Chapter 34 - Lonely, Sick and Baffled

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Harry and Ginny took me home to their house. The last few weeks had been trying. I was still trying to adjust to everything. I'd read articles from The Prophet about the last few years, I worked for Kingsley, Ron tried to rape me and apparently I had a relationship with Draco Malfoy who was now the head of Magical Sport at the Ministry.

I felt like a mist was in my head. It was highly irritating. Kingsley came and saw me a week after I'd been at Harry and Ginny's he'd offered me all the time off I needed. They had someone in to cover my job until my memories returned. I wasn't sure what would happen if they never came back. To be honest did I really want them back if it meant I would be in love with Draco Malfoy?


"We let her read the papers. We made sure there was no mention of her being pregnant or the baby. The mediwizards said it was for the best that she didn't know at the moment." Potter took a sip of fire whiskey.

"This is so fucked up Potter. How long can we hide the fact she has a child. Georgina is almost 3 months old for merlins sake." I loved Georgina with every bone in my body but looking at her was like having my heart ripped out every time. She looked so much like Hermione.

"I know Malfoy. If I could make Hermione remember I would. I hate seeing her like this, seeing you like this. I want my goddaughter to have her mother." Harry took another sip.

"I miss her so fucking much." With that I downed my drink and signalled for another.

"Are you sure you can - can get home ok?" Potter slurred at me.

"Y-yes Potter now go!" Potter went into the fireplace and was gone.

Potter and I had had a lot to drink. He was away back home to Ginny. I would love to have someone to go home too. I downed the last of my drink and made my way to the fireplace. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Leaving so soon Draco." I looked around at who was touching me.

"Tracey Davis, it's been years. How are you darling?" Tracey was a fellow Slytherin. She always hung around Pansy but wasn't a total bitch like Pansy.

"Come Draco have a drink with me and let's catch up."

An hour later I took Tracey's hand as we apparated to her place. Her lips were on mine in seconds. I was so lonely I just wanted to feel, to feel anything.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this Draco. Pansy said if I did anything with you she would kill me. That pug nosed bitch can't stop me now." Tracey gave me a smirk and took my hand and dragged me down the hall and into her bedroom.

I closed the door and backed her up against it. I grabbed a first full of her hair and kissed her. She was rubbing her body against me.

"I can't wait for you to fuck me. I've heard all about how fucking marvellous you are in bed." I pulled away from her and she walked over to the bed.

"Then strip - Now!" Her clothes came flying off and she stood there in front of me naked. She wasn't shy. She had a good body but I'd seen better.

"Get on the bed." She was very obedient. Eager to please me. Years ago I would have relished in having someone like this. I would have fucking owned her. Destroyed her. Done dirty things to her body. She would have let me.

"Draco please, please come and fuck me. My pussy is waiting for you." She was lying on her back her legs parted, her hand playing with herself. I looked at her and felt - disgust. Not for her but for me. What the fuck was I doing.

"Where's your bathroom? I want to freshen up before I fuck you stupid." Bile was rising in my throat. I could barely look at her.

"Down the hall to the left. Don't be long. My pussy is wet and hungry for your big thick cock Draco." She cooed at me. I walked out the bedroom and dashed to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet and then apparated out of there back to my own home.

The rest of the night I was sick and crying. I couldn't be with anyone else. I could only be with Hermione. The thought of another made me fiscally sick to my stomach. It was Hermione or nothing until I died.


I put away the last of the love potion. I had been working in the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes the last few weeks and I was enjoying myself. George and I would have a laugh and I felt like it was what I needed right now.

The bell above the door rang and I turned to greet the customer.

"Pansy - Pansy Parkinson." What the hell did she want. I heard how I caught her and Ron cheating on me. Quite frankly I am glad I don't remember that.

A noise caught my attention. She was carrying a baby carrier.

"Granger. Glad to see you are still with us. I heard all about -"

"What the fuck do you want Parkinson?" George came behind me.

"I've come with a gift." She picked up the baby carrier and placed it on the table. I gasped. It was a baby boy with a shock of red hair. He was beautiful.

"He's now yours Granger." I gawked at her.

"M-mine. What do you mean mine? You can't just hand over a baby and call him mine." What was wrong with her.

"I think you'll find I can and I will. I do not want him. I've already been disowned by mother and father. There was no passing the child off as anyone else's not with THAT red hair." She smirked at me.

"They don't want babies in Azkaban or I would have left him with his father." Ron, the baby was Ron's. Ron and Pansy's baby.

"Pansy he's your son! You can't just leave him. Don't you love him?" Pansy cackled.

"Love. Oh Granger haven't you learned that love isn't everything? Love is just an inconvenience." She looked at her baby.

"Just like that." The baby moved but did not wake.

"Either you take him or I'll take him to an orphanage. Either one is fine with me." She really was a heartless bitch.

"Why me? Why not take him to Molly or Ginny?" Pansy shuddered.

"The thought of going near them gives me hives. No Granger he'll be better with you. But you will not tell him who his true parents are. I do not need him looking for me. You are his mother now." I still couldn't wrap my head around this.

"But Pansy you can't expect me to - what if you change your mind? Does Ron know?"

"Merlin no he doesn't know. He will never know. We will make an unbreakable vow." I'd never made an unbreakable vow.

"George you can do it. Hurry up I've got a date in a few hours."

"Hermione I don't think -"

"George this is your nephew. He's part of our family. We can't let him grow up in an orphanage. He needs us." Pansy was tapping her perfectly manicured fingers on the counter.

"Fine." George huffed. Pansy and I held each other's wrists.

"Do you Pansy Parkinson agree to give your baby to Hermione Granger? To not seek the child out ever and to never cause harm to either him or Hermione."

"Yes, yes hurry up."

"Hermione Granger do you promise to look after this child, to raise him as your own. To never tell him who his true parents are?"

"Yes, I do." The magical ropes disappeared. The vow was made. Whoever broke the vow would die.

"Right I'm off toodles."

"Pansy! What's his name? How old is he? When was he born?" She halted.

"He has no name. He's six months old. He was born April 1st. I'd say it was a pleasure but it really wasn't. Now I must go." With that Pansy whirled out the shop like a tornado leaving a baffled George and I looking at a sleeping baby.

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