Chapter 4 - Dinner for Two

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It was late when I got home. Ron was asleep already. He was snoring away and had some drool coming out his mouth. I climbed into bed. I couldn't believe the day I had. After lunch Draco and I went back to the Ministry and parted ways. I spent the next few hours throwing myself into work trying to forget what he said to me. Did I moan like that for Ron? No I didn't because he never gave me a reason too. I needed some release after my day. I lay there and thought of my faceless man. I was just about to cum and the faceless man was no longer faceless it was now Draco Malfoy. I climaxed thinking of him fucking me and felt shame and despair washing over me. I needed to get Draco out my head and quickly.

The next few days passed quickly. Draco and I had arranged to apparate to a few locations on Friday afternoon. I received an owl telling me to pack an overnight bag as we would be staying in one of the locations before attending more then next day. I was apprehensive about spending time away with Draco. Every night I had dreamt about him and the things he would do to my body would have me waking up in a cold sweat and with soaking wet panties.

"Ron remember I won't be home until tomorrow night I've got a work thing to do. Scouting locations for the Quidditch World Cup." Ron came behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll miss you Mionie. Will you miss me?" I could feel his cock stabbing into me and I knew what he was after.

"Of course I'll miss you Ron." I turned and gave him a sweet smile.

"Let's have a quickie before you go Mionie. Give me something to think about while you are away. You know you want too." He was rubbing himself against me and the idea of having sex with him was very unappealing.

"We can't Ron, we have to go to work. I'll make it up to you when I get home ok?" I leaned over and gave him a kiss. He went and sat on the sofa sulking like a child that had just been told no.

"Ok Mionie I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"Love you too."

I didn't need to be at the Ministry this early but I didn't want to stay at home either. So I decided to come in and busy myself with work until 3 then I would go to Draco's office.

3 o'clock was almost here and I was so nervous. I picked up my bag and walked to Draco's office. I knocked on his door.

"Come in Granger. I know it's you."


I knew it was her by the knock and she was bang on time. She was such a perfectionist was Hermione.

"Come in Granger. I know it's you." She walked into my office and she took my breath away. She had on climbing boots, skinny jeans that hugged her legs and a ski jacket. A backpack was slung over her shoulder and her hair was in a French pleat. I'd love to pull that as I was slamming into her from behind. I had to stop thinking like this. She had a boyfriend even if it was bloody Weasley. I knew going away with her was a bad idea but I wanted to prove to myself I could behave even though I really didn't want too.

"Malfoy are you ready to go?" She had a smirk on her face. She'd obviously noticed I was checking her out.

"Yes I thought we would apparate to Wales then up to Scotland to stay the night and then over to Northern Ireland tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect." I picked up my backpack and walked over to her.

"Ready? I held out my hand. She looked at it warily and then took my hand. It felt like a bolt of electricity ran up my arm and I heard her gasp before we apparated to Wales.

We landed in some random field surrounded by sheep. It was pouring and we were instantly soaked. I used my wand quickly to act as umbrella.

"Welcome to Wales" she laughed.

We walked around for a bit checking out the site.

"I don't think this one is any good. You can see a local town or village over there and let's face it the weather isn't exactly great either." I had to agree with her.

"Right come on let's go to Scotland then." Again I held out my hand and felt the spark as she took it.

We landed in Scotland in the Cairngorms. I'd got a tent set up before our arrival. Hermione's teeth were chattering.

"Come on in here love and we can dry off and then look at the site."

I directed Hermione in to the tent and she walked in and gasped.

"Wow this is amazing Draco." She starred in wonder. It looked like a 2 person tent on the outside but inside it was bigger than most people's flats. It had 2 bedrooms, living area, kitchen with dining space and a bathroom. It was decorated in greys and greens.

"My parents used it a lot after the war until they settled down and then I decided to use it for going away on weekends. I like being outdoors but I do like having a comfy bed at night. The bedroom over there is yours."

"Thank you Draco I'll go and get changed now." I couldn't help but watch her. The way she moved and her curves drove me wild. She took off her jacket and hung it on a chair. She was just wearing a thin blouse underneath her jacket no wonder she was cold.

I could make out her getting changed through the curtain. I watched as she took off her jeans and blouse and had to stop myself from going into her room. I turned away and got changed myself.

20 mins later she was ready. She came out in a black pair of skinny jeans and a deep green jumper.

"Green Granger. Always knew there was a bit of Slytherin in you." I winked at her and she blushed.

"What can I say I like green Malfoy. You and your Slytherin friends don't own the colour. Now come on let's go and explore."


I'd purposely got this jumper for our trip. I don't know why but it made me giddy seeing Draco looking at me approvingly as I wore the shade of green that was such a big part of his life.

I looked at Draco he had on jeans and boots. I've never seen Draco in jeans. He turned to walk out and his ass looked amazing.

"Coming Granger?" He was smirking at me. I had been busted.

"So where exactly are we?" This place was beautiful. The sun was shining so it was already better than Wales.

"We are in the Cairngorms, The Cabrach to be exact. It's mainly unpopulated so there wouldn't be many muggles going around."

"It's beautiful, so peaceful. So far this place is in the running. How did you know about here?"

"I came here with my mother and father after the war. We went to a few different places. We weren't very popular after what I did for Harry." Draco looked sad.

"Do you regret it? Helping Harry?" It came as a shock to us all what Draco did for Harry that day but he gained a lot of respect for it.

"No not at all. I didn't agree with that way of life. I would do it again." He looked off into the distance.

"Come on Granger let's get inside it's getting cold now and I don't know about you but I need some food."

I sat and watched Draco moving around the kitchen. Who knew Draco Malfoy could cook. He looked amazing in his black jeans and white t-shirt. He had a towel over his shoulder and was busy chopping and tasting.

"Are you sure you don't want any help?" He turned to look at me.

"You can open a bottle of wine and get ready for a feast."

He wasn't kidding there was bruschetta, caprese salad and pasta carbonara. It looked and smelt amazing.

"Draco this looks amazing. Who knew you could cook." Draco actually blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well it's just a little something. Wait and see how it tastes first." I took a mouthful and it tasted amazing.

"Mmmmm Draco this is amazing. Better than sex." Oh god what did I say. It slipped out before I even knew what I had said.

"Well Granger you must be having very shit sex then." I giggled and kept eating.

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