Chapter 1 - Grunt

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Authors notes: Before reading this story please read the note below.

*PLEASE TAKE NOTE* In this story is cheating, attempted murder, sexual assault, a lot of smut and adult themes. You have been warned. I recommend 18+ for this story. Please enjoy and feel free to vote and comment.


Is this how my life was going to be? I lay on my back with Ron on top of me. He grunted loudly in my ear signalling he had finished. He lay there for a few minutes and then pulled out and rolled off me. It was always this way. Forplay was a quick fumble and then it was 5 mins of grunting and moaning from him then he was done. He'd roll over and promptly fall asleep. I looked over at the man I loved. He was fast asleep.

We never cuddled, he never asked me how I found it, he never made me cum!

We left Hogwarts last summer and moved in together. We got a lovely little flat in London, not too far from the Ministry.

I worked as right hand woman to the Minister. I got outstanding grades my last year of Hogwarts and was headhunted by Kingsley himself. I loved my job. Harry was an Auror at the Ministry so I saw him quite often. Ron did not do so well our last year, his grades weren't the best but luckily he now works with George at the joke shop.

I looked at him. He wasn't ageing very well, he had a beer belly but he didn't eat healthy and he enjoyed a few drinks.

I lay there like many times and let my fingers work their magic. I could always bring myself to climax but I never pictured Ron while doing this. I pictured a guy with an amazing body but he had no face. This faceless man was what got me going and the fact it wasn't Ron was a worrying sign. I had tried to spice things up but nothing worked. Maybe it was me. Maybe he didn't find me appealing like he used too. I rolled over and went to sleep dreaming of this faceless mystery man.

This chapter is short but they get longer and more detailed as we get through the book. Please feel free to vote and comment on any of the chapters. Claire x

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