Chapter 29- Always and Forever

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Sophia had just left the house. I knew her and Hermione would get on well. Sophia wanted to do a couple of sessions with Hermione. She said it would benefit us both. Hermione agreed and the two woman were going to set up a few dates.

"Draco I need to go back to my flat."

"What, why? I thought everything was sorted." She laughed.

"Well yes but I need to get Crookshanks and my stuff. I am assuming you want me back here with you?" She was smirking at me.

"Come on love let's go."

We arrived at her flat. She'd bought some new furniture and the bed was new. Crookshanks greeted me. Rubbing himself on my legs and wanting scratched.

"I hope he's in a better mood now. He's done nothing but sulk with me ever since we left you."

"Well you've obviously got taste." I leaned down and picked Crookshanks up and put him in the carrier.

"I was thinking I'm going to put the flat on the market. I hated being here. This doesn't feel like home anymore. It's just full of memories that make me sad. So I think it's time to sell and we can either use the money towards a new place or use some for the wedding." Hermione would not be spending any of the cash she got for this place. My vault had enough galleons to keep us going for more lifetimes than we could count.

"Why not see if your mum and dad need some money. I know you can't give it to them personally but I am sure we can work something out. You don't need to worry about the wedding or a new house. I own five homes anyway." Her mouth dropped open.

"Five homes? Draco what? Where?"

"Well the one here in London, one in the Highlands a couple of hours from Hogwarts, one in Hawaii, I recently bought one in Italy." I saw Hermione's eyes light up.

"Plus Malfoy Manor belongs to me." She tensed instantly.

"I never go there. I send a few house elves to go and check it every month but apart from that it's empty. If I could I would burn it to the ground." I hated that place. It went from being my favourite place in the world as a boy, where I would climb trees and rode my first broom to being a place associated with pain and death. I always wanted my own children to grow up there and now I will do everything in the world to make sure they never would go there.

"Mother and Father gave it to me to do as I please. Even though it's filled with terrible memories I can't destroy it. It was once a happy home." Hermione came over and hugged me.

"I know it must be hard for you Draco. I will never push you to get rid of it but I will never go there and neither will our children." I nodded and smiled. We packed up the last of her things and went home.

*Sexual Content*

"Draco please." Oh how I loved when she begged. Her hands were tied behind her back. Her beautiful peach of an arse sticking up in the air. How I missed having her in my bed, wet and wanting. My cock was painfully hard but I wasn't done with her.

"Beg all you want Granger but I'll decide when you can have my cock. I am not done punishing you." I spanked her arse watching the beautiful redness glow against her skin. I went over to a box and pulled out my new toy. I'd bought it before Hermione left me so I never got a chance to use it.

"I bought you a present. I am sure you are going to love it."


My arms were tired and sore and I felt a need like no other. I craved for Draco to hurry up and bury himself in me. I ached for him. I could feel the moisture running down my legs. He said I needed to be punished and he had. So many times I was on the brink of cumming and he would stop. It was maddening. I needed release. I know why he'd cuffed my hands behind my back so I couldn't give myself the release I needed.

The bed dipped.

"I bought you a present. I am sure you are going to love it." I felt his hand run down my spine and he grabbed a handful of my arse.

"I told you once I wanted you in every way." I felt liquid on my asshole.

"It's time we train you." He slipped a finger in me. It felt so foreign. I could feel myself clench around his finger.

"Use the word green if it gets too much for you." He pumped his finger in and out.

"I am going to add another, it may cause some discomfort but I know you can handle it." Another finger slipped in. I tensed. It burned a little, stung but I breathed through it.

"Such a good girl. I can't wait for the day that I can bury myself in your arse." In and out his fingers went. The burning was starting to lesson. Pain and pleasure mingling.

"I've bought you a plug. Just a small one to get you used to it. Will you let me try?" A plug. I'd never done anything like this before but I trusted Draco. I slowly nodded my head. His fingers withdrew and more liquid was felt on my asshole.

"I'll go slowly." I shivered as I felt metal, yes it felt like metal prodding me.

"Relax love." I felt a stretch, a slight burn and then it was in.

"Such a good girl." This felt strange but the fact Draco was so pleased had me giddy.

"How does it feel?" I felt him leave the bed and heard clothing hit the floor.

"It feels strange, I feel almost full." He chuckled.

"No Granger you aren't full yet." He came back on the bed behind me and slammed his cock into me.

"Fuck, you are so tight and wet for me. Your pussy was made for my cock." I gasped as he withdrew and slammed back into me.

His hands grabbing my hips as he continued his slow torturous pace.

"Your stomach has grown Granger, you look so sexy bound, plugged and with my child growing in your belly. You are mine in every way, do you hear me? You will never leave me again. I'll die if anything was to happen to either of you." He slammed back into me. He was making sure I knew I was his, that I would never forget.


"Answer me Granger!"

"Yes, yes I am yours and you are mine. Please Draco." The last two words barely a whisper.

"I take care of what is mine." With that his pace picked up. His cock hitting that oh so perfect spot.

"Draco, don't stop this time. I need you. I need to cum." I could feel the telltale signs. Draco nudged the buttplug and it added to the pleasure.

"I can feel your pussy gripping around my cock, don't cum yet. Hold on and wait for me." The pleasure was trying to hit me like a freight train. In and out, in and out.

"So close, so good. Fuck I missed you so much. Don't ever leave me again." The slapping of flesh filled the room, grunting, panting and declarations of love. The smell of sex.

"Fucking cum for me, NOW." His hand tweaked my clit and I splintered, shattered, broke right there. The pleasure radiated through my body as I spasmed and quaked.

"So beautiful, so fucking perfect. Mine all mine." Three more pumps and he spilled himself into me as he babbled his love for me. He stilled withdrawing himself and the buttplug.

My bounds were undone, I shook out my hands and arms. Draco taking each and kissing them.

"I meant what I said love. You are mine. Always and forever."

*sorry for the lack of updates, end of term is always a busy week for me. I hope you all like the new chapter.*

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