Chapter 33 - Life Is Unfair

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I waited outside her room pacing back and forth. She knew me but not the me she loved. The me she remembered was the horrible snivelling asshole from Hogwarts. Fucking fantastic! I ran my hands through my hair.

"Mr Malfoy, she has amnesia. We suspect it's from the trauma." Amnesia. Maybe Astoria obliviated her.

"Was a memory charm used on her?"

"No we've checked. From what we can tell her mind has closed off certain parts to protect itself. We - we don't know if she'll regain her memories. She could in time but there's no telling for sure. I'm sorry Mr Malfoy." I slumped against the wall. I wasn't going to loose her. I'd make her remember.


"Hermione?" Harry walked through the door. He looked older. He wore Auror robes.

"Harry? Harry is that you?" He came up and hugged me.

"Harry I don't understand what's going on. The mediwizards have said I have amnesia. Draco Malfoy is here. He claims we are in love. I don't understand." My head was pounding, I felt like my skull was going to split in two.

"What do you remember Hermione?"

"We won the war. Voldemort is dead. We went away on holiday before going back to school. We are due to start our last year at Hogwarts."

"Hermione that was almost three years ago." I gasped. How could I forget three years of my life.

"THREE YEARS! I don't understand. Where is Ron?" Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Something was wrong.

"What happened Harry? Where is Ron?" What happened to him? Was he hurt, dead?

"He's in Azkaban Hermione. Has been for about six months now." Tears ran down my face.

"Why? Why is he there? We have to get him out Harry!" I couldn't breath. I felt like the room was getting smaller. My head was pounding. My heart was breaking for Ron.

"Harry why is he there? Why Harry? WHY?" I was shouting, being hysterical. I just wanted Ron. I loved him. I needed him. He was my everything.

Luna walked in. She looked concerned.

"Luna I need Ron. Why won't anymore tell me. What happened?" Loud sobs left my throat.

"I think that's enough Harry." Luna put an injection into my arm.

"You need to sleep Hermione. All you questions will be answered in time." The world grew dark and then it was black.


Three weeks Hermione had been in St Mungo's. I took our daughter home and cared for her with the help of Pippy and my mother.

"Ginny and I have decided Hermione should come home with us for now. She isn't ready to know about the baby. She could hardly handle the Ron situation." Hermione had been sedated on and off the last few weeks. She broke down when she found out about Ron. She accused us all of lying. We had to show her papers so she would believe us. It was horrendous. It was like watching her being tortured.

"She needs to be home with me and the baby Potter. The baby needs her mother. I need her mother." Potter sighed.

"You and I both know she is a danger at the moment. She's unpredictable." I sighed and rubbed my temples. This was so fucked up.

"The Quidditch World Cup is in two weeks time. This was supposed to be our thing. She's put so much work into it. She was supposed to be there by my side." I picked up my glass and threw it across the room. The grief overtaking me. The glass shattering into a million pieces just like my fucking heart.

"What if she never regains her memories? What about the baby? She doesn't even have a name because I don't want to name her without Hermione. I waited so long for her! She's all I ever wanted in this fucked up life and now she's gone." Potter placed his hand on my shoulder as I drew in deep breaths trying to calm myself.

"Your daughter needs you Draco. If Hermione doesn't regain her memories you will need to step up. You will need to care and love that little girl for you both." Potter was right. If Hermione didn't regain her memories I was the only one our daughter had. I would not fail them.

"Ok Potter. You can take Hermione home to your place. I'll let St Mungo's know that your going to be in charge of her care. Just - just look after her." Potter apparated out my house and I made my way to the nursery.

"Is everything ok darling? I heard shouting and breaking glass." My mother sat cradling my daughter. She really was Hermione's double but with my eyes.

"Potter was here. He and Ginny are going to take Hermione to their home. He said she wasn't safe to have around at the moment. Of course he's right but I am just so angry." I paced in my daughters room.

"It's so unfair. I waited so long to have her in my life. To have something good and pure and now she is gone. She's left not only me but our daughter. What if she never regains her memories? How am I meant to tell Georgina that her mother is alive but has no recollection of her. What if we bump into her. Sometimes I think if she had died it would have been better." My mother gasped.

"You don't mean that Draco. You love Hermione -"

"I do mother. I love her with all my heart and blanked soul but to know she is alive and I can't have her is torture." My heart ached. I felt like someone had ripped out my heart.

"Georgina?" I looked at my mother puzzled.

"You called the baby Georgina." I replayed the conversation. I did. I called her Georgina.

"It was a name Hermione had mentioned. She had a conversation with George Weasley. Said we owed him. Said to call her Georgina for a girl." I looked down at my sleeping daughter.

"Georgina Cassiopeia Narcissa Malfoy. This will be her name." I looked at my mother.

"Potter was right. My daughter needs me. I have to put her first. She is the light in my life now." I brushed my lips on her forehead and prayed to Merlin one day I could share her with her mother.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read my story so far. Please feel free to vote and discuss. Merry Christmas to you all xx

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