Chapter 22 - I Am Not Ashamed

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It was the day of Ron's trial. I stood in front of the mirror in Draco's bedroom.

"You know love you don't have to go. You should stay here and rest. Mother said she would stay with you." He placed his arms around my waist his hands on my stomach protectively.

"I told you Draco, I am going. We are not having this discussion again." I walked out of his grasp as I heard him give a heavy sigh.

"I think it's best we do not go together. I've asked Potter to escort you." I turned and glared at Draco.

"Prey tell me Draco, why would I not go with you?" He shifted from side to side.

"You know why. You know what people still say about me, about my family."

I marched over to Draco.

"Look at me Draco. Do you think I give a damn what anyone thinks? We are together. I love you and you love me. I will walk into that courtroom with you with my head held high. Do you understand me? Unless - are ashamed to be seen with me?" A pang of guilt and shame ran through me. Did he not want to be seen with me.

He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

"Don't you ever think I am ashamed of you ever! I want to shout to the world that you are mine! That my seed has made the baby that you carry. Don't you ever think I am ashamed of you Hermione. Ever!" He crushed his mouth to mine.

"If you two are quite finished can we go?" I heard Harry shout from downstairs.

"Fucking Potter" I laughed as Draco and I made are way downstairs.


We apparated near the Ministry. Harry walked on one side of Hermione and I walked on the other. Outside the entrance was reporters. Fucking vultures.

"It's her, with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?"
Potter walked in front of Hermione and I guided her with my hand behind her back.

"Miss Granger is it true Mr Weasley tried to rape you?"

"Mr Potter what do you have to say about it?"

"Miss Granger why is Mr Malfoy here? Are you two together?"

Questions were fired at all of us. We made it through the door and Hermione let out a shuddering breath.

"You did well love." We made our way to the courtroom. If Ron pleaded not guilty Harry and I would be giving evidence today. Harry would be up first.

I sat beside Hermione as we were waiting for proceedings to start. Rita Skeeter was in the courtroom. She was waiting with baited breath. I hated that woman. She didn't care who she hurt as long as she got her story.

Kingsley came in and took his place. He was the chief warlock of the Wizengamot.

Ron walked onto the stand. He stared at Hermione and she gasped.


Walking into the courtroom was surreal. I'd been here many times but not about myself. I saw Arthur sitting. His expression was tight. He usually looked so warm and friendly but his body language screamed tension. Charlie and Bill sat either side of him both looking into the distance. When Fred died it hit all of them. I couldn't imagine what they were going through now. I looked away and in my eye line was Rita Skeeter, I hated that bitch. Not only was her writing deplorable she had a habit of not sticking to the truth.

Kingsley came in and took his place. Then Ron walked in and I gasped. His once bright orange hair was lank and dirty. The once beautiful blue eyes I once loved to stare in to were sunken in. He looked around the room, his eyes landed on me and he gave me a smirk. Fucking bastard.

"Are you ok love?" Draco whispered into my ear. I nodded my head but didn't break eye contact with Ron.

"This court is now in session." Kingsley continued to talk but it was just a muffled noise as Ron and I continued to stare each other out.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley you are charged with the attempted rape of Hermione Jean Granger. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty" he smiled at me as he said it.

"Very well. Court will adjourn and reconvene in an hour." Ron smirked as he was led away.

I exited the courtroom and sprinted to the bathroom. The contents of my stomach filling the toilet bowl. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my mouth.

I stumbled out the cubicle and splashed some water on my face.

"What wrong golden girl? Not feeling unwell are we?" I looked in the mirror to see Pansy.

"What are you doing here Pansy?" She smirked.

"Free country Granger." I glared at her.

She walked up to my ear. "I've waited a long time to watch the golden trio get ripped apart." She grabbed my face, her over polished red nails digging into my skin.

"I look forward to seeing you fall off that high and mighty perch of yours." She let go of my face, reapplied her lipstick blew me a kiss in the mirror and walked out. My heart hammered in my chest.

I look forward to seeing you fall off that high and mighty perch of yours echoing in my ears.

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