Chapter 16 - Crazy Ex Girlfriends

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I woke up engulfed in Draco's bed. I felt his hard body behind me. I turned and looked at him. His blonde hair was messy and I loved it. He was insatiable last night. I lost count of how many times he made me cum. It was as if he had a point to prove and I wasn't complaining one bit. I stretched and my body ached but it felt so good. I managed to slip out of bed without disturbing him. I walked into his walk in wardrobe and grabbed a white shirt and a pair of his boxers and headed into the bathroom.

I was shocked by my appearance. My hair was all over the place, my lips were swollen, on my pulse point was a bite mark and hickies were appearing on my breasts. I turned and looked at my hips. Bruises were forming from how hard Draco held me as he fucked me. I slipped on the shirt and boxers and ran my fingers through my hair. The one thing that I noticed was my eyes were bright and sparkling. Last night was truly amazing and I couldn't wait for more.

I found ingredients to make pancakes. Draco had cooked for me twice now and it was the least I could do. I was busy flipping a pancake when I was engulfed by his body.

"Good morning love. You look better in my shirt and boxers than I do." He leaned down and kissed along my throat.

"My clothes were downstairs so I thought I would borrow some of yours." I could feel his hard cock poking my ass.

"Feel free to borrow my clothes anytime you like love but I will need them back and obviously I'll need to help take them off." I turned and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Did you not get enough last night?" I teased him. He pulled me close.

"I could never get enough of you love." He kissed me slowly, wrapping his huge arms around me.

Just then my stomach grumbled. "But first we better eat. I don't want you passing out on me." He turned and walked towards the coffee maker. His pyjama pants hanging low. I looked at his back and gasped.

"What is it love? Checking out your handy work from last night? Who knew Hermione Granger would be a scratcher." I blushed and then remembered the marks I had on my body.

"You are one to talk Mr Malfoy." I undid a few buttons so he could see his handy work and then I raised up the shirt to show him my hips.

His eyes darkened and he licked his lips. "I like seeing my marks on your skin. Hopefully after breakfast I can add a few more." He winked and went back to making the coffee.


I eventually let Hermione leave my place. She hadn't been gone long and I already missed her. I wanted to talk to her about us but I didn't want to push her. At the moment I was just happy she was letting me be part of her life. I'd just got out the shower and my phone was ringing.

"Hello love miss me already?"

"Draco I've just got back to my flat. Someone's been here my place is trashed." She sounded scared.

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll be there." I threw on a t shirt and jeans and apparated to her place.


I walked in the door of my flat. There was no sign of Crookshanks . I walked into the living room and gasped. The place had been trashed. Everything had been destroyed. I ran to the other rooms in the flat and the whole place was destroyed. I heard a noise and turned round.

"Oh Crookshanks thank Merlin you are ok." I picked him up and cuddled him. Who did this and why?

I pulled out my phone and dialled Draco's number.

"Hello love miss me already?" He said in a cocky voice.

"Draco I've just got back to my flat. Someone's been here my place is trashed." I was scared and starting to panic.

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll be there." Sure enough he apparated into my flat.

"Are you ok love? Are you hurt?" He came over looking at me checking for any signs that I might be hurt.

"No I'm ok Draco but look at this place. Who would do this?" I started to sob.


Whoever did this was going to pay. I bet it was bloody Weasley. It looked like someone had done this in a fit of rage.

"Love we need to call the police and we need to talk to an auror." She nodded.

"I'll call the police." She went into the hall and made the call.

I pulled out my phone and dialled.

"Malfoy you git what do you want?" Potter was the best person I knew to call.

"I'm at Hermione's. Her place has been trashed. Potter you need to get here now." Just as I hung up Hermione appeared.

"The police will be here as soon as they can." She jumped as Harry apparated into her flat.

"Hermione are you ok?" His eyes went wide as he took in the scene around him.

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know Harry I came home and found the place like this. Everything has been destroyed. Could Ron have done this?" Harry shook his head.

"No this wasn't Ron. He's at The Burrows and has been the last few days. Mollys been chewing his ear off. He wouldn't have had a chance to do this." Hermione sighed.

"Then who did?" Hermione sat on the edge of the sofa.

"I'm going to take a look around. I assume you've called the police?" She nodded yes.

Harry went off and started looking for any clues he could find and I went beside Hermione.

"It's ok love we will find out who did this." She gave me a small smile.

"Hermione can you come here?" We both walked into Hermione's bedroom. She had a large mirror that looked like it had been punched. Written on the mirror were the words:


She gasped. "After looking around this wasn't a muggle. This was a witch or wizard. Have you had any run ins with anyone?"

"The only two people I could have upset were Ron and Pansy." Hermione looked up at me.

"Would Pansy do this?" I'd known Pansy for a long time. She was petty and cruel but she loved to see people's reaction. This wouldn't be her style.

"I don't think so love. She gets a kick out of seeing people react and this doesn't seem to be her style." Harry and Hermione both nodded.

"Hermione you can come and stay with Ginny and I until we get this sorted out." I wrapped my arm around her possessively.

"If it's ok with you Potter I'd rather she stayed with me." Hermione sank into me.

"Maybe you can take Crookshanks for me Harry? I don't want to leave him here in case the person comes back." I looked down at her.

"Love if you are staying with me Crookshanks can come too. He's part of you." She gave me a smile and nodded.

"Right I'm going to go and once the police have been I'll come back later on." Harry gave Hermione a hug and then apparated out the flat.


After the police had gone Draco and I picked through the remains of my flat. Most things were destroyed including books I'd had for years and old photos.

I was in my room packing up some clothes and glanced at the mirror. Who on earth could have done this. The way the word was written was this about me or Draco. Just at that thought Draco walked in.

"You know this could be about you. Do you have any crazy ex girlfriends?" I laughed and notice him stiffen.

"What is it Draco? You look like you've seen a ghost." He'd turned very pale.

"Let's pack up and get out of here. I'll tell you all about her when we are back home."

"Her?" Who was this woman.

"Astoria Greengrass."

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