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"Naruto?" Kakashi, the school counselor, walked towards the spaced out blond. "Hey, Naruto!" He shouted close to the boy's ear.

"You dumb counselor, what do you think you're doing?!" Naruto jumped.

"Patrolling the halls, what do you think you're doing?" Kakashi shrugged, looking at him with curiosity.

"Nothing." Naruto pouted. "Go back to work." He ordered, making Kakashi burst out in laughter.

"Oh, Naruto, so demanding. Come on, let's go to class. You shouldn't be skipping." He pulled on Naruto's ear, dragging the protesting boy all the way to his classroom door. "There, now go in." Kakashi ordered and waited until Naruto made a move to open the door. Unknowingly, Sasuke was on the other side of the door, opening it at the same time as Naruto did, causing the door to hit both Sasuke and Naruto on the face. "Oh, sorry about that, Sasuke. We were just trying to get Naruto here to class." Kakashi calmly stated as both students rubbed their foreheads.

"Ngh, yeah, sure. No problem." Sasuke nodded, his palm rubbing on his forehead before looking down at Naruto. "You were skipping again?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in concern.

Naruto looked up at Sasuke, mad that only when Kakashi was present, he would talk to him like before, only to ignore him once Kakashi left.

"Its none of your business." Naruto softly responded.

'Humiliate him, Naruto. Do it now that he's paying attention, show him you're not weak!' The thoughts spoke, ringing through the walls inside his head.

Kakashi sighed. "Again? You know what, Naruto? If you keep skipping like this, I'm going to have Sasuke here look after you. You don't want to burden him now, wouldn't you?" Kakashi asked. "Sasuke has too much to do, he's keeping his grades up like he promised, I wouldn't want to put you with him now. That'll just distract him."

Naruto thought for a while and smirked, a different Naruto unbeknownst to Sasuke rising as he said, "Oh but you might have to, Kakashi-sensei. Sasuke here's been ignoring me, you see. Acting all high and mighty and pretending he doesn't know me around others. Now who needs who here?" Naruto talked in a teasing way.

Kakashi looked surprised, noticing the scowl Sasuke threw at Naruto, who didn't know why he was saying this but glad he was finally doing so; it felt liberating to be out of the emotional cage.

"Is that right?" Kakashi asked, pushing his glasses up. "Well, you two boys better come to my office after class, then." He said. "I'll e-mail the teacher, you better show up or you're getting my wrath." Kakashi tried to be funny. He made his voice somewhat monotone, a habit he has when he's tired. He left soon after leaving Naruto in class and leaving some papers for the teachers.

"Why did you do that?" Sasuke growled once the teacher ;eft the classroom to follow after Kakashi.

Naruto only stared at him as if he wasn't interested in having this conversation.


The blond shook Sasuke off and walked to his desk, smiling to himself all the way.

"Naruto, don't ignore me!" Sasuke yelled, getting the attention of the whole class, some of Sasuke's friends laughed as they watched the blond ignore him.

"Leave me alone, will you?" Naruto sat on his chair and placed his head down on folded arms. He tried hiding the emotions he felt, emotions of sadness and embarrassment, all trying to be hidden by the playful somewhat confident smirk on his face.

"Na-ru-to." Sasuke walked from the door to the teacher's desk, stopping in the center to call out to him.

"Sasuke, do you love me? Is that it?"

The classroom had never been so silent.

Sasuke's friends, Juugo and Suigetsu looked shocked as they slowly turned their heads to the raven. "Sasuke?" Juugo asked, snapping Sasuke out of the small shock.

Naruto loved what he was doing: humiliating Sasuke. He knew he shouldn't find any joy in this, but he did.

"Naruto!" Sasuke's face was red with anger. "Outside, now!"

"What are you, the teacher? Class president? If you wanna confess to me that badly, I think you should do it in private, not shout it out to the whole class. Don't you know how to be romantic?" Naruto felt a painful throb in his heart as he watched Sasuke glare at him with anger, but even so, having the class whisper to each other about him felt good.

Sasuke wasn't having it anymore. He walked towards the boy and grabbed him by his uniform collar. "Naruto!" Sasuke growled, ignoring the cameras that were now following him as some students cheered him on.

Naruto's smirk faded into a smile full of pity, fueling Sasuke's anger.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked quietly, seeing the pain in Naruto's eyes.

The blond faltered for a second, but decided to keep pushing. He wasn't going to break in front of everybody. "Sasuke, get away from my face, please. An inch closer and you could kiss me." Naruto was about to explode with laughter now, watching how Sasuke struggled in front of the class. His fear, the trembling his limbs had, were now being converted to sadistical laughter. Laughter he felt for acting like this and making Sasuke mad. "Do you want that to happen? I could help, if you want." Naruto chuckled, closing the distance between their faces and stopping an inch before their lips touched. "But then, you don't want Sakura to find out, right?" He whispered.

The class spoke in hushed tones, their cameras on the two boys. Ino sat in the back, over two desks over, texting Sakura everything that was happening. She snapped some pictures 'secretly' and was probably sending them over to Sakura as proof.

People snickered, they whispered and watched. Sasuke had eyes all over him still. Naruto was worried but didn't care about anything at this point. He had that devil may care attitude and he was loving it.

"Hey, Sasuke," Naruto leaned in towards Sasuke's ear, "people are watching."

Sasuke's eyes widened. He threw Naruto back in his seat, smacking him hard across the face.

"This, Naruto," he started, taking a moment to breathe before finishing his sentence, "is why I stay away from you. You..." He gave up, and walked out of the classroom infuriated. The class fell silent as the door slammed hard and all turned to the blond.

"Way to go, Naruto." Suigetsu joked, "He's going to kill you next time he see you."

The class laughed as Naruto stood up and calmly walked of the class, heading the opposite direction out to the school courtyard. He walked at his own pace, smiling but crying for what he did. Deep down he didn't want to make a fit but he it did anyway, and in front of the whole class.

'He hates me for real now.' He thought.

'Of course he does, Naruto. You humiliated him. But, I see you're not as weak as I thought. You surprise me.' The voice in Naruto's head laughed.

'You think so? I'm not that weak? Wait, you stupid- you're the one who started this! You- you're just me talking to myself! Go away, stop thinking, Naruto, stop thinking!' Naruto thought to himself as he walked down stairs.

'Heh. You fool.' The voice said and vanished.

Love Me Deeply + Hurt Me Deeply [BOYXBOY][SASUNARU]Where stories live. Discover now