Chapter 37 - Five Years

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"Well that was rather odd, Malfoy seemed a bit on edge." George sat down next to me.

"Hmmm, yes - odd." That story his daughter told. It seemed familiar. My heart was aching and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"How is Angelina? She must be due to pop soon?" George laughed.

"Oh she is. I am quite glad I hid her wand. She would have hexed me a dozen times by now. It's not my fault I have super sperm and managed to get her pregnant with twins. I mean what did she expect." I laughed at George. He and Angelina got married 2 years ago and they were an amazing couple.

"Are you sure about having Fred? Especially if Angelina is so sore and due soon?" George scoffed.

"You are kidding. She loves Fred. With him around I might get a break."

"I see using our son as a distraction." George and I split custody of Fred and we worked closely together to make sure he had the best life possible.

"Fred. Come on son we need to get going." Fred came running up to George.

"Daddy I've got a story to tell you about a Princess. She was the Gryffindor Princess. Georgina told me it. I'll tell you and Angelina when we are home." I saw George's face fall for a second before he plastered a great big smile on his face again - odd.

"Sounds good to me. Now kiss your mum goodbye and let's get going."

"I love you mummy."

"I love you too my darling." I kissed him and gave him a hug. I hated when he went away but it was only for the weekend. George gave me a kiss on the cheek and the two of them walked away.

I sat in the park enjoying the afternoon sun, the sun was warm against my olive skin.  I read my book, engrossed in the story. Pride and Prejudice was one of my all time favourites. I would love to find my own Mr Darcey someday.  Being home without Fred was lonely and I would love to have someone to share my life with.

I got up off the bench and saw something shining on the ground. I bent down and picked up - a serpent pin. I think - this was from Georgina's scarf, I looked at it and started to feel dizzy. I grabbed a hold of the bench and braced myself. Images flashed before me. A tent, a green dress, blonde hair, grey eyes, kissing, love, laughter. The images went away and I rubbed my temples. What the hell was that!

I decided to go for a walk and clear my head.

I ended up on an unfamiliar street. The houses were lovely. A place were families would live. I kept walking and I stopped in front of a house. This house felt familiar to me.

Dizziness struck again and I leaned against the wall. Images flashed before me, rain, a woman, a proposal and a ring.

The dizziness passed and I started to walk up the steps to this familiar house. I knocked but there was no answer. I tried the door to find it was unlocked. I walked in. I knew this house. I'd lived here, loved here. I lived here with -


I was so full of shit. I didn't have a date. Unless a date with Potter and I don't think Ginny would appreciate me stealing her husband when she had one kid with him and another on the way. They were at it like bloody rabbits.

I stepped out the shower and ran a towel over my body and over my hair. I grabbed a white t shirt and jeans and threw them on. It was only the pub I wasn't going anywhere fancy. I didn't really dress up anyway. I didn't want unwanted attention from any female admirers.

I hadn't been with anyone since Hermione. Potter said I could go and be a monk. Bloody dickhead that one. I looked at the clock. Half an hour to go. Plenty of time to grab a drink before I headed out. I grabbed my wallet and phone and headed out my bedroom and down the stairs.

I was not prepared for what was in front of me.

"Draco? I - I remember." I stood there mouth open just looking at the beautiful creature in front of me.

"Remember? Hermione what do you remember?" She stepped closer. With the serpent pin in her opened hand.

"Us, you, me, how much I fucking love you." Tears rolled down her face.

"Y- you r - remember? You actually remember?  This better not be some sick joke. I've waited five years for this love. Five years! FIVE FUCKING YEARS HERMIONE! Every damn day hoping you would walk through that door and tell me you loved me. That you remember what we had." She bit her lip.

"I remember everything Draco. Christmas at your parents, feeling sick with nerves and also being pregnant." She stopped.

"The baby? Our baby! Draco where? Georgina? She's ours? Isn't she? Where is she?" She looked frantic.

"She's at my parents love. She's fine. She's beautiful and smart and so like you. You'll see in time."

"In time? I want to see her Draco. She's my daughter. She's MINE too." She crossed her arms glaring at me.

"You've just remembered about us. Let's just make sure this is going to be permanent before dragging her into it. Plus you'll need to tell your husband you have your memories back." I glared right back at her.

"Husband?" She looked confused.

"Yes you know, Weasley, ginger, thinks he's hilarious. George? Jeez love how can you forget." Hermione started to laugh.

"George isn't my husband. He's married to Angelina. I haven't been with anyone since you Draco." I felt the air being sucked out my lungs. She wasn't married, she hadn't been with anyone since me. Thank Merlin.

I closed the gap between us and stared down at her, into these beautiful hazel eyes of hers. I had missed those eyes so much.

"I'm going to kiss you. If you don't want me to then tell me now." She kept eye contact.

"Kiss me now Draco. I'm all yours."

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