Chapter 25 - Mudblood Bitch

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I walked up to the stand. It was my day in court and I was nervous and had already failed to keep anything down. I looked over to Draco and Harry both giving me reassuring smiles.

"Miss Granger, can you please tell us about the 31st of December?" I took in a calming breath.

"Draco and I arrived at Mr and Mrs Weasley's, we had been talking to Harry and Ginny and I excused myself to use the bathroom, as I was walking down the hallway I was yanked into a room. I turned to see Ron. He was angry that I had come to the party with Draco. Mrs Weasley had invited us both. He raged on about how I should have thought about his feelings, how if Draco and I had children they would take the dark mark like their father. How I should take the dark mark to cover my mudblood scar." There was a gasp from the crowd.

"He had me backed into a corner. I got angry and punched him. He was furious. Said I needed to be taught a lesson, that I was his. He threw me against the wall and I felt a pain radiate through my body." I took in another breath. My throat felt tight and raw.

"He put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. He - he started ripping my clothes. He told me this was my fault. If I'd just been a good girl this wouldn't have happened." I looked up at Ron.

"This wasn't my fault." No emotion passed over Ron's face.

"What happened next Miss Granger?"

"Ron's hand was on my thigh, and then in my underwear. He - he was annoyed that I wasn't wet for him." I heard a noise and looked at Draco. His jaw was tight and his grey eyes were a blaze.

"He fumbled with his belt and trousers trying to get them down. He said I was going to love it that I just needed to be reminded how much I loved his cock." I steadied myself.

"He was too drunk to get his trousers and underwear down. He grew frustrated. He took out his wand away to cast a spell. Then the door opened and Draco, Harry and Ginny found us." I took another breath.

"Thank you Miss Granger. I have already shown your honour and the rest of the court officials the memories from that night that Miss Granger supplied us as evidence." There was a mumble in the court. I was glad the memories would not be shown to the full court.

Ron's lawyer walked over to me.

"Miss Granger. I've seen your memories. Very convincing I must say. It's a shame it's all lies isn't it Miss Granger?" I stared at him and then looked at Ron.

"Objection your honour. Miss Grangers memories were tested and found to be true and untampered with." Ron's lawyers jaw ticked. He was pissed. He sighed.

"Maybe we should use veritaserum potion. Miss Granger? Would you consent to that?"

"No I wouldn't." Ron's lawyer smirked.

"Why not Miss Granger? Is it because this is all lies and the fact is you wanted Mr Weasley? You wanted to have sex with him didn't you? He's innocent isn't he?" My nails dug into the palms of my hands.

"I do not want him. He makes my skin crawl, I once loved him more than anything but now I just pity him." I looked at Ron

"The reason I can't take the veritaserum potion is because I am pregnant." Another gasp from the crowd.

"Who's baby are you pregnant with Miss Granger?" Ron's lawyer was still smirking.

"I am pregnant with Draco Malfoy's baby." His smirk vanished.

Another gasp.

"You fucking mudblood bitch! I can't believe I touched you. I wish I'd known you were pregnant I would have made sure you lost his baby." Ron raged from across the court.

"Mr Weasley. You will stop now. I will not have you using language like that in my court. Court is adjourned and will reconvene when a decision has been made." Ron was dragged away still shouting and screaming about how he wanted to kill my unborn child.


"I am pregnant with Draco Malfoy's baby." She said it. I can't believe she just admitted that.

Another gasp.

"You fucking mudblood bitch! I can't believe I touched you. I wish I'd known you were pregnant. I would have made sure you lost his baby." I stared at Ron as he spouted hate and threats at Hermione and my unborn child. I dug into my pocket to grab my wand.

"Mr Weasley. You will stop now. I will not have you using language like that in my court. Court is adjourned and will reconvene when a decision has been made." Ron was dragged away. Just as well as I was going to curse his ass.

"Let go of your wand Draco. You'll be no good to Hermione if you end up in Azkaban." God damn Potter was right. Fucking Potter.

I walked over to Hermione. She looked exhausted.

"You could have warned me about coming clean about you having my baby. I needed to let the other women know I was no longer available." I smirked at her as her eyes shot daggers.

"I'll have you know Draco. I did it as I knew it would provoke Ron." I felt a stab to my heart. She only told people to provoke Ron.

"Plus I had to let all the Pansy's of the world know to keep their hands to themselves." She smirked back at me.

"There's only one woman I want touching me and she's a fiery little witch." I kissed her and saw a flash.

"This will make a lovely photo for tomorrow's Prophit." Rita Skeeter chirped.

"Come on love let's get out of here." I grabbed Hermione's hand.

We were just away to walk through the doors.

"Court is back in session." Hermione looked at me.

"That was really fast." I hoped that asshole wasn't going to get away with what he did or I would be taking the law into my own hands.

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