Chapter 39 - All My Fault

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I was sitting in a bed at St Mungo's. I'd been prodded and scanned and was awaiting my results. Draco sat on the seat beside me and his leg was bouncing up and down. I could tell he was nervous and if I was honest so way I.

"Honestly you would think they'd have all the information they need now can they not just hurry it up." Draco grumbled.

"They have other patients not just me you know." He scowled and huffed. He reminded me so much of Draco from school when he did that.

The doors swung open and in walked the mediwizard.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Miss Granger. We were just discussing your case."

"And?" Draco snapped. I shot him a look.

"Maybe I should talk to Miss Granger alone."

"Not bloody likely -"

"I'm sorry ignore him. He'll be quiet from now on." I gave Draco a pointed look. The mediwizard looked nervously back and forth between us.

"We found something on your scan. A mass. In your brain." I sucked in a breath and Draco hand tightened in mine.

"What do you mean a mass?" Draco looked accusingly at the mediwizard.

"From what we can tell Miss Granger was hexed. Looking through her notes it - it could have been while she was held captive. We - we believe she was hexed and that's why she had lost her memories." I was hexed. Astoria hexed me.

"What- what will happen to me?"

"Can you take the hex away from her?"

The mediwizard looked at both of us.

"The hex is fairly advanced. We think that when you got your memories back it unshielded the mass."

"So you can take the mass out? You can take it out right?" Draco looked franticly at the mediwizard.

"I'm sorry but we can't. It's in the centre of the brain. To remove it would kill - you." I felt like all the air had been sucked out my lungs.

"How - how long - how long do I have?" A tear ran down my face.

"We - by how big it is now. How long it's taken to get the size it is. We think ten years."

"Ten years, ten years!! So you are telling me that the woman I love has ten years- left?"

"I'm sorry Mr Malfoy but yes."

"How did you not know she was hexed? How the fuck was this missed?" Draco was rising and I tugged him to sit back down.

"We don't have equipment to tell us if someone is hexed. Some hexes are easier to spot than others. I'm - I'm sorry Miss Granger. We can give you potions for pain, nausea and to keep you comfortable in the later stages." I could feel the anger vibrating off of Draco.

"I'll leave you two to talk. If you need anything please ask a healer to come and get me." The mediwizard walked out.

"I - I'm going to die." My heart broke. I didn't want to die. I wanted to grow old with Draco. Watch Georgina and Fred grow up and get married and have kids.

"You aren't dying. We'll get other opinions. I'll take you to the best hospitals there is. We will find someone who can help you Hermione. I don't care if we have to see every mediwizard in the world." I stared at this man before me. I loved him so much but I knew, I knew this was it. This was how our story was meant to be.

"No Draco." He stopped and stared at me.

"What? What do you mean no? Hermione you are going to die?" He ran his hands through his hair.

"I don't want to go all around the world looking for other opinions. You and I both know St Mungo's is the best. No I want to spend my time with you, my babies and our family and friends. If I only have 10 years I want to do everything and anything I've ever wanted. I want to have a life. If you can't handle that then we can sort something out with Gerorgina -"

"I AM NOT LEAVING YOU!" I jumped and looked at Draco. His grey eyes were full of tears. He came and sat on my bed and cupped my face.

"I'll be there for you love. We will do all the things you want and more. But first." He went into his pocket and retrieved my ring.

"I think we should get married. I want to be your husband and you to be my wife.  If you'll have me." He slid the ring on my finger.

"I'd love nothing more than to be your wife Draco." We kissed, hugged and cried.


I apparated into my parents home. I left Hermione at her place. She was getting Fred back and wanted time to process everything. I was broken.

"Daddy! You are here!" Georgina ran up to me and I picked her up.

"Did you miss me darling? Did you have fun at Grandma and Granpa's?" With that my mother came into the hall. My mother looking at me with concern.

"Georgina darling why don't you go and do a drawing for daddy in your room. I need to speak to daddy for a minute." I put Georgina down and she skipped away to her room.

"Come Draco." I followed mother into the living room.

"Draco my boy - what's - what's wrong son?" My father stood up.

"You both need to sit down. I have news about Hermione." My parents looked at each other and sat down, my mother sitting beside me.

"Is she ok?" My mother loved Hermione so much.

"She has her memories back."

"Son that is wonderful news -"

"We took her to St - St Mungo's today." My throat felt raw. My mother took my hand in hers.

"There's a mass in her brain." My fathers eyes widened and my mother sucked in a quick breath.

"They - they think A-Astoria hexed her. There's - there's nothing they can do." Tears we're running down my face.

"She's - she's going to die." I stood up and paced the room tugging at my hair.

"She's going to die and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. I should have found her quicker. I should have done more. I - it's all my fault." I crumpled to the floor, broken, shattered. The waves of grief crashing right through me. My mother rushed over and crumpled to the floor beside me taking me in her arms like she would when I was a small child and had hurt myself.

"Oh my darling boy. My darling darling boy. I am so sorry."

A shadow loomed over us and my father knelt down on the floor beside us both.

"We will get her seen by the best, do not give up hope son." My father had tears running down his face.

"She - she doesn't want that. They given her 10 years. She wants to spend that doing all the things she could ever want to do. She doesn't want to waste time with more appointments and hospitals." I looked at both my parents now. Both with tears running down their faces. They truly did love Hermione as much as I did.

"Well we'll make sure she has the best life anyone has ever had."

Be right back just away to cry into my coffee. Claire

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