Chapter 5 - Do you still want me?

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My food was better than sex well she must be having really shit sex then. I knew Weasley wouldn't be man enough for her.

We were sitting drinking wine in the living area now and Hermione had had a few. She was getting quite giggly.

"So Draco no ladies in your life? Surely you must have someone?" I liked her with a few drinks in her. She was more carefree.

"I did like someone at school but there's been no one since then."

"Oh god it wasn't Pansy was it? She used to follow you around like a puppy." I laughed Pansy did follow me around a lot. I'd fucked her a few times but she wasn't who I wanted. I didn't crave her. She was just a distraction. An easy fuck.

"God no it wasn't her. She was fine for a bit of fun but she wasn't the girl for me." Hermione sat up straight and was looking at me intently.

"Please tell me. Come on we are friends, you can share." I debated. Do I tell her do I not.

"It was you Hermione. Ever since our third year at school I couldn't get you out of my head. It's always been you." She stared laughing.

"Draco don't be cruel. Tell me the truth." I stared at her intently.

"It was you Hermione." She put her glass down and then crawled across the couch over to me. I could smell her apple scent.

"Hermione what are you doing." She looked into my eyes and moved her face closer to mine.

"Do you still want me Draco?" Of course I still wanted her. Had done for all these years. She looked at me I saw her looking at my lips and then she bit her bottom lip. I couldn't handle it anymore. I brought my lips up to hers crashing into her. I swiped my tongue against her lips and she parted them for me.


I knew I'd had a few wines but this was the most fun and relaxed I'd felt in a long time. I'd just asked Draco who he liked at school. I hope it wasn't Pansy she was a pain in the ass. I wonder who the girl was. I felt a pang of jealously. I don't know why but I couldn't help it.

"It was you Hermione. Ever since our third year at school I couldn't get you out of my head. It's always been you." I laughed. He had to be fucking with me. Draco didn't like me I was some mudblood girl with frizzy hair who had her head stuck in a book.

"Draco don't be cruel. Tell me the truth." I stared at him waiting for him to say it was a joke and who it really was.

"It was you Hermione." Those grey eyes of his felt like they were piercing into my soul. I put down my wine glass and started to crawl over to his side of the couch.

"Hermione what are you doing." Draco was eyeing me up. Unsure of what I was going to do next.

"Do you still want me Draco?" I had to know. I wanted to know. Did he still want me. I looked at his lips wondering what it would be like to kiss them to have them kiss all over my body. Just the thought of him touching my body made me bite my lip. I looked up at Draco and his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was hot and needy. He swiped his tongue over my lips and I opened them for him so his tongue and mine could battle for dominance. I felt his huge hands around my waist as he lifted me up so I was straddling him. His hands slipping down to my ass squeezing and massaging. It felt so good to have his hands on me. I could feel his erection poking me through our clothes. He felt huge. I had heard rumours but that's all they were rumours.

We broke apart both breathing heavily. All I could smell was his cologne.

"You've no idea how many times I've want to do that. To have you in my arms. On my lap and in my bed." I blushed no guy had ever spoken to me like this. The only guy I'd ever done anything with was Ron. Ron. It was like a cold bucket of water was thrown over me.

"Oh god Draco I can't do this. I'm with Ron. He's my boyfriend. I love him." I got off of Draco's lap and started pacing up and down.

"I'm a horrible person. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry." I ran into my bedroom for the night and got under the covers. I can't believe I kissed Draco. I cheated on Ron. He's the one I'm meant to love and respect always. But do I love him? If I loved him so much would I have done what I did? Tears ran down my face.


What the hell just happened? One minute I finally had her in my arms and then she was gone into her bedroom. I could hear her soft sobs. I thought about going to her but I knew she needed some space. I changed into some pj bottoms and climbed into bed. I looked up at the roof and wondered what the hell was going to happen tomorrow. I drifted off to sleep thinking of Hermione and our kiss.

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