Chapter 23 - The Smarmy Fuck

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I waited outside the bathroom for Hermione. I'd got her a peppermint tea. I knew she should have stayed home but she's so stubborn.

Just then the door opened and Pansy walked out. She glided over to me. What the fuck is she doing here.

"Draco, darling." She kissed my cheek. Her overpowering perfume assaulted my nose. I had to resist the urge to pull away.

"Lovely to see you. Pitty it's with Granger." Her red over polished nails ran up my chest.

"When you are ready for a real woman who can match you in the bedroom you know where I am." She winked and walked away.

I looked up and saw Hermione staring at me, she furiously blinked back tears. I walked over to her and she just walked away. Fuck.

"Hermione wait. Hermione stop." She whirled round and looked at me. Rage evident across her beautiful face. She am close to me and plucked my handkerchief out of my pocket.

"You've got HER lipstick on your cheek." She placed the handkerchief in my hand and walked over to Potter.

I rubbed roughly at my cheek. Fucking Pansy. I started to walk over to Hermione and Potter but stopped dead when Potter gave me a quick shake of his head. I could hear bits of him speaking to her.

"You know what she is like Hermione."
"Don't let her get to you."
"No he doesn't want Pansy"
"For fucksakes Hermione I don't want to think about you two shagging."

Just then the door of the court swung open.

"Everyone can come back in."


I sat stiffly beside Draco. I know it wasn't his fault about Pansy but I couldn't help it. Her words to him hurt me. What if I wasn't enough for him. Merlin knows I'd only slept with two people so I wasn't exactly experienced. I shuddered at the thought of Draco and Pansy together.

"I got you a peppermint tea." Draco gave me the cup and I gave him a small smile.

"I call Harry Potter to the stand." Harry appeared. He looked stressed and I knew this couldn't be easy for him. Ron was one of his best friends, Ginny's brother.

"Mr Potter can you take us to the night of the 31st of December please." Mr Barnebus my lawyer asked Harry, he cleared his throat.

"Myself, Ginny, Hermione and Draco had been talking at Mr and Mrs Weasley's New Year get together. Hermione excused herself to use the bathroom and we carried on chatting. After a while Draco decided to go and look for her. Ginny and I accompanied him. We were walking down the hallway and heard a cry in a room. Draco unlocked the door and we saw Ron and Hermione. Ron had Hermione up against the wall with his hand over her mouth and his trousers undone." There was a couple of gasps and Rita's quill was scribing away.

"What happened next Mr Potter?"

"Draco told Ron to get his hands off her. Ron said Hermione had been begging for it. Draco grabbed Ron and punched him."

"In what state was Miss Granger in Mr Potter?"

"Her make up was smeared, her eyes red from crying and her dress had been torn."

"What happened after Mr Malfoy punched Mr Weasley?"

"Hermione collapsed and was taken to St Mungo's for treatment of her injuries."

"No more questions your honour."

Mr Stankus approached Harry he was Ron's lawyer.

"Mr Potter you've known Mr Weasley and Miss Granger since first year? Correct?"

"Yes that would be correct."

"When did you know they both loved each other?"

"Since about 3rd year." Harry looked at me.

"But they didn't get together till after the great battle. Why do you think that was?"

"Mr Stankus there better be a reason for this." Kingsley glared at him.

"There is your honour I promise."

"They were both being stubborn. They didn't want to admit their feelings for each other."

"Almost like they were playing a game with each other?"

"I suppose so."

"How do you know this wasn't a game Mr Potter? Maybe Miss Granger wanted Mr Weasley. Maybe she wanted him to pretend he was going to be rough with her and maybe when they got caught she decided to play the victim so she wouldn't get reprimanded for her actions." Harry's eye blazed with fury and Draco's hand grasped mine hard.

"She wasn't playing a game." Harry said through clenched teeth.

"How do you know? Where you there before hand? Did you see what happened between them?" Harry looked at me.

"I didn't see them but I saw how scared she was. She was scared of Ron. She wasn't playing a game."

"Maybe Mr Porter she was scared at being caught. No more questions your honour."


I couldn't believe that fucker. He was trying to spin it that Hermione wanted him and that she was lying because they got caught. I was next up to give evidence and I wasn't letting him get away with it.

"Mr Malfoy would you please tell the court what happened on the 31st of December." Hermione's lawyer asked.

"Hermione and I went to Mr and Mrs Weasley's party. We were talking to Harry and Ginny when Hermione said she needed the bathroom. She had been gone a while so the three of us went to go and look for her. We went down the corridor and heard a cry. I opened the door and Ron had Hermione against the wall. His hand over her mouth. I told Ron to get off Hermione. He said she was begging for it. I got him off of Hermione and I punched him and he fell on the floor. Hermione collapsed and I took her to St Mungo's."

"What state was she in?" I flinched at the memory.

"Her eyes were red from crying, her skin was pale and cold. Bruises were forming on her skin. He hair was matted with tears and her dress was torn." I shuddered at the memory.

"Mr Malfoy do you believe Miss Granger was there willingly?"


"No more questions." I looked to see Weasley's stupid lawyer waddling over.

"Mr Malfoy. How many times did you punch Mr Weasley?" I knew this would come up.

"A few."

"Wasn't his face so badly beaten that he was unrecognisable?"

"If you ask me it was an improvement." I stared at Weasley.

"Didn't you also threaten Mr Weasley? Said If he came near Miss Granger you would kill him?"

"Yes I did." There was a gasp in the crowd.

"Are you sure she just didn't want to have some fun and then played the victim because she had been caught?"

"Hermione isn't like that. She's good, decent and kind."

"But she cheated on Mr Weasley with you? Didn't she? On her birthday I believe?" I stood in the stand shaking with rage.

"Mr Malfoy answer the question. Did Miss Granger cheat on Mr Weasley with you on her birthday?"

"Yes" another gasp from the crowd and I looked at Hermione.

"So you could say Mr Malfoy that Miss Granger could easily have decided to cheat on you with Mr Weasley. It's not like she hasn't done it before. No more questions your honour." I looked at Ron and he smirked. The smarmy fuck.

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