Chapter 6 - You are safe

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I was started awake by screaming, it took me a moment to realise. Hermione!

"No please no. I don't know where it is. I promise please no please. Leave me alone." Someone was hurting Hermione. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my wand and ran into her bedroom. There was no one there. She was thrashing about in the bed, covered in a thick layer of sweat.

"No please please I don't know." Then she let out this ear piercing scream. I've heard that scream before and to this day it still haunts me. I climbed into her bed. Hermione started awake. Tears streaming down her face. I moved her hair back off her face.

"It's ok love it was just a nightmare. You are ok. You are safe I promise you." She looked at me fat tears rolling down her face. Even crying she was still the most beautiful woman I had seen.

"It's ok Hermione she can't hurt you ever again." I wrapped myself around her and stroked her hair.

"It's ok love I'll keep you safe. Go back to sleep. You are safe I promise." She cuddled into me. She felt so small and fragile compared to me but she wasn't fragile at all she was so strong and brave.

My arm rested on hers and I saw the scar of mudblood on her arm and the dark mark on mine both reminders of our past, both reminders of what an awful person I was. I inhaled her apple scent and drifted off to sleep taking comfort in the fact for tonight at least I can be the person she needs me to be.


I woke up and felt a warm strong body against mine. I rolled over and saw Draco.

It all came flooding back. The kiss, me freaking out and then the nightmare. I still had nightmares about that time in Malfoy Manor when Bellatrix tortured me. I still had the scar from where she carved mudblood into my arm.

I looked over at Draco. Even asleep he was beautiful, he looked so peaceful. He came and comforted me last night I remember him telling me I was safe with him. Whenever I had one of my nightmares Ron would just roll over and go back to sleep now. He never comforted me anymore.

I looked at Draco and saw his arm. His dark mark still very much there. A permanent reminder of his past. He never chose that life he was forced into it. We were all just kids then. Kids that had to grow up too quickly.

I looked up at Draco's face. His nose was slightly crooked. I wonder if that's after I punched him that one time at school. He deserved it he was a right asshole. His hair was all over the place and there was a stray lock hanging over his face. Before I knew what I was doing I was moving it out his face. His eyes shot open.

"Good Morning love. Are you ok? You gave me a right scare last night." I pulled my hand away quickly as if his touch had burnt me.

"Yes I am good, thank you. Sorry about last night. I still have nightmares every so often." I felt my cheeks flush pink in embarrassment.

"Hermione look at me. There's no reason to be embarrassed. What happened to you was awful. I just wished I was man enough to stop her from hurting you. I'll never forgive myself for not doing anything." I looked at Draco he was being honest and open with me.

"Draco she would have killed you. She was crazy, there's no way you could have stopped her. There's nothing to forgive Draco. You didn't do anything wrong." I gave him a small smile.

I then realised he was shirtless. Wow he has muscles for days and abs too. I saw scars all over his chest, Harry didn't lie when he said he'd made a mess of Draco with that spell from Snape's potions book.

"Hey love my eyes are up here you know. Thanks to Potter I don't walk around shirtless much anymore." Even with his scars he was still beautiful.

"Yes right sorry I didn't mean to stare." With that Draco got out my bed and walked over to the entrance. Thank Merlin he had bottoms on.

"You stare all you want love." He then shot me a wink and was gone. I fell back onto my bed my heart hammering away in my chest.


We apparated to Northern Ireland. It was beautiful but something told me The Cabrach had won.

"Well what do we think Granger? Here or The Cabrach?" She twirled round and looked at me.

"I think Scotland has won my heart." I couldn't have agreed more.

We apparated back to my office it was Saturday afternoon so the Ministry was pretty empty. It was a bit awkward between Hermione and I.

"Thank you for yesterday and today. I am sure Kingsley will be excited to hear where we have picked for the next Quiditch World Cup of course he'll want to see the site for himself. I'll get a meeting set up on Monday and then we can get things sorted out with the other countries. I think it's going to be a great one." She was so excited I could see it in her eyes.

"Mmmmm yes. I suppose you'll be off home now." She looked at me. I could see guilt and remorse flash across her face.

"Eh yes I had better get going. I did tell Ron I would be back today." She came up and kissed me on the cheek, if I'd just turned my head slightly it would have been my lips on hers but I didn't, it wasn't fair to put her in that position.

"Thank you again Draco." She picked up her bag and walked out my office. Not only with her bag but also with my heart.


I arrived back home and was greeted by Crookshanks.

"Awwww did you miss me? I missed you too." I scratched behind his ears he loved that.

"Mione is that you?" I heard Ron shout from the living room. I walked in to find him sprawled on the couch. Empty bottles and pizza boxes, his T-shirt covered in stains and his belly hanging out. I instantly felt repulsed.

"Did you have a good time? Find the perfect place?" He didn't even bother looking away from the TV.

"Yes we did. It's a lovely spot and not many muggles so should be perfect. I see you've been busy. Are you going to tidy this up?" I wasn't a neat freak but it bugged me when Ron left stuff lying about.

"Mionie come on I've been busy working. I'll tidy it up later." I knew he wouldn't tidy it. I would end up doing it. Sometimes I felt like he treated me like his mother and I'd had enough.

"I want it tidied now Ron. I've been working away the last two days and want to come home to a clean place not having takeout and beer bottles all over the place. I'm going for a shower." Ron looked at me shocked. The fact I had finally put my foot down.

"I could join you in the shower and tidy this afterwards. Show you how much I've missed you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. The thought of him touching my body made me feel disgusting.

"Not this time Ron. Maybe next time." I turned and marched into the bathroom before he could say anything.

I switched on the shower and walked in the hot water cascading down my body. I couldn't help but think of the last couple of days.

I started to wash myself and couldn't help thinking of Draco. As my hands ran over my breasts I fantasied that they were Draco's big hands. That he was standing behind me. It was him playing with my nipples and massaging my breasts.

"Mmmmm so perfect Granger they fit so nicely in my hands. I can't wait to suck and bite them." He whispered in my ear.

His hands running down my navel. Dipping into my sex. His large fingers rubbing my clit. "So wet for me Granger. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my fingers. To feel you tighten around me as I pump my fingers into you. You'd like that wouldn't you? You'd like me to fuck you with my fingers."

My fingers were pumping in and out of my sex and I could feel myself getting close.

"Such a good girl Granger. Now don't make a noise. We don't want you to be heard do we."

My legs were shaking. I was so so close. I muffled my moans as I came.

"Such a good girl Granger." Even in my fantasises I loved when he praised me.

I finished my shower and got out. Ron was in the living room watching tv so I went to our room and got ready for bed. I was asleep before he even got to bed.

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