Chapter 38 - I Promise

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Draco crashed his lips to mine, he smelt of mint and cologne. God how I loved that smell. I melted into him. He pulled away slightly and looked down at me. Those grey eyes of his scanning my face. His hand came up and brushed my cheek.

"Stay with me tonight. I don't want to let you go again." I could feel desire pooling between my legs. I didn't want him to let me go.

"Fred's at George's all weekend. So I am all yours Draco." His eyes suddenly turned primal and his hands grabbed my waist. So possessive.

"Jump love." I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms circling around his neck. I loved the feel of his muscles in his back. He carried me up the stairs and kicked the bedroom door open and threw me on the bed.

"Fuck Hermione, you don't know how often I've fantasied about this and finally you are here." I watched as he took off his t shirt. This man was an Adonis. I couldn't wait to loose myself in him.

He came on the bed and crawled up my body. He kissed me softly and sweetly. Our tongues dancing a slow and gentle dance. He moved down my neck and collar bone kissing and sucking.

My body felt like it was on fire. I wanted, no needed this man.

"Draco, please I need you." He smirked as he made his way down my body. He pushed my dress up my thighs the cool air was a blessing.

"I'll give you anything you want love but first I need to taste you." He pushed my legs apart and settled in between them.

He kissed and licked inside my thighs giving them little nips. He would get so close to my core and then pull away. It was maddening.

"I can see the damp patch on your knickers love. I can smell how aroused you are. Fuck I need to taste you." He tore my knickers and threw them on my floor.

His tongue entered me and I cried out. I tried to move but his hands held my hips still and he kept fucking me with his tongue. He'd alternate between long strokes and little flicks. I could feel waves of pleasure crashing through me.

"Eyes Hermione. I want you to watch me as I feast on you. I want to see that moment you cum on my tongue. Don't look away or I'll stop."

He continued and I watched him licking and sucking and it was hot as fuck.

"Draco, Draco I - I fuck I need to cum." One hand fisted in the sheets and the other in his hair. I always loved how soft his hair was.

I felt a finger slip into me and crook upwards, looking for that spongy spot that sends me wild. The waves were now a storm raging inside me. My whole body was tingling and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

"Hermione I need you to cum. Fucking cum for me." He added a second finger and was pumping them in and out quickly. His teeth grazed my clit.

"Draco, oh Merlin Draco I'm - I'm FUCK!" 

The waves crashed through me. I shattered and splintered and lay there panting heavily feeling the aftershocks rolling through my body.

"That was amazing." Draco came and kissed me.

"You've no idea love and we are just getting started."


It was Sunday afternoon and Hermione and I hadn't left the bed unless it was to eat or the bathroom and when we did make it down to the kitchen it wasn't food I ate off the kitchen table. I couldn't get enough of her.

I can't believe I finally had her back. My Hermione, my love.

Hermione was lying on my chest running her hand up and down my chest.

"Draco, what happened that day? The day you and Harry found me? Where's Astoria now?" I knew we'd eventually have this conversation but it still hurt to think of her and all that blood.

"She had you at Malfoy Manor, you remember that?"

"Yes, she kept me in the dungeon and then put me in one of the bedrooms. I'd been to the bathroom and my waters broke. She said it was time to get the baby out. She - she cut me and everything went black."

"Harry and I found you. I walked into that room and my heart stopped. There - there was so much blood. I truly thought I had lost you love. She had the baby. Said we could be together so I got her to put the baby down by telling her we'd be together. I felt sick to my stomach and once she came towards me I killed her."  Hermione's hand stopped on my chest.

"I'm - I'm glad she is dead Draco. You must promise me you'll never do that again. You are lucky to not be in Azkaban right now." She looked up at me concern filled her eyes.

"When it comes to you and Georgina I will do what I have to. I don't regret killing Astoria. My only regret is I didn't find you sooner. If I had then this could have all been avoided." Hermione pulled away and straddled my lap. She took my face between her hands.

"Do not blame yourself Draco. Maybe this is how it was meant to be. Maybe we were meant to go through this so we would come out the other side stronger. We have each other now. Now shut up and show me how much you love me." She kissed me and I showed her exactly how much I loved her. Three times.
"I think I am going to go and see a healer at St Mungo's tomorrow." I stared at Hermione who was curled up on the sofa beside me.

"What? Why? Are you feeling ok?" I took her face in my hands and looked her over.

"I'm fine Draco, but I just feel like I should get a once over. I've not had my memories for five years Draco and I think the healers would like to know they have returned." She grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Don't worry my love. I am not going to leave you again."

"Do you promise? I can't go through that again Hermione. It almost broke me not having you in my life."

"I promise Draco."

Sorry guys I've been having issues with my phone and Wattpad but I've fixed it now. I am just writing the last two chapters now and I can't wait for you all to read them. Thanks again for the votes and comments it really does mean a lot. Claire

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