Chapter 13 - Spank Me Harder

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1 Month Later

After everything that happened with Hermione that day I went and spoke to Kingsley and told him of my idea about visiting the other countries and teams taking part in the Quiditch World Cup. He thought it was an excellent idea. I walked into the Ministry. I hadn't seen or spoken to Hermione since that day. I was rushing to get to a meeting with Kingsley. I knocked on his door.

"Come in Draco." I walked in and was engulfed in her apple scent. I saw her sitting on one of the seats in front of Kingsley's desk.

"Good morning Minister, Hermione." I took the seat beside her. She gave a small good morning but didn't look at me. The bloody ring was staring at me, taunting me.

"Draco how did you get on? I heard you were quite a hit." I cleared my throat.

"Yes Minister I've managed to get everyone on board. Some took more persuading than others but we got there in the end. Nothing a few fire whiskeys couldn't sort out." We hadn't had a Quiditch World Cup since the year Cedric Diggory died. Naturally some countries were a bit hesitant to start it all up again. 

"Good man. Good man. Hermione are all the permits in place for The Cabrach?" Hermione looked up from her lap.

"Yes Minister everything is all set in place. I've also got Harry and some of the Aurors to go and check out the surrounding area and to make sure we can keep muggles out the area while it's on."

"Excellent Hermione. What am I going to do without you?" Without her?? Where was she going?

"I am sure you'll manage a couple of weeks without me Minister." I was looking between the two of them. Kingsley must have seen my confusion.

"Oh of course Draco you won't know Hermione is getting married this week." I felt her stiffen beside me. Married. This. Week. I felt as if someone had just thrown an ice bath over me.

"I for one look forward to marrying you and Ron.  I couldn't be happier for you both." What the actual fuck.

"Thank you again Minister. I know it was short notice but Ron didn't see the point in waiting." Of course that Weasley twat would be the one to hurry this marriage along.

"If you'll both excuse me I have a dress fitting this afternoon and still have some work to finish off before I leave." She stood up and it was then that I noticed how thin she was. She wasn't big anyway but she'd lost quite a lot of weight since the last time I saw her. She walked out Kingsley's office and I wanted to follow her.


I made it to my office before I broke down. Ron had demanded we set a date for as soon as possible. I would rather have had a long engagement but he said we were getting married as soon as possible. Molly was delighted. She thinks I'm pregnant. Thank Merlin I'm on every birth control possible. I couldn't look at Draco. My heart ached every time I thought of him. It was a little easier when he was away. But he still plagued my dreams most nights.

I finished up my work and made sure my stand in got all the relevant paperwork.

My dress fitting went well. I decided to go just myself this time. As I left I decided to go for a walk through Diagon Alley. It had flourished after the war. I wasn't paying attention and walked into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going- ."

"Hermione darling." I looked up into the eyes of Draco's Mother Narcissa.

"Mrs Malfoy how are you?" I tried plastering a fake smile on my face. Draco has his mother's bone structure but his eyes and blonde hair were thanks to his father.

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