Chapter 31 - Hold On

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I woke in the dark. The ground was hard and cold. This place felt dark, empty and dangerous.

The baby kicked and I felt relief wash over me.

The door to what I assume was a dungeon opened and light streamed in. It hurt my eyes, blinding me.

"Your awake. I'm so glad. I hoped I hadn't hurt you, well the baby. Thank goodness." That voice. I didn't recognise it.

"I can't have my baby being hurt now. Draco would never forgive me." I looked up at the woman now in front of me.

Astoria Greengrass.

"Come now. I have a room for you." I stood up and wobbled. My head was throbbing. I made my way up the stairs and into a large foyer. Malfoy Manor. I was in Malfoy Manor. I hadn't been here since that horrible time all those years ago. It hadn't changed since that day.

"I've been here for a few weeks now. The perfect place to stay while I got everything in order. Come come." We made our way upstairs. I felt bile rising in my throat. Astoria was here. She talked about my baby like it was hers.

"How did you? Why? How are you here?" My head was still pounding.

"Viktor Krum helped me escape, he comes off a simple kind of man but he's ruthless and cunning." She opened a door and I gasped.

"He's also very dead." She smiled triumphantly. I held on to the doorframe to steady myself.

"Why?" Viktor was dead. My stomach heaved.

"Why? You've heard what he had done to women? Torture, rape, obliviate. Well he did it to my sister." I gasped. I had known Daphne at school. We shared some classes together.

"But back then he hadn't really mastered the charm as well as he does now, or should that be did. She remembered bits, my sister. She took her own life because of him. I made sure he knew exactly who I was and what he had done. I've had him here for a few weeks but then once I had you I didn't have time for him anymore so I killed him. He was easy to manipulate. He wanted you. I of course said he could have his little play thing after I had my baby. Just be thankful he is dead, I am sure he would have made your life a living hell." She flicked her wand and the door closed.

"This will be your room. Once you've had my baby I'll kill you and then Draco and I will be a family." She smirked and walked out the room. The door closed and locked. I was trapped. No wand, no phone, no way to get out. Just myself and our baby. I dropped to the floor and wept.


Two weeks, two weeks they'd been gone. I'd searched high and low for her. I even took a trip to Australia to see if she had gone to visit her parents. Nothing.

"Where would Astoria go?" I'd checked all her usual places, her mother's house. Even with old friends from Hogwarts no one had seen her.

"I've checked with family and friends Potter. No one has seen or heard from Astoria. She's vanished too." There was a crack and Pippy my house elf appeared.

"Master Draco, Pippy went to Malfoy Manor. Pippy heard voices. Shouting and screaming. Pippy did not know what to do so Pippy came to tell Master Draco." I looked at Potter.

"She's taken Hermione to Malfoy Manor! Of course she would. I never even thought. We need to go. Now." I am coming for you love.


I woke up with an ache in my stomach. Cramping.

"Oh please, please don't come now." I made my way to the bathroom, liquid splashed on the tiled floor. My waters had broken. The baby was coming. I needed to get out now.

I heard the door unlock and made my way back to bed.

"How is my baby today? Soon I'll have my baby and Draco and I will be together again." This bitch was truly deranged.

"Astoria, this baby isn't yours. It's mine and Draco's." Astoria glared at me.

"You stole MY baby. That baby is mine. Draco doesn't love you. He's always loved me. He is mine and that baby is mine." I grimaced in pain.

"You are sore let me get you a potion." She wondered into the bathroom and came back out again a manic smile spreading across her face.

"Your waters have broken. Why didn't you tell me? Now I can get that baby out and be with my love once again." She stepped towards me.

"Don't you dare touch my baby. The baby is mine Astoria. You can't have it." She flicked her wand and my body became strapped to the bed.

"I'll be back." She walked out the room and dread coursed through my body.

I felt like hours had passed. The contractions were stronger and more frequent.

"Right I've had enough of waiting. I'll get this baby out myself." Something metal caught my eye. A knife. She was going to cut my baby out of me.

"Please Astoria. Please you can't do this. I'll die. You could kill the baby." She smiled down at me.

"You dying was always the plan. I can't have Draco's whore alive. He needs me and only me. A family of three." The knife sliced along my stomach. The pain excruciating, I screamed. It was like hundreds of knives were slicing my skin, so much blood, so much pain and then everything went black. 


Potter and I apparated into the Manor. I hadn't been here since before the war ended. It reaked of death and evil.

A scream. A loud scream came from an upstairs bedroom. Potter and I legged it up the stairs.

"Potter wait here out of sight until I say so. If Astoria has Hermione she might hurt her if she sees you and I together but she's not likely too if it's just me."

I walked into the room, my eye widened as I took in the scene. Blood. So much blood. Hermione lay on the bed. Her stomach sliced open. She'd passed out. I had to stop myself from throwing up. From running to her. Hold on Hermione. Just hold on.

"Draco, Draco I knew you would come for us." Astoria stood with my baby swaddled in a blanket.

"She beautiful Draco. She has your eyes, she's the perfect blend of us Draco. We'll call her Daphne after my sister." She cooed at the baby and I had to stop myself from throwing the killing curse at her.

"Astoria, what - what have you done?" I needed to get the baby away from her.

"What do you mean? I've given us a family Draco. We can be together again. You, me and our baby. How it was always supposed to be. I know you never loved the mudblood girl. You are Draco Lucius Malfoy. You deserve, no need a Pureblood witch at your side. We are one of the same Draco." Bile was rising in my throat.

"You are right Astoria. I do deserve a pure witch at my side. Why not put the baby down and come here so I can kiss you. Love you. How I've missed you." Astoria hesitantly put the baby down and walked towards me.

"Draco you don't-"

"Avada Kedavra" green light shot out my wand and struck her in the chest. I watched the light leave her eyes and her body hit the floor.

"Draco what have you done?" Potter rushed in the room.

"Potter we don't have time. Take the baby. Go to St Mungo's and get healers and mediwizards now." Potter picked up the baby and disappeared.

"Hermione, Hermione please please hold on." I felt for a pulse. It was weak but there.

"Get out the way Mr Malfoy." The room filled with witches and wizards and I saw a blonde head. Luna.

"Come Draco. They'll take her to St Mungo's." Luna and I apparated to St Mungo's where I waited for what felt like an eternity.

Luna appeared several hours later.

"I'm so sorry Draco. She didn't make it. She's lost too much blood. The baby, the baby also didn't survive. I'm so sorrry Draco." My whole world came crashing down around me. I'd lost them both.

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