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"So you see, Naruto. You're not really needed." Sakura was talking her bullshit again. It seems months of the same words repeated over and over weren't getting through the blond's head.

"Sakura, I got it!" Ino smiled happily, finally being able to unock Naruto's phone to a folder of Sasuke's pictures, the ones she remembered seeing anyways. But soon her face fell, when the folder she recalled and the screenshots of things Sasuke posted weren't there.

"If you think I have anything on Sasuke, you're fucking wrong." Naruto said, groaning at the pain he felt when Sakura kicked him on the side.

"Quiet." She said, looking down at her foot disgustingly as if she'd touched something contagious. "Ino," she said, looking down at Naruto's phone, seeing no evidence like Ino said there would be, "I really don't like having my time wasted." She said, throwing the phone to the floor as she neared the blonde girl.

"Sa- Sakura, I know they're there! He probably has them locked on a private folder!" She bent down to pick up the phone, but was stopped as Sakura's foot stepped down on her hand.

"This is a waste of time. Now I'm getting angry, and not just at Naruto." She said, whispering into the trembling girls ear. When Ino gulped loudly, Sakura smiled, standing up to face the rest of her group.

"Get rid of him, I don't want to see his face for a while." She said, turning to see three boys get closer to Naruto, Naruto trembling but his eyes straight on her. "Ino, maybe even you can handle something like this." She turned to the uncomfortable girl, putting an arm on her shoulder before she walked back down to the stairs.

Ino gulped and slightly trembled. The group had left after Sakura and only left behind her and the three boys, which one of them was already pulling Naruto up to hold him back as the other one prepared for a punch.

Naruto stared at her, and she couldn't bear to look him in the eye as the two other boys started punching him- over and over again until Naruto was weak to stand on his own, bending his body into a natural "C" shape as he wrapped his hands around his waist. Still, the boys kicked, until Ino had had enough and commanded they stopped.

"That's enough, you can stop now!" Ino yelled, but the boys were under Sakura's orders, so whatever Ino said, they simply dismissed.

Until a loud sound distracted them and redirected their gaze to find Sasuke. Ino was relieved seeing Sasuke, he had more power than Sakura, he could stop this. But, then again, Sasuke hated Naruto. But what could she do?

"Stop!" He yelled.

Sai had finally made it to the top, gasping for air and clinging to the railing. He didn't last long gasping for air, as soon as he saw Naruto, that boy ran towards the three, hitting one in the jaw while the two were quick to stop him.

Sasuke ran towards the two, relieving a growling Sai to aid Naruto as Sasuke commanded they stop.

"Who did this?" Sasuke asked, pointing down to Naruto. "It was Sakura, wasn't it?" He grabbed one by the collar, making it clear he had no time to play around like he used to.

"No, it wasn't Sakura, it was Ino!" One of them said, not wanting to get on the Uchiha's bad side. Releasing the one he had by the collar, Sasuke threw him on the ground, his gaze now turning towards Ino as the three boys hurried up and ran.

"You?" He asked, walking towards her.

"N-no, it wasn't me! I was just here and then Sakura said- Ah!" Ino yelled as Sasuke punched the wall behind her. "It wasn't me, I tried to stop them but they weren't my orders, so they didn't listen and I-" she began sobbing, wiping her tears on her arm as Sasuke all but scowled.

"Sasuke, we have worse things to worry about," Sai said, earning Sasuke's attention. "You need to take him to the infirmary, he can't walk like this."

Sasuke crouched down to take in Naruto's sight. The boy had a couple bruises on his face and most likely on his torso. Ino or Sakura, whoever did this was going to pay.

"Take him, I'll deal with her." Sai demanded, helping Sasuke carry Naruto into his arms.

Sasuke walked carefully downstairs, careful not to trip and fall and make things worse. Thinking what would happen if anybody saw him, he stopped and shouted towards the open roof door, "Sai!"

It took a few moments but Sai walked over, "Yeah?"

"I suppose you could do something about the cameras? Lady Tsunade wouldn't think twice about expelling him if she thought he was fighting."

Sai nodded, "I'll turn them off, wait a minute." He said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. While he did, Sasuke looked down at his friend, happy they got there before anything bad happened. Sai was useful, he thought.

"I got it, you can go." Sai said, shutting of his phone.

"'K, and Sai, thanks." Sasuke said, quickly and carefully walking down.

Sai smiled, "Sure, raven." Now he just had one thing to clear up, and that involved the angel breaking down.

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