Chapter 12 - Shattered Heart

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I arrived at the door of mine and Ron's flat. I stood outside for a minute trying to collect my thoughts. I could still smell Draco on me even though I had changed back into my dress before leaving his. My lips still tingled after his punishing kiss.

I unlocked the door and was greeted by Crookshanks.

"Did you miss me?" I scratched behind his ears and he sauntered off.

"Mione? Mione is that you?" Shit Ron was home. He came into the hall and stood there gapping at me.

"Ron what are you doing home? I thought you were at Harry's?" He was eyeing me up and down.

"I was at Harry's but came back last night and waited for you to come home. Where the bloody hell have you been? Why are you wearing that dress and in that colour?" He walked over to me. Anger evident on his face.

"Where the fuck have you been Hermione?"

"I told you I was out for a business dinner. We ended up staying late and having drinks." I was clutching the box Draco had given me for my birthday. Ron snatched it out my hands. He opened it and saw the scarf and book.

"What are these?" His eyes looked like they were on fire.

"They were a birthday present from Draco." He chucked the box on the floor.

"Of course that slick git would get you something green - wait is that why your wearing that dress? Did you wear that for him?" I picked up the box and barged past Ron.

"Don't be silly Ron. I liked the dress and didn't even click about the colour." Ron grabbed my arm and we came face to face.

"Don't fucking lie to me Hermione. You are mine! Do you hear me? Mine. Now go and get that shit off and get changed. Mums expecting us for your birthday lunch." He let go of my arm. Bruises were already starting to form.

I ran into the bathroom and stripped off and scrubbed myself raw. Last night was the best night of my life and now I was in the shower tears flowing down my face mixing with the water from the shower.


I was lying in bed and all I could smell was her. It was intoxicating. I replayed what happened the previous evening as I wanked myself. I saw her panties and grabbed them and sniffed them. Her sweet scent had me spilling into my hand. I put them down and walked into my shower. I couldn't believe I'd finally got to have her. I'd waited so long. The only problem was now that I had a taste I wanted more.

Monday morning came and I went to work with a skip in my step. I couldn't wait to see her. It was just after lunchtime and I knocked on her door.

"Come in." I walked in and she looked up at me. She had bags under her eyes. Her hair was just thrown up.

"Are you ok love?"

"Yes yes just busy." She didn't even look at me. I walked over to the side of her desk. Placing my hand over hers. I looked down and saw bruises on her arm.

"Hermione what the fuck is this?" She grabbed her arm away from me and pulled her sleeve down.

"It's nothing Draco. I bashed into something." She still didn't look at me.

"Don't bullshit me love. Weasley did this didn't he?" She still didn't look at me.


She jumped and her big brown eyes looked at me. I didn't mean to scare her but I needed her to look at me. I saw a tear run down her face.

I knelt down beside her. "I'm sorry love I didn't mean to scare you. What happened to your arm? Did he do this to you?" She nodded.

Weasley was dead. I'd fucking kill him. It would be slow and torturous.

"He was angry I'd stayed out, he didn't like my choice in dress and he didn't like the fact you gave me a present." She sat down staring at her hands.

"That gives him no right to put his hands on you Hermione. Why the hell didn't you leave and come to me?"

"I couldn't. We had to go to his parents for my birthday lunch." Something on her hand caught my attention.

"Hermione is that an engagement ring on your finger?" She tensed beside me. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

"Tell me that's not an engagement ring Hermione. Tell me it's just a ring you are wearing." This couldn't be happening.

"He asked me at his parents. His whole family was there. They were all so excited." I can't believe this. I felt sick.

"You said yes? Why would you say yes? What about us? I love you. You don't love him." She looked at me.

"Draco how could I say no. His family have taken me in. They have done nothing but treated me as one of their own. I can't throw that back in their faces." I got up and started pacing in her office pulling at my hair.

"This is bullshit and you know it. You really going to marry Weasley and pop out some of his children and live a mundane loveless marriage?"

"Yes" I crashed out her office. Her office door slamming against the wall. People moved out my way as I stormed my way to my office. I threw a glass against the wall. Shattering the glass just like how she shattered my heart.

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