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Naruto sat on the picnic table bench under the tree, licking the melting ice cream from his hands. He watched his classmates from afar as he enjoyed his long awaited treat. It was only a few minutes after the final school bell had rung, and already there were many students outside waiting for their friends, in this case, them.

Them referred to what almost every other normal student hated the most: the popular group.

Naruto usually didn't mind them, but the way they truly were behind the mask they held on a daily basis had the blond frown at the very mention of their names. True, there were some who were nice, or some who had nothing to hide which made them fun to socialize with, but there were few and they barely, if ever, talked.

For example, the two girls who were causing commotion as soon as they stepped out the school entrance were the very ones the blond despised the most.

The main star was Sakura, with her medium length pink hair that fell in natural wisps around her perfectly shaped face and beautiful turquoise eyes, she was easily the prettiest amongst the popular girls. Next on the list, was Ino Yamanaka, another beautiful girl with pale alabaster skin and piercing blue eyes, gorgeous platinum blonde hair reaching down to her knees. Though they were both at the top of the list, if there ever was one, to Naruto, they were nothing special. Most of the student body worshipped them, but they were blind. From experience, Naruto knew that the smiles and laughs the two always sported were fake and held no meaning behind them. In a way, it suited them.

Everybody loved them, literally. Some not as much as others, but they did. Naruto, of course, was the exception, knowing that in reality, Sakura and Ino were only beautiful covers hiding pure malice and evil. Well, not really, but you get the point.

He watched them step out into the front school yard, noting the sweet girl act Sakura kept up around the group of students already flocking to her side. As usual, the girls were surrounded by girls who wished to be like them and boys who wished they could at least get their attention. Like the girls, the group was made up of self centered people, only the shy ones could watch from afar as the group walked along side the fake goddesses everybody worshipped to their usual hang out after school.

The next attraction was a person Naruto knew from middle school. Unlike Sakura and Ino, Neji was actually a very nice guy, always having time to socialize with everyone, even the shy ones. He was a charmer, truly beyond words. He was intelligent, much like his cousin, and he was artistic, known for his beautiful style of old Japanese calligraphy and art. Next to him stood a shorter girl by the name of TenTen.

TenTen was not only a sweet girl, but in Naruto's eyes, she was also the prettiest out of the top three, considering Sakura and Ino's personalities were ugly. TenTen was once rumored to be Neji's girlfriend, though, they were never confirmed as the two always denied them. Although she was short and sweet, nobody took her seriously when she mentioned she was a black belt and that her goal was to master other martial arts. They always thought TenTen was just being cute. Well, let's just say Naruto knew TenTen wasn't cute when she was mad.

There was another person walking next to them as they walked out of school grounds. While Neji and TenTen walked happily amongst their group, Lee walked by himself, smiling at nothing as he pulled his arms up behind his head. He was. . . nothing special, at least, to Naruto he wasn't. He knew the only reason the boy associated himself with Neji and TenTen was for the popularity. Though the boy was popular enough for being athletic, it seemed as if he wanted something more, but he didn't know what.

Lee stopped walking as soon as he walked out of the gates, waving good bye to the group as he leaned back on the fence nearby.

Wondering why Lee had stayed behind, Naruto remembered a rumor he had heard recently. It was one about Lee having a relationship with the famous Gaara from Suna High. Wondering if it could possibly be true, it was confirmed when a red head still in Suna's uniform ran up to him, making the boy in green gym clothes blush as they took hand in hand and walked away. Naruto was surprised, Gaara was like Neji, why he had chosen to be with a noisy brat like Lee was beyond the blond's comprehension.

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