was the last thing he said before turning to Temari, and Sakura walked out.

* * *

"You're finally here!" Iruka beamed as he opened the door for Kakashi and the three deathly quiet students. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Kakshi said, his eyes scrunched from the hidden grin on his face, "we stopped to grab some food." At this, Kakashi turned to look towards the three and motioned them inside to set down the food on the table.

Walking in, Sasuke frowned at the sight the open living room displayed: Naruto sleeping on the sofa, curled up to a half asleep Sai.

"The jealousy radiating off of you is bothering my sleep." Sai said, noticing the famous Uchiha glare being sent his way. "Calm down Uchiha, he's just asleep." With a little nudge on the shoulder, Naruto's eyes opened slowly and his face was devoid of all emotion as he noticed three extra students walking about in his kitchen, Iruka no where to he seen.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as Sai made a move to get up.

"Kakashi brought food over." Sasuke began, somewhat feeling awkward at the way Naruto looked at him. Seeing as Ino and Kiba were setting up the table, Sasuke walked towards the living room, sitting a few inches away from Naruto. "I really want to talk to you."

"Yeah? More threats?"

"No, you idiot. Look, I really am sorry for what I've done."

"He's lying. Don't listen to him."

"Before Sai and I found you, he made me realize my mistake and I really am sorry about it. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you about what you said. I'm sorry I left you, I'm sorry I unknowingly isolated you from everyone. Naruto, I'm sorry for just. . . I'm sorry." Sasuke awkwardly faced the blue eyes staring back at him.

"You don't mean that." Naruto said, his mind giving off warning signs but ignored them. Something inside Naruto wanted to believe Sasuke, he wanted his words to be true, but something much deeper told him to stop feeling anything, to not fall for an apology, that it was a lie. He battled his feelings inside, debating on what to say next.

"You idiot, don't you dare fall for this. He's going to get to get close to you! Then what happens?!"

"Sasuke, I-"

"Just let me prove it to you that I mean it." Sasuke said, his eyes swimming with hope as Naruto slowly nodded his head.

"You idiot!" The voice shouted, and with a small laugh, it disappeared.

//quick question, does anybody ship Sasuke and Kakashi? Someone asked if I could write a fanfic of them, I'm considering it so leave your opinions on here if you'd like.

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